Zentine Dynamics

Zentine Dynamics, a builder of starships, was responsible for the creation of the Ministry-class orbital shuttle. This took place at its shipyards located on the Core Worlds planet of Foerost after the conclusion of the Great Sith War in the year 3996 BBY. The Galactic Republic utilized this shuttle across the galaxy during the wars that occurred in the decades after the war's end.

Sometime around 3643 BBY, more than three centuries after the previous events, as the struggle between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire continued, the company began developing a new prototype shuttle. At approximately this time, a slicer residing on Verroth stole the designs for this prototype.

Following this theft, someone working for one of the factions in the war sent an associate to Verroth, with the goal of recovering the shuttle plans from the slicer.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of Zentine Dynamics occurred in the 2008 Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, a sourcebook for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast.

