Sli'Lon Tahar, a Jedi Master of the male Human species, dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic during the era of the Great Sith War. Subsequent to the events of the Battle of Deneba, he made the decision to depart from the Jedi Order, subsequently finding a place within the Galactic Circus, where he adopted the stage name of "The Great Brotzman".
As a male member of the Human species, Sli'Lon Tahar's birth occurred within the Post-Manderon period. Upon the discovery of his Force-sensitive nature, Tahar underwent training in the disciplines of the Force under the guidance of the Jedi Order, ultimately achieving the esteemed rank of Jedi Master. Around 4,038 BBY, Master Tahar started to develop a keen interest in the Sith, a formidable group known for their mastery of the dark side of the Force. Despite the prevailing belief that the Sith had been annihilated in 5000 BBY following Naga Sadow's defeat during the first battle of Korriban, Tahar held a strong conviction that they had somehow managed to survive. For a duration of forty years, Tahar dedicated himself to uncovering proof that the Sith had indeed persisted in secrecy. During his period of activity, he also mentored five apprentices.
Around 3998 BBY, the Jedi Master at last unearthed the evidence he had been pursuing. On the planet named Nilrebmah XIII, Tahar stumbled upon the mausoleum belonging to Ku'ar Danar, a former Jedi who, according to legend, had once served as Naga Sadow's instructor. Deeply troubled by this revelation, Master Tahar sought to inform his fellow Jedi, and he journeyed to the world of Deneba, where a gathering of ten thousand Jedi was taking place at the heart of Mount Meru. His own apprentices were among the Jedi summoned, alongside numerous respected Masters of the era, including Vodo-Siosk Baas, Arca Jeth and Thon.
However, before Tahar could share his discoveries, the assembled Jedi were subjected to an attack. Hundreds of lifeboats descended from Deneba's skies, unleashing a force of Krath war droids amidst the gathering. Caught off guard, the Jedi found themselves embroiled in a fierce conflict. Adding to the chaos, the Jedi's own service droids, having been sabotaged by the enemy, turned against their masters, joining the ranks of the Krath battle droids. The resulting carnage deeply affected Master Tahar, leading him to abandon the battle, leaving his apprentices to their fate.

Overcome by shame due to his desertion of his comrades and students, Tahar renounced the Jedi path. Furthermore, the former master began to consume significant amounts of alcohol. Eventually, Tahar crossed paths with the Galactic Circus, a traveling circus renowned for featuring Sssiii, a male Slith who engaged in chess matches with audience members. The disgraced Jedi master became a member of their circus, performing as an illusionist under the moniker "The Great Brotzman". Alongside his new companions, he toured various worlds, including the desert planet of Tatooine.
One fateful day, the former Jedi Master encountered peculiar yet intriguing individuals while the circus was putting on a show on Tatooine. Unbeknownst to him, his new acquaintances were actually time travelers hailing from the distant future. These individuals were members of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, a resistance movement engaged in a Galactic Civil War that would occur four millennia after Tahar's time. As a result of his interactions with these visitors from the future, Tahar began to regain his lost resolve. One month later, the Galactic Circus, accompanied by their newfound allies, made their way to the Foerost Shipyards.
Sensing the impending darkness, Tahar departed from the Circus and vanished for a period, only to resurface as a Jedi once more when a surprise attack struck the space station. The one-time Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma, aided by Mandalore the Indomitable's Crusaders, aimed to seize the starships being constructed at Foerost, intending to use them to conquer the galaxy. Master Tahar attempted to thwart the Mandalorian assault and successfully assisted the time travelers in their escape by employing his battle meditation, a rare and potent skill that bolstered the morale of friendly forces while diminishing the resolve of their adversaries. Before saying farewell to his allies, Tahar entrusted them with two crucial messages: to warn the Republic of the impending danger and to inform the Jedi Council of the location of Ku'ar Danar's tomb. Recognizing that the old Jedi's battle meditation was weakening his attack, Ulic Qel-Droma decided to confront Tahar personally. The two engaged in a decisive lightsaber duel. However, the aged Tahar was no match for Qel-Droma, and he ultimately met his demise.
The massacre that transpired on Deneba left Tahar deeply scarred. He developed a cynical and pessimistic outlook, even becoming defeatist, and was tormented by terrifying nightmares. His encounter with the Krath inflicted profound psychological wounds, leading him to harbor a strong aversion towards droids. In his later years, Tahar was a bearded man with closely cropped hair and a face etched with sorrow. In his persona as "The Great Brotzman," he typically wore a heavy sleeveless vest and carried a striped staff.
Tahar, both as "The Great Brotzman" and in his former role as a Jedi Master, possessed exceptional skills as an illusionist. He also demonstrated proficiency in Force healing, assuming the role of the "bonesetter" for the Galactic Circus, and was capable of instructing others in Jedi meditation. Prior to his death, he also proved to be skilled in battle meditation and a capable duelist, although not sufficiently skilled to overcome Ulic Qel-Droma and his Mandalorian forces.
Sli'Lon Tahar's creation is credited to Philippe Rat and Mehdi Sahmi for the canon-ambiguous roleplaying scenario titled "Le Facteur X," which was featured in the French publication Casus Belli 115. The character's illustration was done by Stéphane Levallois.