Conclave at Deneba

The Conclave on Deneba, alternatively called the Grand Assembly, Jedi Assembly, or Great Council of Deneba, represented a significant Jedi Convocation. This event occurred in 3997 BBY on the planet of Deneba during the Krath Holy Crusade. The Jedi were summoned to this gathering due to the increasing threat of the dark side. This threat was believed to have been eradicated on Onderon during the Freedon Nadd Uprising just one year prior. Almost ten thousand Jedi congregated in an amphitheater located in the valley at the base of Deneba's Mount Meru. There, Odan-Urr, a Master and the spokesperson for the Jedi Council, spoke. He discussed an ancient prophecy which foretold the return of the legendary Dark Lords of the Sith to a prominent position in galactic events. Many other Jedi addressed the assembly, including Ulic Qel-Droma. Qel-Droma proposed the controversial idea of infiltrating the Sith-inspired Krath to destroy them from within. This plan was immediately met with disapproval from many Jedi present, including his former Master Arca Jeth, and the experienced Jedi Master Shayoto. The conclave was then temporarily suspended, allowing late arrivals to find their place before the meeting resumed.

One such individual arriving late was the Krevaaki Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. He arrived just as a surprise attack by the Sith-influenced Krath interrupted the assembly with a bombardment of life-pods. These pods contained deadly Krath war droids which, upon deployment, began attacking the Jedi. The ensuing conflict resulted in the deaths of numerous Jedi, including the Arkanian Jedi Master Arca Jeth. It also further solidified Ulic's decision to pursue infiltration. Despite many warnings against it, Ulic did indeed pursue the Krath to their home on Koros Major.


Issues in Empress Teta

Thousands of Jedi ships descend upon the planet Deneba.

During the year 3998 BBY, Jedi Master Arca Jeth commanded a group of Jedi Knights in a series of conflicts on the planet Onderon. These conflicts were collectively known as the Freedon Nadd Uprising. Freedon Nadd, an ancient Dark Lord of the Sith, had maintained Onderon under the influence of the dark side of the Force for almost four centuries. This lasted until Master Jeth's arrival, when Jeth banished Nadd's spirit and freed the people of Onderon from his dark influence. As a result, the Jedi were under the impression that the dark side had been contained.

In 3997 BBY, the Jedi discovered that the Empress Teta system had undergone a violent political uprising. This uprising was orchestrated by the heirs to the thrones of Empress Teta, Satal and Aleema Keto. The Keto siblings had been present on Onderon during the final battle of the Uprising, and had acquired knowledge of ancient Sith magic. Using this newly acquired sorcery, they established the Krath, a clandestine society of Sith sorcerers. In order to consolidate their power over the system, the Krath laid siege to their own homeworld of Empress Teta. This world was the last of the Tetan planets to resist the coup.

Master Jeth suspected a link between the unrest in Empress Teta and the uprising on Onderon. Therefore, he and his Knights accepted guardianship of the Tetan system. The Jedi then engaged the Krath, with support from the Galactic Republic. Their intention was to restore peace to Tetan space. However, the Krath displayed their Sith powers, leaving the combined Jedi/Republic forces confused and defeated. The speed with which the Krath spread the influence of the dark side across the galaxy greatly concerned the leaders of the Jedi Order. They began to fear that an ancient prophecy which foretold the return of the Dark Lords of the Sith was about to be fulfilled. This led to an event that had not occurred in hundreds of years: a gathering of all Jedi.

Arrival at Deneba

Masters Thon and Arca, discussing their comrade Vodo-Siosk Baas.

Because the dark side was crucial to the Krath's rise to power, the Jedi Masters decided to convene and discuss whether the situation warranted a renewed Jedi war effort. Nearly every Master, Knight, and Padawan in the galaxy was summoned to Deneba, totaling almost ten thousand individuals. Among those present were Master Arca Jeth and Ulic Qel-Droma, Nomi Sunrider along with her daughter Vima, and the Tchuukthai Jedi Thon. Sunrider and Qel-Droma had recently returned from a failed relief mission to Empress Teta. During that mission, real Krath CX-133 Chaos starfighters began making suicide runs amidst illusory ones in an attempt to drive the Republic Navy out of Tetan space. Qel-Droma sustained injuries during the attack, and the Republic fleet was forced to retreat and reconsider their battle strategy. The Jedi began discussing the battle that Cay Qel-Droma had missed, but as the conference was about to begin, they proceeded to take their places in the amphitheater.

The Conclave

Message for the Conclave

Odan-Urr, speaking telepathically to the masses through the Force.

The Jedi convocation was held in a large, hollowed-out valley at the center of Mount Meru. A large stage was situated in the valley's center. Odan-Urr, a Draethos Jedi Master recognized as one of the oldest and wisest Jedi, sat on the stage. As the spokesperson for the Council, Odan-Urr was chosen to preside over the convention. As the assembly began, Master Jeth cautioned Ulic and the others about the Draethos, humanoids who communicated naturally through telepathy. Before he could finish, the voice of Odan-Urr suddenly filled their minds. Although initially unnerved, the Jedi relaxed and listened intently as Odan-Urr recounted the prophecy of the Dark Lords' return and the catastrophe at Empress Teta. He questioned whether the Jedi should send a stronger force to combat the dark-side threat, as they had done on Onderon. It was at this point that Ulic Qel-Droma approached the stage.

Ulic's Strategy

Dace Diath, Cay Qel-Droma, and Qrrrl Toq at the Conclave on Deneba.

The Draethos Jedi acknowledged Qel-Droma, and Odan-Urr used the Force to convey Ulic's words to the minds of all attendees. He began by discussing past events and how the wrong approach had been taken with the Krath. Qel-Droma believed the Jedi were mistaken, and that overwhelming military force would never completely eliminate the dark side. He argued that even if the dark side were defeated in Tetan space, it could easily take root elsewhere in the galaxy and spread again. However, Qel-Droma's past success in battle was questioned among his associates. He had just returned from a defeat, and many Jedi were unsure if he could lead them to victory. He then revealed his actual plan: infiltration, not direct confrontation. Qel-Droma proposed that a Jedi be chosen to become a double agent, feigning loyalty to the Krath while secretly learning their ways and plotting their destruction.

The assembly erupted in an uproar. Qel-Droma was suggesting the unthinkable. Many, including Master Jeth, advised him against such foolishness, arguing that the only way to defeat the dark side was to confront it directly. Knights like Shoaneb Culu and Dace Diath, who fought with Ulic on Onderon, also spoke against his plan. The aged Master Shayoto spoke of the dangers of trying to destroy the dark side from within. Master Jeth agreed with Shayoto and warned Qel-Droma that he could not destroy the dark side entirely, but only attempt to subdue it as Thon did when he trapped the darkness of the planet Ambria inside a lake on that world. Jeth continued, stating that even though the Jedi could never hope to destroy the dark side, they could create a wall of light to drive it away through their combined efforts. A recess was then called, as several other Jedi arrived on Deneba.

The Shadow of Freedon Nadd

Vodo-Siosk Baas senses Freedon Nadd's dark spirit around his apprentice, light years across the galaxy.

Only a few Jedi were absent from Deneba, and many of those arrived late during the recess because of the great distances they had traveled. Among the latecomers was Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. The Krevaaki Jedi was greatly distressed. His most talented student, Exar Kun, had left him in search of dark-side knowledge, which worried Vodo immensely. He knew that Exar Kun would somehow be caught up in the dark times ahead. Vodo was searching for Master Jeth when he came across Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, just as Cay was scolding Ulic for his bold proposal. After a brief exchange, Vodo was directed towards Arca Jeth. Upon greeting each other, the two Masters walked together, discussing Exar Kun and his fascination with the dark side. Suddenly, both Vodo and Jeth felt a violent call through the Force, and Vodo immediately recognized it as his apprentice Exar Kun. Unbeknownst to him or any of the other Jedi who heard the call, Exar had been severely harmed by the dark side by the dark spirit of Freedon Nadd, who was tempting him to join the dark side to avoid death. At Master Jeth's urging and Kun's cries for help, Vodo reached out with the Force and meditated around his student. When Nadd's spirit realized that Exar Kun was receiving outside assistance, he turned his attention to Vodo. Vodo sensed it too late, just as Nadd lashed out at him through the Force. He was knocked back, and his connection to Exar Kun was severed. Knowing there was nothing more he could do for his student, Vodo and the other Jedi took their places in the arena as the convocation was about to resume.

Battle for Deneba

Before the conclave could resume, the Jedi were ambushed by hundreds of life-pods falling from orbit onto Deneba's surface, unleashing a deadly cargo of Krath war droids. When the pods opened to reveal the droids, the unsuspecting Jedi were quickly drawn into a fierce battle. Master Jeth quickly suggested that they erect a protective shield wall with the Force, but Cay Qel-Droma noted that it was too late. He then instructed his T-12 servant droid to investigate the area, but upon receiving the order, the droid's programming changed, and all of the servant droids received new instructions to eliminate the Jedi. The Krath droids mounted a formidable offensive, but despite their intense assault, the Jedi emerged victorious. In the heat of the battle, however, Master Arca Jeth was killed by a war droid.


The Qel-Droma brothers embrace shortly before Ulic departs for the Empress Teta system.

Following the battle, the day's events were recorded into the personal holocron of Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. He recounted the tragedy of Arca's death and noted the discovery that the Krath were responsible for the war-droid attack. Meanwhile, Ulic Qel-Droma sat with Master Jeth's robes, overwhelmed by feelings of guilt for his Master's death. He vowed to carry out his plan despite the Masters' warnings. Sunrider pleaded with him to reconsider, saying that such an idea would only lead to disaster, but Qel-Droma remained firm. Cay also tried to dissuade his brother from making such a desperate decision, but he too was unsuccessful.

The Jedi returned to Ossus, where Qel-Droma and Sunrider sought more information about the Empress Teta system. Qel-Droma spent the following days learning everything he could about the Krath and their home system to better understand what he was facing. Traveling to the Great Jedi Library, he and Sunrider were greeted by Master Ood Bnar. Bnar provided Qel-Droma with a comprehensive history of Empress Teta but also warned him about his rash decision. Before leaving, Bnar brought the Knights before Master Odan-Urr, the Jedi Keeper of Antiquities. Odan-Urr then revealed his rare Sith holocron and displayed stories of ancient Jedi who had fallen to the dark side for Sunrider and Qel-Droma. However, the young Jedi Qel-Droma remained unmoved. He stated that he was not seeking the Masters' approval, but only their understanding. The Masters recognized his determination but also knew that trying to stop him was futile. Ood Bnar and Odan-Urr then departed, offering Qel-Droma their blessing.

Before leaving Ossus, Ulic Qel-Droma had a conversation with his brother Cay. Cay firmly believed that his brother was making a foolish decision and feared he would never see him again. All his attempts to sway his brother were in vain, as Ulic's determination remained unwavering. The two brothers embraced each other as Ulic assured Cay that everything would turn out all right. Ulic then spent the next morning with Nomi Sunrider, preparing himself and his starship for departure to the Tetan system. Refusing repeated offers of assistance from Sunrider, he left her with a passionate kiss and departed for Empress Teta. The Jedi would not hold another convocation until the Conclave of Exis Station in 3986 BBY.

Key Participants


Trained by the ancient Celegian Master Ooroo, Odan-Urr became one of the oldest and wisest Jedi in the Order. As a young Padawan, he was a dedicated learner, relentlessly studying Jedi lore and history and mastering ancient and forgotten Force techniques. He played a significant role in the Unification Wars of the Empress Teta system, demonstrating his skill in the rare art of Jedi battle meditation. During this time, he became a personal advisor to Empress Teta herself. In 5000 BBY, a prophetic vision warned Odan-Urr of an impending invasion from the legendary Sith Empire, which led to the Great Hyperspace War. As a Knight, Odan-Urr fought alongside his warrior Empress and the Galactic Republic. After the Sith were defeated, Odan-Urr discovered a Sith holocron among the spoils of an abandoned Sith warship. Following the war, Odan-Urr founded the Great Jedi Library on Ossus, where he kept his prized Sith holocron among other antiquities. Odan-Urr eventually achieved the rank of Master, and by the time of the conclave on Deneba, he had presided over Jedi assemblies for nearly six centuries. He served as the acting spokesperson for the Jedi Council.

Ulic Qel-Droma

Ulic Qel-Droma was a renowned Jedi Knight and, along with his brother Cay, was an apprentice of Arca Jeth. During his time as Master Arca's padawan, Qel-Droma was assigned to a diplomatic mission to the planet Onderon. Together with Cay and the Twi'lek Jedi Tott Doneeta, he traveled to the dark-side world, where their mission failed completely. The Jedi became involved in Onderon's Beast War conflict and assisted Beast-Lord Oron Kira in defeating Queen Amanoa and her dark-side legions. After the Beast Wars, Qel-Droma and his Jedi companions fought Amanoa's husband, the sorcerer King Ommin, and the dark-side spirit of Freedon Nadd. After defeating King Ommin, Qel-Droma was one of several Jedi who realized that the dark side had not been entirely defeated and had spread to the Empress Teta system. As a result, Master Arca and his apprentices accepted watchman duties for Empress Teta. Arca then sent Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider as Jedi liaisons to the Galactic Republic, where they again requested assistance on behalf of the Tetan worlds. The Jedi-Republic effort failed, and Qel-Droma was severely wounded during the battle for Empress Teta. As a result of the mission's failure, the Jedi Order called a Jedi gathering to the planet Deneba, where Qel-Droma revealed his plan to secretly infiltrate the Krath. Despite the unanimous opposition of the Jedi assembly, Ulic Qel-Droma was determined to destroy the dark side from within.

Arca Jeth

Arca Jeth of Arkania was the Jedi Master of Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma, as well as the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta. During his time as a Knight, Arca participated in the Hyabb-Twith Campaign of 4050 BBY, a Jedi effort to rid the Hyabb-Twith Corridor of the infamous Nelori Marauders. Thirty-five years later, he played a major role in the Great Droid Revolution, where he demonstrated a little-known Force power that allowed a Jedi to disable a droid's internal mechanisms using the Force. As the watchman of the Onderon system, Arca Jeth sent his three Padawans in his place to mediate the civil unrest on the system's namesake planet. When his apprentices proved unsuccessful, Master Arca intervened, using the power of Jedi battle meditation to decisively defeat Queen Amanoa and her dark-side army. Arca and his apprentices fought the dark side again, this time in the form of Amanoa's husband, King Ommin, and the spirit of Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Arca and his Jedi eventually triumphed over Ommin and managed to cleanse Onderon of the darkness. Arca was also aware that Sith magic had escaped Onderon and taken root in the Empress Teta system. When the Jedi were called en masse to Deneba to discuss the darkness in the Tetan system, Arca was adamant in his opposition to Ulic's plan to ally with the Krath.


Shayoto was an aged Jedi Master who lived through galactic conflicts such as the Gank Massacres of 4800 BBY and the Vultar Cataclysm nearly five hundred years later. Shayoto was also very familiar with the machinations of the Sith and fervently argued against Ulic Qel-Droma's intention to join the Krath. After being overlooked and nearly ignored by the assembly of Jedi, Shayoto was finally allowed to speak and was given the floor by Arca Jeth. He then recounted previous conflicts such as the Great Hyperspace War and spoke of how his Master's Master told him of the Hundred-Year Darkness. From this ancient Jedi, Shayoto learned how the darksiders implemented their evil schemes, acting in utter secrecy and only striking when their victims were most vulnerable. He warned Ulic and the assembly of Knights about the dangers and wiles of the dark side and how, in the past, darksiders had successfully toppled entire civilizations.

Behind the Scenes

The Conclave at Deneba first appeared in the comic book Dark Lords of the Sith 3: Descent to the Dark Side, part of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic series. The battle was created and written by Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson and was illustrated by Chris Gossett. Veitch and Anderson chose to use the conclave as the setting for Arca Jeth's death, a pivotal moment that contributed to Ulic Qel-Droma's fall to the dark side. The Conclave at Deneba was also featured in the Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith audio drama, with voice actors John Cygan (Ulic Qel-Droma), Glynnis Talken (Nomi Sunrider), and Jim Ward (Arca Jeth), providing a more detailed perspective on the established story. In the audio adaptation, the warning about darksiders given to Ulic by Master Arca was spoken by Master Shayoto in the comic version.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia mistakenly states that Exar Kun killed Vodo-Siosk Baas during the Conclave on Deneba. In reality, Kun killed him after the battle of Coruscant.

The Star Wars Insider 26 article Straight from the Horse's Mouth places the Conclave at Deneba in 3996 BBY, rather than the established date of 3997 BBY. Because Straight from the Horse's Mouth contradicts several other established dates, this article considers it incorrect.

