Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War Issue #1 represents the inaugural installment of the Star Wars Legends comic book series titled Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Sith War. Kevin J. Anderson served as the writer, Dario Carrasco, Jr. provided the illustrations, and Dark Horse Comics initially released it on August 15, 1995.
The narrative unfolds six months following the events detailed in Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 6, presenting the story "Edge of the Whirlwind," where Mandalore the Indomitable challenges the corrupted Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma to a duel.
This debut issue launches the action-packed sequel to the highly successful Dark Lords of the Sith saga. The story resumes six months later, with Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma executing their devious strategy to restore the Golden Age of the Sith. Kun is imparting his dark side teachings to Jedi pupils on Ossus, but his primary objective is to obtain a potent Sith Holocron from its secure location in the great library of Ossus. Ulic is dedicated to developing the dark side's military strategy, and a crucial element of this is gaining the allegiance of the fierce warrior race led by a masked figure known as Mandalore.
Under the leadership of Mandalore the Indomitable, the Mandalorians initiate warfare against the Empress Teta system. Aboard Basilisk war droids, Mandalorian soldiers assault a Tetan orbital carbonite processing facility. Deploying an atomic compression bomb, they render the facility inoperable, causing its descent and impact on a planetary city.
Viewing the Mandalorian incursion as an impediment to his overarching scheme, Ulic Qel-Droma, the Sith apprentice, engages in negotiations with Mandalore, who proposes a duel. Ulic agrees to Mandalore's challenge, stipulating that victory will grant him command of the Mandalorian forces.
Concurrently, Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, visits the Gardens of T'alla on Ossus, where he meets with several Jedi trainees. He asserts that he has discovered long-forgotten Jedi secrets and abilities, offering to share them with others. Oss Wilum, a Jedi Knight, is concerned that Kun is asking them to abandon their masters and accept him as their teacher, while Crado reminds Kun that Master Vodo-Siosk Baas has not yet declared Kun a master.
Kun contends that the Jedi Masters are wary of his teachings and criticizes the deceased Master Arca Jeth for failing to contain Sith magic. Zona Luka, a student, concurs with Kun, but Cay Qel-Droma retorts that Master Arca sacrificed his own life to protect other Jedi. When Wilum mentions the fallen Jedi spirit of Freedon Nadd, Kun claims that he hunted down and vanquished Nadd's spirit without the help of Arca. As proof, Kun displays his Jedi amulet and invites the other Jedi to join him in learning ancient Jedi secrets.
Ulic confronts Mandalore the Indomitable on Kuar, engaging in a duel atop two dilapidated towers suspended by chains. Ulic employs his lightsaber, while Mandalore pilots a Basilisk war droid. Despite Mandalore's superior firepower, Ulic leverages his Force abilities to dislodge Mandalore from his war mount.
During the subsequent phase, Mandalore brandishes a Mythosaur axe. He gains the upper hand momentarily, but Ulic utilizes his Force powers to leap onto a nearby war droid. Now armed with the war droid, Ulic demands Mandalore's surrender. Mandalore remains defiant, but Ulic attacks Mandalore with the war droid, causing the Mandalorian leader to fall off his vantage point.
Acknowledging defeat, Mandalore relinquishes control of his warriors to Ulic and requests to be killed. However, Ulic assures Mandalore that he has no interest in his death but has a "much better fate" in mind.
Meanwhile, Nomi Sunrider continues her training in Jedi battle meditation under the guidance of Master Odan-Urr within the Great Jedi Library on Ossus. Nomi's daughter, Vima, is also present. Master Odan-Urr explains that the ancient Sith Lords constructed meditation chambers and that the most effective method to counter Sith battle meditation is to employ Jedi abilities to diminish the opponent's power; essentially, depriving them of the Force.
Odan-Urr also possesses a Sith holocron that contains the forgotten histories and lore of the Sith dating back a hundred thousand years. Nomi and Vima, whom Odan-Urr predicts will be a Jedi Master with many apprentices, depart from the Jedi Master's chambers. Shortly thereafter, the Sith holocron begins to glow, and Exar Kun employs the Force to summon it.
Odan-Urr attempts to repel Kun using the light side of the Force, but the ancient Jedi Master is no match for the Dark Lord, who kills him. After Odan-Urr becomes one with the Force, his Jedi followers enter the chamber. Kun claims that Odan-Urr died peacefully but gifted the holocron to him.
A massive vessel named Golthar's Sky arrives at the Foerost Shipyards, requesting repairs. However, the giant ship is actually a Force illusion conjured up by Aleema Keto to hide a combined Krath and Mandalorian attack force. The Foerost Shipyards are overwhelmed and boarded by Mandalorian warriors, Tetan soldiers, and Basilisk war droids while CX-133 Chaos fighters take out the defensive cannons.
Ulic compels the surviving shipyard workers to provide him with the operational codes for the shipyard's 300 warships. Shortly afterward, Ulic receives a communication via holoprojector from his master, Dark Lord Exar Kun, who informs him that he has recruited 20 Jedi Knights. Ulic boasts that he commands two armies and 300 of the newest Republic warships. While Kun believes that they should gather more ships while he trains his Jedi, Ulic proposes attacking the galactic capital Coruscant since the Republic's military is stretched defending its shipards and outposts.
Kun disagrees and says that they should build up their forces before attacking together. Mandalore the Indomitable backs up Ulic and reassures Kun that his clans are the best fighters in the galaxy. Kun allows Ulic to proceed with his plan but warns that if he fails, he will go on without him. Ulic is determined to prove that the Republic is weak and vulnerable.
Republic Navy reinforcements led by Captain Vanicus arrive at the Foerost Shipyards. While rescuing survivors and checking the station's automated security systems, Vanicus and his troops discover a holo-recording of Ulic and Mandalore discussing a surprise attack against Kemplex Nine. Vanicus recognizes Ulic and laments that this is a dark day for the Republic.
Within Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 1, Zona Luka states that Arca Jeth, a Jedi Master, perished on Onderon, and Oss Wilum clarifies that it was due to an avatar of Freedon Nadd. Conversely, the previously released Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 3 indicates that he died in the Conclave at Deneba by a Krath war droid.
- (No UPC) ; August 15 , 1995 ; Dark Horse Comics ; Initial print run [1]
- (No UPC) ; November 10 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics ; Digital format [5]