As a Force power exclusive to the light side, the Jedi employed Force light. When directed at a darksider, it would diminish their connection to the Force. A Jedi, empowered by the Force's luminescence, could expunge or restrain dark side presences or nexus points in various forms, such as locations, spirits, or even individuals, although sometimes with adverse effects. By focusing the Force into potent bursts of light-side energy, the darkness could be weakened or eradicated completely. Furthermore, Force light had the capability to sever the link between a Sith battlelord and their devoted followers.
Yaddle, a renowned Jedi Master, was known to wield this ability, which she acquired through studying Jedi holocrons while leading the Librarian Assembly. Shae Koda demonstrated this power during her confrontation with the Saarl on Tython. Similarly, the esteemed Jedi Master Thon employed a magnified version of this power to purify the entire world of Ambria from the dark side, confining the darkness within Lake Natth.

To bring the Battle of Iziz to a conclusion, Master Arca Jeth of Arkania channeled this power to drive back the encroaching darkness that plagued the planet. Jeth successfully eliminated the dark side energies emanating from Freedon Nadd's sarcophagus, the very energies that Queen Amanoa utilized for her Sith magic. Amanoa also met her demise as the darkness was finally purged from her being.
Nomi Sunrider was a master of Force light, using it alongside her battle meditation to counteract the Sith magic wielded by Aleema Keto and dismantle her illusory creations.
During his fight with the Dark Jedi Jerec in the Valley of the Jedi on Ruusan, Kyle Katarn, a self-taught Jedi, found encouragement from the spirit of Qu Rahn and renounced his hatred. Recognizing Jerec's overwhelming strength, amplified by the dark side energies of the Force nexus, Katarn generated a protective shield of light, safeguarding himself from evil and weakening Jerec's newly acquired powers.
After declaring his intent to seize her unborn child's body, Leia Organa Solo unleashed a burst of light that burned Sidious's hand upon contact. Empatajayos Brand, a Jedi Knight, also commanded this power, employing it to bind the disembodied spirit of Galactic Emperor Palpatine. Brand harnessed the light side of the Force to shield Anakin Solo from Palpatine, effectively trapping the Emperor's spirit within himself.

Jacen Solo utilized this power to vanquish Onimi, the Supreme Overlord of the Yuuzhan Vong, at the culmination of the Vong War, by attaining Oneness, a state of perfect harmony with the Force. Through his Oneness, Solo's light purged Onimi's darkness, resulting in his death and bringing an end to the Yuuzhan Vong conflict.
During his confrontation with Abeloth in the Fallanassi village, Luke Skywalker channeled The Force to its fullest extent, radiating a golden aura, and successfully repelled Abeloth, who had ensnared him in a deadly embrace.
Ben Skywalker also employed this power against Abeloth during the Duel at the Font of Power.
Beldorion, a Dark Jedi, acknowledged the exceptional skill of three elite Jedi Masters—Yoda, Thon, and Nomi Sunrider—in wielding the Force, presenting them to Leia Organa Solo as prime examples of potent Jedi capable of channeling the energies of the light side itself.
Force light originated as a Force power developed for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game, specifically within the Power of the Jedi Sourcebook.