Mandalore the First, a Taung warrior, achieved the conquest of a planet, subsequently bestowing upon it his own name. He and his Taung adherents initially hailed from Coruscant, later establishing a settlement on Roon. Under Mandalore's governance, the Taung subdued the untamed terrain of the newly named planet, while simultaneously eradicating the colossal Mythosaurs that had previously inhabited the world.
Legend has it that, around 7000 BBY, he established the Mandalorian Crusaders on Mandalore, although Mandalore the Conqueror actually led the Crusaders first. Mandalore the First holds the distinction of being the initial known individual to don a ceremonial mask, fashioned from the hardened bone of a mythosaur's sternum, extracted from the heart of the vanquished beast, and crafted to resemble the facial characteristics of the Taung species. Furthermore, he pioneered the use of the title Mand'alor. With the expansion of his renown and accomplishments, Mandalore's mask evolved into the emblem of his authority and command for all Mandalorians.