Hyabb-Twith Campaigns

The Hyabb-Twith Campaigns comprised a series of engagements fought between a contingent of Jedi Knights, including Arca Jeth, and the group known as the Nelori Marauders.


The Crisis Intensifies

The roots of the conflict within the Hyabb-Twith Corridor can be traced back to the very inception of the Galactic Republic, when the governing bodies of the Hyabb and Twith systems engaged in a power struggle for regional dominance. Following the defeat of the people of Dachat by Hyabb and Twith forces in several conflicts, the surviving Dachat loyalists escaped their homeworld. They then reorganized within the Corridor, becoming the Nelori Marauders. By establishing their operational headquarters within the contested region of space separating the Hyabb and Twith systems, the Marauders were able to launch attacks against both systems with impunity. They relied on the existing political tensions to deter either side from deploying patrol vessels into the disputed territory. After years of increasing conflict, the Marauders began targeting Republic vessels and assaulting planets affiliated with the Galactic Senate, actions that directly threatened Coruscant. Buoyed by their consecutive victories and enriched by their spoils, the Marauders were able to sustain their operations and continue their campaign toward the galactic capital. As the threat became more evident and Republic citizens fell victim to the Nelori Marauders, the Jedi Knights stationed on Ossus assembled a strike team. Their mission was to intercept the Marauders and dismantle their organization before they could inflict further damage.

Jedi Step In

The Jedi task force, undeterred by the risks that kept Hyabb and Twith ships out of the Corridor, tracked the Marauders to their main base located on the planet Voon. They then executed a devastating assault that destroyed the majority of the Nelori ships, at the cost of twelve Jedi lives. Despite this initial success, the remaining two dozen Jedi Knights were met with a fierce counterattack in retaliation for the destruction of the shipyard and base. Five Jedi survived the initial assault, and, reinforced by 30 additional Knights, began preparations for a ground-based attack following the loss of the Nelori fleet. The Jedi infiltrated Voon's defenses undetected using sleek, unarmed stealth vessels, and launched their attack on the remaining Marauders at dawn, only to discover the base abandoned and devoid of any signs of recent activity. Perplexed, the Jedi were certain that the Marauders could not have left the planet without being detected by their two sensor ships in orbit. Arca Jeth, one of the Jedi, used his abilities to sense the area deep beneath the facility's surface and became convinced that the Marauders had retreated into the depths of Voon's crust. The Jedi then proceeded through the roughly-hewn tunnels, becoming increasingly wary of the depths they were descending into. Jeth was the only Jedi who could perceive the darkness emanating from the cavern, and when the walls collapsed, four Jedi were immediately lost. As over two hundred Nelori Marauders flooded the cavern with blaster fire, the Jedi fought valiantly, but were clearly overwhelmed as their numbers diminished. Realizing that defeat was imminent, Jeth sensed the dark side's influence within the cavern and began to project a feeling of triumph to the other Jedi. Immediately following the utilization of this battle meditation technique, the momentum shifted and the emboldened Jedi were able to defeat the Marauders. Although half of the Jedi force had perished in the battle, the Jedi emerged from the caverns victorious. Over the following weeks, Jeth led the surviving Jedi in eliminating the remaining Marauders. With the Nelori threat eliminated, the conflict within the Corridor came to an end.

