Foerost Shipyards

The extensive and age-old Foerost Shipyards were shipyards that revolved around the world of Foerost. Originally utilized by the Galactic Republic, these shipyards frequently became targets or were seized by the Republic's adversaries.


Positioned in a high orbital location above the desolate planet of Foerost were the Foerost Shipyards. Raw resources were obtained from the planet's surface below and transported into the orbital space where they were assembled into starships. The Foerost shipyards stood out as some of the most triumphant large-scale construction complexes found in the galaxy.


Among the most ancient shipyards in the galaxy were the Foerost Shipyards. During the period of the Tionese War, around 24,000 BBY, Foerost and its associated shipyards functioned as the central base for the Republic Navy.

During the Great Hyperspace War, the Foerost Shipyards were overwhelmed by the forces of Naga Sadow. During the time of the Old Sith Wars, Zentine Dynamics manufactured Ministry-class orbital shuttles at the Foerost Shipyards. In 3996 BBY, during the Great Sith War, Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma and Mandalore the Indomitable commanded Krath and Mandalorian troops in a military assault on the shipyards. They inflicted severe damage upon the shipyards and commandeered 300 of the Republic's newest warships, which they then used to assault the Republic's capital, Coruscant. The Foerost Shipyards were subsequently repaired and brought back under the Republic's control. Several decades later, in 3959 BBY, another Sith Lord, Darth Revan, launched an attack on the shipyards, seizing the majority of the Republic fleet for his own military force, thereby initiating the Jedi Civil War.

Many millennia after the Republic Armed Forces had been dissolved, the Republic sold the shipyards to the Techno Union. Subsequently, corporate members of the Techno Union utilized the complex for the development and testing of innovative materials and propulsion technologies. During the Separatist Crisis, the Techno Union secretly allied itself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems, aiming to overthrow the Republic. In the meantime, the Techno Union enhanced the security of the shipyards by deploying thousands of battle droids. With the commencement of the Clone Wars, the Techno Union made the Foerost Shipyards available to support the Separatist war efforts. As a response, the Republic established a blockade around Foerost, anticipating that the shipyards would falter due to the disruption of Separatist supply lines. In contrast, Separatist engineers successfully developed and secretly constructed a fleet of Bulwark-class battleships. Following nearly two years of blockade, the Bulwark Fleet lifted the siege of Foerost and launched an assault on Sector Zero. Following the Bulwark Fleet's defeat at the Battle of Anaxes, the Republic ultimately regained control of Foerost.

The Foerost Shipyards continued their operations throughout the Imperial Era.

