Oss Wilum

During the age of the Old Republic, a male Jedi Knight by the name of Oss Wilum, a Vultan, served the light side. Initially, he was apprenticed to Jedi Master Garnoo; later, he trained alongside Nomi Sunrider under the tutelage of Jedi Master Thon.

As one of a chosen few Jedi, he was dispatched to assist Ulic Qel-Droma during the Naddist Revolt. Furthermore, he participated in the Great Sith War, where he, along with several other Jedi, fell victim to the deceit of the renegade Jedi Exar Kun, leading them to turn against the Jedi Order. Kun's deception centered around the claim of discovering ancient Jedi secrets that the Order's Masters deliberately concealed. Acting on Kun's instructions, Wilum journeyed back to Ambria and attempted to murder Master Thon by summoning two Hssiss from a nearby body of water. Thon successfully eliminated the Hssiss and managed to redeem Wilum from the influence of the dark side of the Force.

The specifics surrounding his death remain unknown. However, his memory was honored with a monument dedicated to fallen Jedi on New Holstice, where the wings of a memory moth eternally whispered his name.


Early life

The planet Vulta was Oss Wilum's childhood home, where he matured into a trader constantly journeying from planet to planet, fulfilling the demands of his profession. He paid minimal attention to the broader galactic picture. Wilum was of the opinion that nothing he did, or could do, would ever hold significance for the Republic or the galaxy at large. Wilum considered himself a mere individual, capable only of maintaining a modest itinerant existence, his starship being his sole permanent residence.

A young Oss Wilum.

Nevertheless, during a routine cargo transport, events transpired that propelled Wilum from his seemingly inconsequential life. En route from the diamond mines of Arkania to Alderaan, Wilum's ship suffered an engine malfunction, forcing an unscheduled exit from hyperspace in an uncharted region. Following temporary repairs, Wilum consulted his maps and scanners to locate the nearest hyperspace beacon for plotting a new hyperspace jump. He discovered that the closest beacon was a two-day journey from his current position. Weighing his options, Wilum concluded that his only alternative was a blind jump into hyperspace. Unwilling to risk encountering a mass shadow or black hole, Wilum set his ship on autopilot and embarked on the two-day voyage to the hyperspace beacon.

Roughly a day and a half into the journey, Wilum encountered what appeared to be an abandoned spaceship drifting aimlessly. Attempts to hail the ship proved futile, either due to malfunctioning communication systems or the absence of crew members. However, scans revealed the presence of several living beings in good health aboard the stranded vessel. Upon closer inspection, Wilum identified the ship as a Republic courier vessel, a design he occasionally encountered during his trading expeditions. This realization led him to believe that a Republic courier ship so far into deep space must be carrying information of vital importance. Lacking communication capabilities or a means of downloading the information, Wilum was unable to deliver it to its intended recipient. With no other choice, Wilum maneuvered his ship as close as possible to the Republic vessel and secured it using his recently installed tractor beam.

Upon reaching the hyperspace beacon, Wilum immediately transmitted a subspace call to any Republic vessel within range. Despite sending a distress signal using the damaged vessel's transponder codes and location, Wilum hesitated to abandon the Republic courier, fearing its vulnerability to pirates. To his astonishment, a ship broadcasting a verified Republic transponder code emerged from hyperspace. The ship promptly hailed Wilum, instructing him to leave the area immediately. Satisfied with the new ship's transponder code, Wilum complied and set a new course for Alderaan.

After this encounter, Wilum quickly moved on from the fate of the Republic ships. However, over two weeks after the rescue, Wilum saw in the HoloNet News that an important military communiqué from a Republic Expansion Fleet had just been received in Republic City. The newscast revealed that the communiqué would have arrived earlier, but the courier ship carrying it ran into some technical troubles during its travels and that it became stranded. The newscast continued by retelling the story of the stranded ship's rescue, but for security reasons left out the fact that it was Wilum who had initially found the ship. Wilum, though, understood the security measures and did not feel slighted by being given no credit. Even so, he marveled at the fact that someone as insignificant as he was could have any type of impact on the course of Galactic events. However, this realization was soon shattered by another revelation—that, up to this point, he had been wasting his life and neglecting his duties as a member of a larger galactic community. His entire life had been focused on work, money, and personal pleasure. However, it had never occurred to Wilum that maybe he should look deeper, and to examine the meaning of his life and how he could help better the galaxy. After more than a year of personal reflection and of observing the finer ways of the galaxy, Wilum realized that something was calling him to look more closely at those who called themselves Jedi. He immediately set out in his ship and began his quest to learn what it was to be a Jedi.

Training on Ambria

Oss Wilum and Jedi Master Thon.

Guided by newfound feelings, Wilum sought out the Neti Jedi Master, Garnoo. Recognizing Wilum's strong connection to the Force, Master Garnoo accepted him as his Padawan learner. However, Garnoo's untimely death prevented him from completing Wilum's training. Wilum was left devastated and uncertain about the continuation of his training, until Master Thon of Ambria offered to take over. Wilum accompanied Thon to Ambria and resided with the Tchuukthai Jedi.

Under Master Thon's guidance, Wilum's skills advanced rapidly, despite his late start in Jedi training. He trained under Thon for five years, during which Nomi Sunrider arrived on Ambria seeking the Jedi Master. Her husband, the Jedi Knight Andur Sunrider, had been killed by criminals on his way to see Thon, and Nomi Sunrider took up his lightsaber to defend their daughter and herself. Andur Sunrider returned to his wife as a Force ghost and told her to go Master Thon to be trained as a Jedi. Upon her arrival on Ambria, she was greeted by Oss Wilum who rode upon the back of a great beast, which in reality was Master Thon. Nomi Sunrider mistook Wilum for the great Jedi Master that her husband had told her about—a deception that was common about Thon's species, the secretive Tchuukthai.

The criminals who had attacked Sunrider's husband, employees of Bogga the Hutt, tracked Sunrider to Ambria in search of the rare Adegan crystals that she carried with her. They attacked Thon's home upon learning that Sunrider was there, and Wilum rushed out to defend her from the criminals. Wilum fought well against those attacking, but the sheer numbers of his opponents overwhelmed him, and he was soon defeated. However, it was at this moment that Master Thon chose to reveal himself and dispose of the attacking criminals, thus saving Wilum and Sunrider.

Following the criminals' assault, Wilum helped repair Sunrider's droid, A-3DO, which was damaged during the attack. While Wilum was performing the required repairs, Tott Doneeta arrived from Onderon to enlist the help of Wilum in the Freedon Nadd Uprising. With the permission of Thon, Wilum departed with Doneeta for Onderon to help combat the dark side energies there.

The Naddist Revolt

Wilum journeyed with Doneeta back to Onderon, where he was introduced to the esteemed Jedi Master Arca Jeth. Immediately upon arriving at Iziz on Onderon, Wilum witnessed the funeral procession of the late Queen Amanoa—he also sensed something strange, and saw its manifestation in Master Jeth's being. Jeth revealed that what Wilum was feeling was the dark side energies that were still imbued in the ancient city. He then told Wilum of the history of the conflict on Onderon, and described the most recent fight which had ended with the discovery of the remains of Freedon Nadd and the death of Queen Amanoa—Jeth then stressed that it was vitally important to the well-being of Onderon for the remains of Nadd and Amanoa to be taken off-planet, to the orbiting moon of Dxun.

Wilum while fighting in the Naddist Revolt.

However, during the ensuing funeral procession, the dark apprentice Warb Null attacked, hoping to make away with the tombs of Freedon Nadd and Amanoa. During the fight, Wilum helped defend against the attacking Naddists, as well as the onslaught by Warb Null. Once Null and the Naddists had gained control of their prize, they retreated back to their war machine and into the sub-levels of the kilometers deep city.

Following the skirmish with Warb Null, Jeth sought out the seemingly decrepit King Ommin at the advice of his daughter Galia who mentioned that Ommin was once a powerful dark side user. Master Jeth, however, was caught unaware and taken prisoner by a rejuvenated Ommin, who was being provided with an unnatural vitality by the spirit of the long dead Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd. The capture of Arca Jeth prompted his apprentice Ulic Qel-Droma to put out a call for Jedi reinforcements—in response to this, the gathered Jedi on Ossus decided to send a team of five Jedi to aid Qel-Droma, Wilum, and the other Knights on Onderon. The team consisted of the Jedi Knights Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, Kith Kark, Qrrrl Toq, and Nomi Sunrider. The new team of Jedi arrived on Onderon and immediately began fighting their way to where Wilum and the other Jedi were. The Jedi fought their way through and met up with Wilum, Doneeta, and Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, and together the Jedi stormed Ommin's fortress to rescue Master Jeth.

Following the defeat and death of King Ommin, Wilum and the other Jedi were present on Dxun while Master Jeth oversaw the internment of the remains of Freedon Nadd in a reinforced tomb.

The Krath Conflict

Oss Wilum during the Krath conflict.

The Jedi's victory over King Ommin brought a much-needed break from fighting. During this time, Wilum and his fellow Jedi were given the special opportunity to learn how to ride the native flying creatures of Onderon. However, the Jedis' rest was to be short lived—Master Jeth arrived to tell them of the growing troubles in the Empress Teta system. Following his briefing of the Jedi, Jeth instructed Wilum, Diath, Toq, and Culu to return to the library world of Ossus. Once there they were to inform the leaders of the Jedi Order, and then the leaders of the Republic, about what they had encountered on Onderon and how it was related to the situation that was developing in the Empress Teta system.

Upon receiving the news about Onderon and the Empress Teta system, the Republic and Jedi leaders organized a joint task force to be sent to the aid of Koros Major, the last planet left in the Tetan system which was resisting the coup. However, the Republic and Jedi fleet was repelled by the Sith magic of the Krath, and Ulic Qel-Droma was wounded by shrapnel.

Following this battle, thousands of Jedi descended upon the planet of Deneba to hold a conclave on Mount Meru, in which Oss Wilum, along with Ulic Qel-Droma and others who fought in the Naddist Revolt, participated. However, during the gathering, Krath war droids descended upon the assembly, and during the ensuing fight, Master Arca Jeth was killed. Qel-Droma was devastated by his master's death, and vowed to infiltrate the Krath and bring them down from within.

Eventually Qel-Droma did manage to infiltrate the Krath and work his way up their ranks. However, it soon became apparent that Qel-Droma was slowly slipping into the dark side. The Jedi attempted twice to rescue Qel-Droma from the Krath—it was during the second attempt that they attacked Iziz to try and regain Qel-Droma. During this battle, Wilum was one of several Jedi who flew the new, but still experimental, Star Saber Starfighters. During a fly-by of the city, Wilum saw Exar Kun approach the royal palace, and had a vision that he would one day know and train under him.

The efforts to rescue Qel-Droma failed, and Qel-Droma eventually joined forces with the Dark Lord of the Sith, Exar Kun. Wilum and the other Jedi retreated, unsure of the future that lay before them.

Exar's apprentice

As the Great Sith War began, Exar Kun journeyed to the Jedi stronghold on Ossus, seeking to enlist the most promising Jedi Knights to his cause. Among those gathered to hear Kun's words were Oss Wilum and Cay Qel-Droma. Kun asserted that he had uncovered lost Jedi secrets and desired to share them with those who would follow him.

Oss Wilum while under the influence of Sith magic.

Initially, Wilum felt uneasy, as following Kun would mean abandoning one's Jedi Master. Kun countered by claiming that the older generation of Jedi had lost touch with the times, leading to Master Jeth's failure to contain the dark side energies on Onderon. Kun argued that he had succeeded where Jeth had failed—Kun claimed to have traveled to Onderon, where he found the spirit of Freedon Nadd and destroyed him. Kun told Wilum and the others that when he found the Dark Jedi, he talked to Nadd, and learned things—specifically the locations of where ancient Sith artifacts were hidden. Upon learning Nadd's secrets Kun then supposedly vanquished the Dark Jedi. However, being two of the Jedi present at the Naddist Revolt, Wilum and Cay were both skeptical of Kun's claims, and outright told him so. Kun, though, produced an ancient Sith amulet which projected the scene of Kun striking down the spirit of Freedon Nadd. Not surprisingly, Wilum and the other gathered Jedi were shocked at this revelation. Kun, upon seeing the effects the amulet was having, advised the other Jedi that he was not content to leave things hidden like the older Jedi Masters; that if they were like him, that if they cared about the future of the Jedi Order, then they would then join him in studying the ancient secrets, and change the galaxy.

Following their meeting with Exar Kun, many of the Jedi decided that what he was saying was the truth and that they would follow him in his quest to change the galaxy, and decided to seek out Kun—Oss Wilum was among their numbers. They found Kun in the libraries of Ossus, where he had just killed the Jedi Master Odan-Urr, and advised him that they were willing to follow him to Yavin 4. However, upon arrival on the jungle moon, Wilum immediately felt something strange surrounding them. Once Kun had led the Jedi closer to an ancient temple, Wilum again stated that something was wrong about the place before them—that it appeared to be tainted by the dark side. Wilum concluded that he did not want any part of what Kun had to offer, and decided to return to the ship. However, before Wilum could reach the ship, a large group of Massassi warriors attacked him. Zona Luka and the other Jedi rushed to Wilum's aid, helping keep the Massassi at bay. However, it was only when Kun ordered them, that the Massassi fell back.

Kun told Wilum that what he was feeling was correct—that Yavin 4 was indeed heavily tainted by the dark side, but that he had now claimed the planet and intended to cleanse it with the light side of the Force. Wilum turned and reluctantly made his way to the front of the gathered Jedi, to hear what it was Kun was talking about. Kun held before him a stolen Sith holocron, claiming that by shattering it in the Jedi's presence, then they could begin destroying the dark side energies on Yavin 4. Wilum and the other Jedi raised their hands to protect themselves from the flash of the holocron's destruction—however, when Kun destroyed the artifact, faint remnants of ancient Sith power became imbued in the shattered fragments and these shards became lodged in the raised hands of the Jedi. Wilum immediately felt it as ancient Sith magic began to take its hold over his mind. The glass shards, which had embedded themselves in Wilum's hands, slowly disappeared, and Wilum and the others ceased being Jedi—they were now Sith apprentices.

The events on Yavin 4 provided Kun with a willing cadre of Sith apprentices who would not hesitate to do his bidding. To help consolidate his coming rule of the galaxy, Exar Kun issued death sentences on all the older Jedi Masters, whom he knew would stand in his way. The task of assassinating Master Thon fell to his onetime student, Oss Wilum. Wilum traveled to Thon's home on Ambria with Crado, and together they attacked Thon's home. Wilum used his new Sith powers to call from a nearby lake a group of Hssiss which he then used to press the attack. However, Thon and the Jedi Knights Sylvar and Nomi Sunrider fought back against the attacking Sith, killing the Hssiss and driving Crado to flee. Wilum, however, was wounded and captured by his former master who eventually helped Wilum overcome the Sith possession of his mind, though it could not be completely healed.

Thon was eventually able to help bring Wilum back from the dark side, and the newly redeemed Jedi was one of those present on Ossus in the hours preceding its devastation. During this time, Ulic Qel-Droma was confronted by his brother Cay and the two engaged in a vicious lightsaber duel. The outcome saw Qel-Droma slay his brother, and while he held his dead brother, Qel-Droma was stripped of the Force by a distraught Nomi Sunrider. Following this action, Wilum comforted his one-time friend, Qel-Droma, and told him that even though he was on the verge of being consumed by guilt, the Jedi still had to stop Exar Kun—it was their duty as Jedi. Qel-Droma led Wilum and the others to Yavin 4, where they confronted Exar Kun, and used their combined powers to defeat the Dark Lord.


Oss Wilum's memory moth.

The circumstances surrounding Oss Wilum's eventual death remain a mystery. Nevertheless, his memory was celebrated with a monument on New Holstice, dedicated to fallen Jedi.

Following the Second Battle of Jabiim, during the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker and A'Sharad Hett were on New Holstice helping at the Republic military hospital established there. During one traumatic experience in the trauma ward, Anakin used the Force to massage a dying Jedi's heart, in an effort to keep her alive—however, his efforts only increased the pain that she was suffering. A'Sharad confronted Anakin about this, and realized that Anakin was having a difficult time accepting that death was a natural state of life, and essentially, the Force. To demonstrate his point, he took Anakin to a monument near the hospital which was dedicated to the memory of fallen Jedi. Upon seeing the monument, Anakin could hear a memory moth whispering to him—he reached into the soft glowing light of the monument and grabbed the memory moth, holding it to his ear. He listened to it as it continually whispered a name in his ear—Oss Wilum. A'Sharad showed Anakin how to use the memory moth to remember the names of the fallen, thus allowing Anakin to gain some closure over the many friends he lost in the killing fields of Jabiim.

Personality and traits

Throughout his life, Wilum was known to have been a considerate and caring individual who would go out his way to help not only his friends, but strangers as well. In the years prior to his becoming a Jedi, Wilum went out of his way to aid a damaged and stranded Republic scout ship which was in need of help. Even though his own ship was severely damaged, and he was also unable to reach anyone on the Republic ship, he nonetheless went out of his way and attached a tractor beam to the other ship and towed them safely. Due to his consideration of those in need of help, the Republic ship was able to reach the Galactic Capital and deliver the important message that it carried.

Oss Wilum was an extremely talented Jedi who held immense Force potential. Not only did Master Garnoo see this in Wilum when he first encountered the young Vultan, but Master Thon also recognized this potential, and as a result decided to teach the young Jedi how to achieve a deeper understanding of the Force. Wilum was adept at a Sith version of the beast trick power--using it to command the Hssiss on Ambria to attack Master Thon.

Powers and abilities

Throughout his whole life, Wilum was known as a skilled pilot, and he demonstrated this ability on many occasions: before Wilum became a Jedi, he worked the spacelanes as a trader, literally living out of his ship, and always traveling from planet to planet. Wilum's piloting skills were again later witnessed during the Krath Conflict when he flew a Star Saber XC-01 starfighter against the Krath forces on Iziz.

Wilum was also a skilled mechanic, and it was during one of his many trading excursions that he experienced a critical engine failure, which forced him out of hyperspace in the middle of nowhere. He would have became stranded, except he improvised and managed to implement a number of short-term repairs on his ship, enough so that he could limp his ship to the nearest hyperspace beacon which was two days away, at sublight speed. During Wilum's training under Master Thon, he again demonstrated his mechanical ability when he fixed Nomi Sunrider's droid, A-3DO, who had become damaged in a skirmish with attacking criminals.

Behind the scenes

The Power of the Jedi Sourcebook incorrectly states that it was Oss Wilum and Dace Diath who were first asked to test the experimental Star Saber Starfighters. As per the sub-series Dark Lords of the Sith of the Tales of the Jedi series of comics, it was Dace and Cay Qel-Droma who were asked to try out the new starfighters.

