Tott Doneeta, originally named Tottdon'eeta, was a male Twi'lek hailing from the planet of Ryloth. Enslaved early in life, he was discovered by Jedi Master Arca Jeth who subsequently trained him to become a Knight within the Galactic Republic. As a devoted follower of the Force, Doneeta learned alongside fellow apprentices Ulic and Cay Qel-Droma at Master Jeth's praxeum located on Jeth's homeworld of Arkania. Progressing in his Jedi journey, Doneeta manifested a distinctive, inherent ability: the power to understand and communicate with animals.
In 4000 BBY, Jeth dispatched Doneeta and the Qel-Droma brothers to mediate peace talks amidst warring factions on Onderon: the Beast Riders inhabiting Onderon's wilderness, and the dark side-influenced citizens of Iziz, Onderon's sole city. The mission failed, leading Doneeta to align himself with the Beast Riders against the Naddists, followers of the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith Freedon Nadd who were under the command of Queen Amanoa of Iziz. The battle concluded with Master Jeth's arrival, who vanquished Amanoa and eradicated Nadd's influence from Iziz. Doneeta and his comrades stayed on the planet to oversee Amanoa's funeral, and he was present when the forces of Amanoa's husband, King Ommin, arrived to steal both her remains and those of Nadd, Ommin's Sith ancestor. Following the ensuing battle, Doneeta remained while Jeth attempted to recover the sarcophagi, but after Jeth was captured by King Ommin, Doneeta and his allies requested aid from the Galactic Senate located on Coruscant. The Republic responded by deploying the full might of its navy along with a team of five additional Jedi. Doneeta and his team successfully defeated the Naddists, freed Jeth, and permanently banished Nadd's spirit from Onderon.
As a new Sith cult known as the Krath emerged following the unrest in the Onderon system, Doneeta answered the call to action by attending the Jedi Conclave on the planet Deneba. The Krath ambushed the convocation, resulting in Master Jeth's death during the assault, which prompted Doneeta's Jedi colleague, Ulic Qel-Droma, to then infiltrate their ranks in an attempt to destroy the Krath from within. Many of Qel-Droma's associates opposed his strategy, and Doneeta was among those dispatched to retrieve him from the Krath, only to discover that Qel-Droma had embraced the dark side and become a Sith Lord. Qel-Droma and the Krath initiated a holy crusade and allied with Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun to wage the Great Sith War against the Republic. During the Sith Brotherhood's invasion of Coruscant, Doneeta was among the Jedi who assisted in the capture of Qel-Droma so that he could be tried for his numerous war crimes. Nevertheless, Qel-Droma was freed by Exar Kun, and together they resumed their war of galactic conquest. Doneeta was later present on the library world of Ossus when the Sith Brotherhood caused a supernova that threatened to obliterate the planet. He aided in the evacuation, collecting numerous invaluable Jedi artifacts before the cataclysm struck. The Jedi ultimately overthrew the Sith when Qel-Droma—having rejected his loyalty to the Dark Lord—guided Doneeta and his companions to Kun's fortress on Yavin 4. There, the Twi'lek participated in the collective Jedi effort to defeat Exar Kun, which led to the destruction of Yavin 4's surface.
Ten years later, Doneeta went back to Ryloth, where he unsuccessfully tried to prevent a planetary weather phenomenon known as a heat storm in order to protect his clansmen. He subsequently departed his homeworld for the Exis space station to attend another Jedi gathering summoned by the then–Head of the Order, Nomi Sunrider. Arriving late, Doneeta arrived just in time to rescue Sunrider's daughter from a stellar disaster. Following the conclave, Doneeta journeyed with the Cathar Jedi Sylvar in various attempts to assist her in releasing her anger, but without success. The quest led them to her homeworld, where he finally realized that Sylvar's hatred was leading her toward the dark side. In the deserts of Cathar, Tott Doneeta left his old friend to contemplate whether or not she would succumb to it.

Originally called "Tottdon'eeta", Tott Doneeta was a male Twi'lek individual, a native of the Doneeta clan on the planet Ryloth. In his youth, Doneeta stood out amongst his fellow Twi'leks, displaying more valor than deviousness. When slavers attacked Ryloth and kidnapped Doneeta and his family, the young Twi'lek defended his family until he was knocked unconscious. The captors took Tott and his family aboard their starship and set course for the slave markets in the space city of Ereesus, but a team of Jedi Knights led by the Arkanian Master Arca Jeth intercepted them, defeating the slavers and freeing Tott and his family. Impressed by Master Jeth's combat skills, Tott aspired to become like him. Jeth also recognized young Doneeta's connection to the Force, offering him training at his praxeum on Arkania. Despite being one of the few aliens at Jeth's school, Doneeta dedicated himself to his studies, receiving instruction alongside Jeth's most talented student, Ulic Qel-Droma, and Ulic's younger brother, Cay. The three trained together for years, forming a close friendship. In 4000 BBY, Jeth considered their training nearly complete and sent Doneeta and the Qel-Dromas on their final test and first mission: to mediate a peaceful resolution to a centuries-long civil war between the citizens of Onderon's only city, Iziz, and the Beast Riders of Onderon's wilderness. As Doneeta and Cay Qel-Droma boarded their ship, the Nebulon Ranger, Master Jeth instructed Ulic, as his representative, to seek a nonviolent resolution and only use arms if necessary, before Ulic joined his brother and the Twi'lek. With Doneeta piloting and Cay navigating, the Ranger departed Arkania for the Onderon system.
Doneeta believed in the Twi'lek philosophy of non-violence over brutality, hoping to share this with the Onderonians. Their arrival in Onderonian space was met with hostility as a squad of Beast Riders attacked, trying to prevent the Ranger from landing in Iziz. Doneeta evaded while preparing to retaliate, but Ulic stopped him as the city's wall defenses covered their descent by firing turbolasers at the Beast Riders. After landing inside the city walls, Doneeta and his companions were greeted by Novar, the queen's emissary, who refused the Twi'lek entry, claiming that aliens were forbidden from entering the royal palace. Ulic and Cay demanded Doneeta's passage, even drawing their lightsabers in his defense. However, the queen expected all three Jedi, and Novar received orders via comlink to bring them before her. Doneeta was released, and the trio was escorted through Iziz, with the Twi'lek feeling increasingly uneasy about the city-dwellers, sensing something amiss. They arrived at the palace and were introduced to Queen Amanoa of Onderon and her daughter, Princess Galia.

Before the Jedi could begin their peace mission, invaders—whom Doneeta recognized as the same Beast Rider attackers from their earlier encounter—crashed through the window and attacked the throne room. At the queen's request, Doneeta and the Qel-Dromas joined her Royal Protectors in fighting the Beast Riders, while she and her daughter fled to safety. Doneeta had slain several Riders before realizing that several invaders, specialized Beast Warrior Commandos, had pursued Amanoa and Galia. He and Cay followed the Commandos but arrived too late; Amanoa had been incapacitated and Galia kidnapped. Doneeta suggested reporting the situation to Master Jeth, believing events had escalated out of control. However, Ulic Qel-Droma refused, persuading his brother and Tott to join him on a rescue mission to save the princess.
Doneeta flew the Ranger over the Onderonian jungle in search of Galia's abductors. Beast Rider sentries spotted the Ranger below and fired a seeker-torpedo at them, which Doneeta's piloting skills could not avoid. Taking a direct hit, he crash-landed in the jungles near a massive stronghold. While Cay repaired the ship, Doneeta surveyed the area and found the Ranger surrounded by wild boma beasts. Instead of attacking, Doneeta soothed and conversed with the bomas through the Force. He learned that Galia was marrying Beast Rider Lord Oron Kira in the fortress of his father, Modon. The bomas allowed the Twi'lek Jedi and his companions to ride them to the Beast Rider citadel. Doneeta led the charge into Fortress Kira, distracting the congregation as the elder Qel-Droma tried to collect Galia. She fought him off, stating she chose to marry Kira willingly. Modon Kira invited the Jedi to stay in peace, which they accepted.
Modon toasted the Jedi and told them of the oppression by the city-dwellers. Doneeta listened as Galia confirmed his earlier suspicions—Iziz was tainted by the dark side of the Force due to Queen Amanoa's worship of Freedon Nadd, whose spirit granted her sorceress powers. Wanting to be bound to Kira and freed from Nadd's influence, Galia feigned her abduction to escape the city and join her Beast Lord consort. At the Jedi's suggestion, the couple would present their marriage to Amanoa as a peace offering. However, under Modon's banner, the Beast Riders still gathered their full host in case the Jedi's negotiations failed.
Doneeta flew the repaired Ranger back to Iziz with the princess, while Kira and a small force of Beast Riders followed. As they approached Iziz, his evasion piloting was tested again, avoiding turbolaser fire from the wall defenses, which considered his flying under Beast Rider escort to be hostile. Ulic Qel-Droma convinced the city-dwellers to cease their attack because Galia was with them; he also talked them into allowing the idea of peace to be presented to the queen.

The Ranger landed, with Doneeta bringing up the rear as the group was escorted to Amanoa's throne room. The Twi'lek remained silent as Ulic pleaded with Amanoa to cease her dark side worship and recognize the union between her daughter and the young Beast Lord. Amanoa refused, calling on Freedon Nadd's spirit, shrouding the palace in darkness. She ordered her forces to attack Doneeta's group, who fought them off while Galia led them to safety. Tott ferried the princess and her husband from the palace to the Ranger while the Qel-Dromas battled Amanoa's forces. Momentarily shaken by the queen's power, Doneeta transported the princess and remained with her on the Ranger while Kira commanded his forces in battle against the city-dwellers.
Under Amanoa's darkness spell, the Beast Rider army was rapidly being defeated. The Twi'lek observed that the Beast Riders were stricken with a dark side–induced madness and that the tide of battle had turned in favor of the city-dwellers. The fighting ended with the arrival of Master Jeth, who employed ancient Jedi battle meditation to counter Amanoa's Sith magic, giving victory to the Beast Riders. When the fighting ended, Jeth admonished Doneeta and his companions for their failure to resolve the conflict peacefully . Jeth then led them into the palace in search of the queen, who they found in the tomb of Freedon Nadd, drawing on his power. In the presence of the Jedi Master's superior strength, Amanoa perished, and Freedon Nadd's spirit vacated Iziz.

Following Iziz's liberation, the Jedi remained to help round up the remaining darksiders and rebuild. Tott Doneeta assisted in the royal palace, preparing it for habitation by the new king and queen, Oron Kira and Galia. The relief efforts were plagued by guerrilla attacks from survivors of Amanoa's dark side army. One attack occurred in the royal palace, where an explosion caused the structure to collapse. Doneeta was inside when the detonation occurred, trapped by debris and surrounded by fires. Too weak to lift a pillar from his chest, the Twi'lek used his remaining Force strength to keep it from crushing him, fearing death. However, Cay and Ulic remembered their friend and saved him before another explosion brought the citadel down.
The Jedi remained on Onderon for two years, overseeing the restoration of peace. A tomb for Amanoa and Freedon Nadd's remains was constructed on Onderon's jungle moon Dxun. While Master Jeth prepared Iziz for the final interment, he sent Tott Doneeta to the Stenness system to seek additional Jedi assistance from the Tchuukthai Jedi Master Thon to combat the continued Naddist threat. The Twi'lek arrived on Thon's world of Ambria and was introduced to the Vultan Jedi Oss Wilum, who would join the war effort on Thon's behalf. Doneeta spent a brief time in Stenness before returning with Wilum to Onderon.
As Doneeta and Wilum arrived in Iziz for Amanoa's funeral, the Naddists ambushed the procession and stole the sarcophagi of the deceased queen and Dark Lord. Doneeta slew several Naddists before falling back to protect Master Jeth, who had been smitten through the Force by an unseen assailant. When he recovered, Jeth recognized the Naddists' ambush as a feint and was determined to retrieve the sarcophagi. Galia believed her father, King Ommin, could assist them and departed with Jeth and Ulic into the tunnel left in the Naddist war machine's wake. Doneeta ferried teams of Beast Riders back to Fortress Kira to prepare for another stand against the worshipers of Freedon Nadd.

For several days, Doneeta stayed with the Beast Riders in their stronghold until Ulic and Galia came back, but Jeth was missing, having been captured by Ommin and imprisoned far below in the king's secret sanctuary. The Jedi understood that the dark side's influence on Onderon was too strong for them to handle in their weakened state, so they asked both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order for reinforcements. Doneeta's allies joined him at Fortress Kira, hoping for quick assistance. Despite being tired and facing overwhelming odds, Doneeta spearheaded the Beast Rider resistance, enduring weeks of Naddist attacks until the entire Republic Navy showed up, along with five Jedi Knights: Miraluka female Shoaneb Culu, Humans Dace Diath and Nomi Sunrider, Gotal Kith Kark, and the Nazzar Crown Prince Qrrrl Toq.
The Naddists were easily defeated by the Republic's massive military force, which was further strengthened by Doneeta and his Jedi comrades' fighting skills. Nomi Sunrider, one of the Knights, used the same battle meditation technique as Master Jeth to shift the battle's momentum in favor of the Beast Riders and the Republic. Doneeta felt his Force abilities return as Sunrider's power pushed back the dark energy that permeated Onderon's atmosphere. Their teamwork led to the Naddist army's defeat, making the rescue of Master Jeth the next priority. Doneeta and the other Knights invaded Ommin's lair, surprising the king and his minions, and successfully destroyed all of Ommin's Sith warbots and Dark Jedi before they could effectively defend themselves.
Even though the king tried to repel the Jedi with his Sith magic, Ommin was ultimately defeated when Ulic Qel-Droma destroyed his durasteel exoskeleton, leaving him helpless on the ground. Master Jeth was freed from Ommin's imprisonment and banished Freedon Nadd's spirit from Onderon forever. Amidst the chaos, Tott Doneeta noticed two civilians escaping the king's lair before the Jedi could stop them for questioning.
The Jedi's guidance helped bring peace to Onderon and was essential in ending Freedon Nadd's influence over the planet. Tott Doneeta, along with other Jedi, enjoyed a short break after the Battle of Iziz. He spent some time with his friends learning to ride the Beast Riders' war mounts, but most of his time was spent cataloging Sith artifacts from King Ommin's storage, preparing them for transport to Ossus for safekeeping. While exploring Ommin's caves, Doneeta discovered that two civilians, Satal and Aleema Keto, had been with the king recently during the Naddist Uprising. Believing they had received dark side training from the king, or even Freedon Nadd, Doneeta shared his findings just as Master Jeth announced that the monarchy of the distant Empress Teta system had been overthrown in a political upheaval by the Ketos, who had renamed themselves the Krath and started practicing Sith magic.
Master Jeth added that he had taken on Jedi Watchman duties for the Tetan worlds, and only some of the present Knights would go to the front lines against the Krath; Doneeta was not chosen. Instead, he was assigned to create a Jedi base on Onderon with Cay and Ulic Qel-Droma, while the others prepared to leave. Master Jeth also warned Doneeta and the Qel-Droma brothers to ignore a guest who would soon arrive on Onderon. When Exar Kun, a Jedi Knight claiming to be with the "School of Jedi Archaeology," arrived, Doneeta and the Qel-Dromas initially welcomed him but quickly became suspicious when Kun demanded to see Nadd's artifacts before they were moved. Refusing his request, Doneeta and Cay directed Kun to Master Jeth, who also denied him access. Jeth called Kun a liar and an impostor, making it clear he was not welcome on Onderon. Kun left for Iziz, leaving Doneeta and his companions to finish their work while pondering Kun's defiance.

The Republic's initial military offensive against the Krath failed, and the Jedi were surprised by the extent of the Krath's new Sith powers. The Republic fleet suffered significant losses, and Ulic Qel-Droma was badly injured in an attack. In response, the Jedi held a convocation on Deneba to discuss how to handle the Sith threat. Doneeta answered the call to gather en masse on Deneba's Mount Meru, along with almost every Jedi in the galaxy.
Amazed by the number of Jedi present, Doneeta joined his companions, including Shoaneb Culu. He dismissed Culu's belief that an ancient Jedi prophecy foretelling a major conflict with the dark side was imminent. Doneeta believed the conflict was still far in the future. The convocation began, with the Jedi discussing solutions to the Krath threat.
During the meeting, Ulic Qel-Droma proposed a controversial plan to infiltrate the Krath and destroy them from within, rather than through direct combat. His idea was rejected by almost all Jedi, with many, including Master Jeth, warning about the dangers of using the dark side to defeat it. The meeting was adjourned. Before the Jedi could reconvene, the Krath ambushed them. Escape pods landed on Deneba, releasing Krath-designed war droids that attacked the Jedi. Meanwhile, the servant droids assisting with the convocation were reprogrammed to attack the most powerful Jedi. Despite being overwhelmed, Doneeta and his companions managed to destroy the droids during the battle, but suffered a great loss: Master Jeth was killed by a droid while defending Ulic Qel-Droma.

Arca Jeth's death strengthened Ulic Qel-Droma's resolve to defeat the Krath from within. After studying them and their star system, he left for Empress Teta on his mission. Months passed without news, and the Jedi worried about his fate. Tott Doneeta, Ulic's brother Cay, and Nomi Sunrider were sent to the Tetan worlds on a rescue mission, hoping Qel-Droma was still alive. Doneeta and Cay stayed on the Nebulon Ranger while Sunrider infiltrated Cinnagar, where she found Ulic. However, he refused to return to Ossus and imprisoned her, planning to execute her at Lord Satal Keto's command. When Sunrider escaped, she contacted Doneeta and Cay, who entered Cinnagar to rescue her. They were attacked by Krath soldiers, and the Twi'lek led the charge while his partner used blasterfire to hold off the enemies as they searched for their friends. Doneeta and Cay reached the Iron Citadel and rejoined Sunrider, just as Lord Keto appeared on a palace balcony.
Doneeta demanded that the Krath leader release Ulic, but Qel-Droma arrived on his own, accusing Keto of instigating the attack on Deneba. He then engaged the Tetan Emperor in a duel, succumbing to his rage and killing him. At that moment, Doneeta and the other Jedi realized Qel-Droma had fallen to the Sith and needed to be removed from Cinnagar. However, Qel-Droma refused, attacking his former friends with the dark side. Though Sunrider hesitated, Doneeta believed they had no choice. As Krath soldiers prepared to attack, the Twi'lek Jedi and his team left Tetan space to regroup and plan a new rescue attempt.
The Jedi met back on Ossus and planned to return to Empress Teta with a stronger attack force, including Beast Riders from Onderon. They also planned to fly experimental starfighters into battle, and Tott Doneeta joined Dace Diath and Cay Qel-Droma in testing the new Star Saber craft. However, when Diath crashed his fighter, the Twi'lek questioned the new fighters' capabilities. The Jedi then suggested using their S-100 Stinger-class fighters, which were reliable, but Doneeta reminded them that there were not enough Stingers to escort the Beast Riders' flying drexl mounts. A compromise was reached, and the Jedi strike team set out for the Tetan worlds in both Star Saber fighters and traditional Stingers, with Doneeta flying his own personal version of the latter.
Doneeta and his team arrived in Cinnagar and surprised the Krath forces, quickly taking down the palace defenses while protecting the drexl mounts flown by the Beast Riders. While Nomi Sunrider, Qrrrl Toq, and Cay Qel-Droma attacked the Krath citadel to rescue Ulic, Doneeta led the air assault to fend off the Krath forces until the extraction was complete. The rescue attempt failed, as Ulic refused to return to Ossus, remaining under the influence of Aleema Keto and the Krath. Unbeknownst to Doneeta and the other Jedi, Exar Kun, whom they had encountered on Onderon, was also in Cinnagar, seeking to destroy the Krath, whom he saw as an obstacle to his dark side power. After a brief duel that ended in a stalemate, Kun and Qel-Droma were visited by ancient Sith spirits who named them Lords of the Sith. An alliance between Kun and Qel-Droma's Krath was formed, and the new Sith Brotherhood began their campaign of galactic conquest in what became known as the Great Sith War.

The partnership between Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun fulfilled the ancient Jedi prophecy that the Dark Lords of the Sith would rise again. As warlord and supreme commander of the Krath forces, Qel-Droma defeated an attack by Mandalore the Indomitable's warrior clans against the Empress Teta system and forced the Mandalorians to pledge allegiance to him. With their combined strength, Qel-Droma led them in an attack and capture of the Republic shipyards at Foerost before leading an assault on Coruscant. Before the invasion, Tott Doneeta was part of the team of young Jedi who accompanied Master Vodo-Siosk Baas to the galactic capital to convince the Republic politicians to take strong action against Qel-Droma. Faulty intelligence led them to believe that the Krath's next target was the jump station Kemplex Nine in the Auril sector; however, Qel-Droma's forces suddenly arrived from hyperspace over Coruscant, catching the planetary defenses off-guard.
As Mandalorian Basilisk war droids descended upon the planet, Doneeta worked with Cay Qel-Droma to reactivate the old planetary laser cannons to defend the capital. When the Mandalorians landed and invaded the streets of Coruscant, Doneeta cut them down while using the Force to protect his companions from droid fire. He then joined his fellow Jedi in pushing back the Mandalorians as the Republic forces advanced towards the Republic command center, where Master Vodo believed the battle would be decided. Sensing Ulic's presence in the command center, Doneeta and the others created a wall of light to temporarily incapacitate and arrest Qel-Droma. The Sith Lord was scheduled to stand trial, where he would likely be sentenced to death.

Tott Doneeta did not attend Qel-Droma's trial but returned to Ossus to help plan the recovery from the fallen Jedi's terror campaign. Meanwhile, Qel-Droma's Sith Master, Exar Kun, went to Coruscant, killed Master Vodo, and freed Qel-Droma. The Sith then planned to attack Kemplex, which had been left unprotected after the Republic forces had left to fight Qel-Droma's forces during the Battle of Coruscant. Tott Doneeta learned of an ancient Sith warship bombarding the jump station and quickly alerted his comrades. While Shoaneb Culu, Dace Diath, and Qrrrl Toq volunteered to lead the Ossus fleet against the Sith forces, Doneeta remained on the planet to prepare the defenses, as Jedi Master Thon believed the Sith planned to fake an attack on the jump station again.
However, the assault on Kemplex Nine was real. Krath sorceress Aleema Keto hid her ancient Sith vessel within the Cron star cluster, waiting for the Jedi fleet, and then activated a Sith superweapon that caused supernovas in all ten stars of the Cron Cluster. The explosion destroyed Culu, Diath, Toq, and their fleet and threatened to devastate Ossus, forcing the Jedi to evacuate their center of learning and activity. Doneeta quickly gathered as many artifacts as possible, hoping to prevent Exar Kun, whom the Masters believed sought the knowledge on Ossus, from stealing or destroying Jedi lore.

As the Twi'lek helped with the preservation efforts, Ulic Qel-Droma and Exar Kun arrived on Ossus to battle with the Jedi. He joined Cay as he rushed to meet his brother, who had landed nearby. Doneeta watched as the younger Qel-Droma pleaded with his older brother to rejoin the Jedi, but in vain. A confrontation between the siblings escalated into a duel, ending with Ulic killing his brother in a fit of rage. Horrified by Cay's death, Doneeta could only watch as Nomi Sunrider, who had also witnessed the fratricide, used her power to render Ulic unable to touch the Force. Doneeta seized Sunrider and brought her back to her senses, though too late—Ulic had permanently suffered a Force blockage that was only supposed to be temporary. Utterly defeated, Qel-Droma renounced his Sith allegiance and chose to help the Jedi in a final assault on Exar Kun.
Traveling on the same vessel as Sunrider, Doneeta joined the thousands of Jedi as they rallied against the Dark Lord of the Sith. Arriving in the Yavin system, the Jedi descended upon the jungle moon that served as his stronghold, hoping to overwhelm Kun and prevent his escape. As had been done when Ulic Qel-Droma was subdued during the Battle of Coruscant, Tott Doneeta helped his fellow Knights create a massive wall of light to defeat the Dark Lord entrenched below. On the surface of the moon, Exar Kun tapped into Sith lore more arcane than even he understood, and gathered all the Massassi, members of the Sith race who had relocated to Yavin 4 at the end of the Great Hyperspace War in his temple. There, to live forever in spirit form, he drained their life energies to release his spirit from his body. However, the combined Force power of nearly all the Jedi was too much for Kun to combat. Though successful in releasing his spirit, the Jedi trapped it forever on Yavin 4 within the walls of Kun's temple. The attack was not without consequence, as the entire surface of the jungle moon was destroyed in a firestorm.

Ten years after the Great Sith War, the galaxy was still recovering from the destruction caused by Kun's Sith Brotherhood. During that time, Tott Doneeta had returned to his homeworld to help his Twi'lek clansmen find a new home, as theirs had been devastated by civil war. During their exodus, they were threatened by a heat storm, a natural weather event on Ryloth. Taking refuge in caves, they were overtaken by the storm, and many died in its heat. Rather than allow more people to be consumed, Doneeta decided to face the storm head-on, feeling it was his duty as a Jedi. As the winds destroyed everything in their path, Doneeta stood firm and used the Force to temporarily stop the disaster before it ultimately overcame him. It passed quickly, and though Tott survived, his face was badly burned. After the storm, the Jedi's clansmen found him alive but injured. They urged him to stay on Ryloth and recover, but he refused. He had received word of a great convocation being organized by Nomi Sunrider, now a Jedi Master, and he left his homeworld in response to her summons of all Knights of the Republic to meet on the Exis mining station for the first time in nearly a decade.
Though he left Ryloth quickly, the conclave began without Tott Doneeta. However, he arrived in the Teedio system, where Exis was located, just in time to rescue Sunrider's daughter Vima, who had stolen a mining vessel and snuck out while her mother was speaking. Flying too close to the system's namesake star, Vima had to abandon the craft, only to have her escape pod saved by the Twi'lek Jedi before she was engulfed by solar flares. Doneeta then delivered the teen to her mother, and Sunrider thanked him for his kindness. The conclave continued, and Doneeta stayed for the rest of it.
Toward the end of the convocation, Tott Doneeta met another old friend, the Cathar Jedi Knight Sylvar. She held much hatred for Ulic Qel-Droma, whom she considered a criminal who had escaped justice for his crimes during the Sith War. Doneeta sensed the bitterness within her, and though she reveled in it, the Twi'lek recognized in her the same dangerous passion he had once seen in Qel-Droma. He offered to help her become free of her anger, inviting her to return to Ryloth with him and help rebuild their society after the heat storm. Sylvar agreed, and they set out for the Twi'lek homeworld.
They arrived to find that civil unrest had erupted again between Clan Doneeta and their rivals, the R'lyeks, resulting in many of Tott's brethren being killed. Determined to end the fighting, Tott vowed to settle the dispute peacefully. He left Sylvar with his kinsmen and instructed her to help them build their new city, while he approached the clan leaders to end the discord. Upon his return, however, Tott was displeased to learn that Sylvar was trying to rally the Doneeta clansmen against the R'lyeks and turn them into soldiers. He instantly dismissed Sylvar's plan to take up arms and explained that through his mediation, the clan leaders had decided to unify into one tribe and stop fighting. Ashamed that his fellow Jedi had so readily chosen violence over diplomacy, Doneeta admonished Sylvar for choosing unnecessary combat as a means to an end. Sylvar disagreed and believed that Tott's plan was folly; she requested that he take her home to her native world of Cathar.

Upon arriving on Cathar, Doneeta and Sylvar were met by a large group of Sylvar's admirers, who held her in high regard, viewing her as a celebrated figure due to her actions during the Sith War and as a significant representative of the Cathar people throughout the galaxy. Doneeta was surprised by the intense admiration Sylvar's people had for her, even accompanying her as she was celebrated in a parade organized in her honor. The Twi'lek believed that Sylvar, who remained gloomy throughout the event, should have expressed more gratitude for the pride the Cathar held for her. However, Sylvar only desired solitude, considering such public displays to be the opposite of what she wanted. Acknowledging her inner rage, Sylvar consulted with one of her people's elders and requested that Doneeta join her in a traditional Cathar blood hunt, believing it would assist her in releasing some of her pent-up anger. The Twi'lek felt honored by her request and agreed, and the two embarked on a journey into the Cathar desert.
Despite the Cathar Jedi's speed, Tott Doneeta kept pace with her as she guided him through the desert. As they approached their target, he was struck by the devastation caused by their prey—the massive, omnivorous Kiltik insects of Cathar, which fed on any creature unfortunate enough to cross their path. These creatures were nocturnal, and because he and Sylvar were hunting during the day, Doneeta was concerned that they would need to venture deep into the Kiltik nest before encountering any of the insects. His concern was quickly dispelled when a Kiltik guard confronted them, which Sylvar swiftly defeated with her lightsaber. Wielding his own blue-bladed weapon, he followed Sylvar further into the caves until they reached the queen's lair. Instead of participating, Doneeta observed as she succumbed to her rage and slaughtered every Kiltik in sight. It was then that he realized how unprepared he was to handle the depth of Sylvar's anger, unable to help her overcome it. He recognized the path she was taking by allowing her negative emotions to control her actions, the same path that led Ulic Qel-Droma to fall into darkness. Rather than continue trying to convince Sylvar of her errors, Tott Doneeta left her in the Cathar desert to reflect on Qel-Droma's fall and to consider that her own actions were leading her in the same direction. Unbeknownst to Doneeta, Ulic would later be the one to free Sylvar from her anger, after refusing to fight her on the planet Rhen Var.
Tott Doneeta was a knowledgeable Twi'lek male who, in addition to speaking his native Ryl, was also proficient in Basic and Huttese. As a Jedi apprentice, he was a reserved but devout student who diligently studied the ways of the light and strictly adhered to its principles. He admired Master Jeth and sought to emulate his teacher's example as closely as possible. He spoke only when spoken to and was never driven by emotions or rash actions; in fact, he only activated his lightsaber when all other options had been exhausted. In the manner of his Twi'lek people, Doneeta was a peacemaker who preferred to use intelligence and cunning rather than outright violence. He preferred to resolve conflicts without aggression, and even when action seemed like the only viable option, he hesitated, choosing instead to consult his Jedi Master before resorting to arms.

Although confident in his own strength in the light side of the Force, Tott Doneeta was aware of the dark side's power and never underestimated its ability to corrupt those who were willing to explore its nature. He never neglected his duty as a Knight of the Republic and readily defended those who were defenseless against the dark side. As a Jedi Guardian, Tott Doneeta was always seen fighting on the front lines of any battles he participated in. When fighting broke out on the library world of Ossus, Doneeta did not engage in combat; instead, he assisted in collecting and preserving any Jedi artifacts he could find and was saddened by the loss of generations of Jedi knowledge due to the planet's destruction. Following the Sith War, Doneeta returned to his homeworld to resolve a clan dispute that threatened to escalate into civil war. A new clan was eventually formed from the two warring clans, a testament to Tott Doneeta's peaceful nature and diplomatic skills.
Tott Doneeta was emotionally affected by Master Jeth's death during the surprise Krath attack on Deneba, but he did not succumb to anger or revenge. The Twi'lek initially believed that his friend Ulic, who had fallen to the dark side after his failed attempt to infiltrate and destroy the Krath, could be saved and redeemed. He eventually accepted that Qel-Droma had willingly embraced the Krath's influence, and Doneeta's duty as a Jedi took precedence over his loyalty to his friend, for whom he still cared deeply. Although hesitant at first, he decided to leave Qel-Droma in Cinnagar to face the consequences of his actions. During the Jedi's second attempt to retrieve Qel-Droma, Doneeta joined Ulic's brother Cay and former lover Nomi Sunrider, despite his initial reluctance to save the elder Qel-Droma, by providing aerial support for his team as they attempted to forcibly extract Ulic from the Krath Iron Citadel.
Later, during the battle of Ossus, Doneeta was horrified to witness Cay's murder at the hands of his own brother, and he was further devastated when Sunrider used her newly-learned Sever Force ability to sever Ulic's connection to the Force. However, despite these compounded tragedies, Tott Doneeta remained committed to the light side of the Force and never gave in to the dark. A decade after the end of the Sith War, Tott Doneeta attempted to help his fellow Jedi Knight and friend, the Cathar Sylvar, to overcome her anger and hatred for Ulic Qel-Droma, who had never been convicted of war crimes during his time as a Sith Lord. Although he tried various approaches, Doneeta eventually realized that Sylvar had issues that only she could resolve, and he left her—with the memory of what Ulic had become—to do so on her own.
Tott Doneeta was as skilled a pilot as he was a warrior. When traveling in the Nebulon Ranger, Doneeta often took the controls, performing sudden evasive maneuvers when necessary or simply piloting the ship through hyperspace. After the liberation of Onderon, Doneeta was among the Jedi who received training in taming and riding the drexl war mounts of the Beast Riders. When the prototype Star Saber starfighters were made available to the Jedi, Tott Doneeta tested one under the call sign of "Jedi Four". When fellow Jedi Dace Diath crashed his test model during the same test run, the Twi'lek declined to use one in the upcoming battle, choosing instead to fly his reliable S-100 Stinger-class fighter against the Krath in Cinnagar.

Tott Doneeta possessed a strong connection to the Force and felt most at peace when in harmony with nature. In combat, he utilized the Force in various ways, primarily to defend himself and his allies. Doneeta was skilled in creating shields of Force energy, using them to absorb much of the impact of an explosion caused by the Naddists in the palace of Iziz. However, the detonation overwhelmed him, and he was unable to maintain the shield for long afterward. When the Krath forces later invaded Coruscant during the Sith War, Doneeta created a barrier that protected himself and his comrades from the incoming fire of the Mandalorian's Basilisk war droids.
Doneeta was able to redirect or deflect blaster fire using both his lightsaber and his hands, as he demonstrated when fighting the Naddists on Onderon. Tott had the ability to block an individual's connection to the Force and could also trap or purge dark side influences using the light side of the Force. On two occasions, Doneeta joined his fellow Jedi in creating walls of light; first to subdue Ulic Qel-Droma during the Krath/Mandalorian raid on Coruscant and again over Yavin 4 to trap Exar Kun within the walls of his temple for thousands of years. In 3986 BBY, Tott Doneeta defended his clansmen by using the Force to briefly delay a Ryloth heat storm. Through intense concentration, he briefly succeeded in holding back the storm before it overwhelmed him. He survived with only a facial scar. Tott Doneeta was also trained in the practice of Jedi battle meditation.
In addition to defensive applications, Tott Doneeta was attuned to the Force in other ways. Early in his Jedi career, he developed a unique and natural ability to communicate telepathically with animals, a skill that proved useful when he tamed wild bomas to use as steeds in the jungles of Onderon. Doneeta also understood the bomas when they informed him of Princess Galia's location in the Beast Riders' citadel. When Queen Amanoa later revealed her Sith sorcery to the Jedi, Doneeta immediately recognized it as the dark side and felt as though his connection to the Force was being stifled by her spell of darkness. After Nomi Sunrider and her team of Knights arrived on Onderon to assist Doneeta and the other beleaguered Jedi during the Naddist Uprising, the Twi'lek felt his own Force strength renewed as Sunrider's battle meditation drove the power of King Ommin from the planet's atmosphere. Tott was able to enter a hibernation trance when necessary and could restore consciousness to another if they were rendered comatose.

Tott Doneeta was a skilled master of the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru. He constructed and wielded several different lightsabers during his time as a Jedi and, when dueling, alternated between single and two-handed grips. His original weapon had a distinctive hilt design, featuring a curved guard and pommel. This lightsaber initially produced a golden blade, which Doneeta wielded during the Beast Wars of Onderon. He also occasionally used a straight-handled, purple-bladed lightsaber during that time, attached to his wrist by a fine cord when not secured to his side. When the Naddist Revolt began, Doneeta continued to switch between his curved-handle weapon, which now produced a green blade, and the straight purple one. The curved, green-bladed lightsaber remained with Doneeta throughout the Krath conflict, using it in battles on Deneba and Coruscant. Later in life, after returning to his homeworld of Ryloth, Doneeta chose to carry a rarely seen Jedi katana; not a blade of energy, but one of curved metal. He also wielded a blue-bladed lightsaber with a straight and smooth cylindrical hilt in a reverse grip, doing so alongside Sylvar during her ritual blood hunt. Tott was also proficient with archaic pistols, pulse-wave and throwing weapons, and vehicle blasters.

Tott Doneeta's first appearance was in Tales of the Jedi 1, written by Tom Veitch. He was drawn by artist Chris Gossett, who was granted considerable freedom to develop and create Jedi Knights in action approximately four thousand years before the events of the original Star Wars trilogy. With permission from Lucasfilm, Gossett paid particular attention to his Twi'lek Jedi and designed him with the first curved-hilt lightsaber seen in the Star Wars universe. Gossett continued to draw Tott Doneeta in the following issue of Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon. However, for the cover art of the second issue, Doneeta was drawn by artist Dave Dorman. The Twi'lek also made a brief appearance in the second issue of Tales of the Jedi's Saga of Nomi Sunrider, again drawn by Dorman.
Tott Doneeta next appeared as a main character in the following Tales of the Jedi story arc, titled The Freedon Nadd Uprising. While the story was conceived by Tom Veitch, Doneeta was drawn here by artist Tony Akins, although Dave Dorman once again drew the Twi'lek for the cover of both the second issue of Uprising and the cover of the Uprising trade paperback collection. When John Whitman released a full-cast audio drama that included both Tales of the Jedi and the Freedon Nadd Uprising, Tott Doneeta was again featured and was voiced by Mark Feuerstein.
Doneeta then appeared in the next Tales of the Jedi story arc—titled Dark Lords of the Sith—and was authored by the team of Tom Veitch and Kevin J. Anderson, whose Star Wars fame preceded him due to his work on The Jedi Academy Trilogy. Tott Doneeta appeared in another full-cast audio drama, this time for Dark Lords of the Sith, also produced by John Whitman and based on the script by Veitch and Anderson. However, the actor who voiced him was not mentioned in the credits. Christian Gossett returned to draw the first five issues of Dark Lords of the Sith; the sixth, in which Tott Doneeta also appeared, was drawn by artist Art Wetherell.
Anderson then continued without Veitch to exclusively write the next two Tales of the Jedi story arcs, The Sith War and Redemption. Although the Twi'lek Jedi had a less prominent role in The Sith War compared to previous storylines, Redemption devoted considerable time to developing what was intended to be a more intimate relationship between him and the other characters involved. Gossett, who collaborated closely with Anderson during this period, noted that many ideas from a rough draft of his were incorporated when he later provided the visuals for Doneeta's return to his homeworld of Ryloth.