Kith Kark

Kith Kark, a Gotal male, distinguished himself as a Jedi Knight during the era of the Old Republic. He underwent his training on the planet Truuine, mentored by Jedi Master Mroon Jassa. Before his path led him to become a Jedi, Kark possessed an extraordinary sensitivity to the electromagnetic emissions from devices, even by Gotal standards. Consequently, he favored a life far from bustling city centers, opting instead for the solitude of the wilderness on his homeworld, Antar 4.

Despite initial difficulties at the commencement of his training, Kark proved capable of evolving into a successful apprentice under Master Jassa's tutelage, demonstrating excellence in his Jedi studies. When Jassa was unexpectedly summoned away for an unspecified duration of time, Kark journeyed to Ossus, the world housing the Jedi library, to finalize his instruction. He was subsequently selected as one of five Jedi dispatched to Onderon to aid fellow Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma amidst the Freedon Nadd Uprising in 3998 BBY. During the conflict, a surge of dark side energy overwhelmed Kark's defenses, leaving him vulnerable to fire from a Naddist cannon. This attack inflicted mortal wounds upon the Gotal. Kark died before the Naddist Revolt concluded.


Early life

In the years preceding the Great Sith War, Kith Kark, a Gotal male, resided on the moon Antar 4. Gotals inherently possessed cones sensitive to surrounding electromagnetic emissions, but Kark's sensitivity was exceptionally heightened, causing him persistent discomfort in proximity to electronic devices. This sensitivity was so acute that Kark could not bear to be within twelve meters of any electronics, especially computers and droids. Consequently, Kark's family was compelled to relocate from their home in the city and settle in the wilderness of Antar 4.

While residing in the wilderness, Kark managed to domesticate several large creatures, utilizing them for short-distance transportation. However, for journeys beyond the immediate vicinity, or when he desired to explore other systems, he resorted to his personal ship, manually programming his hyperspace jumps. The ship was a derelict Varda-class starship from which Kark had removed all traces of computers and droids, even at the cost of increased danger during his travels.

A chance encounter

Kark regularly embarked on short sightseeing excursions to nearby systems around Antar 4, seeking respite from the monotony of his home life. He felt a lack of direction in his life, spending the majority of his time tending to his parents' livestock, and he yearned for something more, feeling the weight of not having his own identity. During one such trip to the planet Truuine, Kark encountered a group of newly arrived Jedi apprentices who had come to study under the Jedi Master Mroon Jassa. Immediately, Kark sensed not only the Jedi's enthusiasm but also the calm that seemed to emanate from them. These feelings of coexistence and peace were unlike anything Kark had ever experienced, leading him to wonder if these Jedi held the answers he sought. As the apprentices continued towards Master Jassa's praxeum, Kark resolved to follow and join them.

Path of a Jedi

Upon arrival at the praxeum, Master Jassa greeted all the Jedi apprentices, but Kark received no such acknowledgment. Feeling somewhat slighted, Kark presented himself to Jassa and declared his desire to be trained as a Jedi. However, Jassa continued to ignore Kark, focusing instead on the Jedi apprentices. Annoyed, Kark pushed to the front and reiterated his desire to be trained. At this point, Jassa displayed his annoyance and simply stated that Kark's actions and attitude demonstrated that he was not yet ready to walk the path of a Jedi.

Kark wielding his green lightsaber

Humiliated and angry, Kark left the praxeum. On his return to Antar 4, he pondered Jassa's words, unsure of their precise meaning. Nevertheless, he remained determined to become a Jedi, questioning only how. Returning home, Kark vowed to learn everything he could about the Jedi, their order, and the mystical Force. He dedicated every spare minute to studying any available information about the Jedi, whether legends passed down orally or ancient historical texts possessed by the residents of Antar 4. After exhausting all available information, he returned to the praxeum on Truuine, confident in his acceptance for training.

Back on Truuine, Kark presented himself to Master Jassa once more, only to be shunned as before. Again, Kark departed, harboring anger and contempt for Jassa. He continually questioned why Master Jassa would not allow him to be trained if his destiny was to become a Jedi. Over the following months, he concluded that he must have overlooked something crucial that was preventing him from becoming a Jedi. He reexamined all available information but found nothing new. He began to review everything from the beginning, starting with his chance encounter with the Jedi apprentices, asking himself what had initially drawn him to the Jedi. He believed it was the feeling of calmness, but he realized that was only part of it. It was then that Kark saw all the pieces fall into place, and he finally understood.

Gathering his belongings, Kark returned to the praxeum. There, Master Jassa inquired why he had come again. Kark replied that he now understood that the Force had called him to that place and that he was ready to surrender himself and his life fully to the way of the Jedi. Master Jassa circled Kark, probing him with questions, repeatedly warning him that the easy part was over and asking if he realized that the hard part had just begun. Kark stated that he did not believe in difficulty, only in his own efforts. Master Jassa accepted Kark as an apprentice and welcomed him into the praxeum to begin his training.

A year passed, during which Kark excelled in his training under Master Jassa's guidance. When Jassa was unexpectedly called away for an indefinite period, Kark traveled to the library world of Ossus to complete his training in the ways of the Force, eventually earning the rank of Jedi Knight.

The Naddist Revolt

The death of Kith Kark

In 3998 BBY, following the capture of Master Arca Jeth by King Ommin of Onderon, Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma requested additional Jedi aid from Ossus. The Jedi assembly on Ossus convened to decide who would be sent, ultimately choosing Kith Kark, Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, Qrrrl Toq, and Nomi Sunrider as reinforcements for Ulic Qel-Droma, representing the Jedi and the Galactic Republic.

Upon arriving on Onderon, the Jedi reinforcements immediately sensed Qel-Droma and his remaining forces near the walled city of Iziz, battling through numerous enemies using Force-fueled techniques like Force shield and Battle meditation. The reinforcements from Ossus joined Qel-Droma and charged into the ranks of the more numerous Naddist rebels.

During the attack, Kark and the others detected a dark side power influencing the battle. The Jedi responded by erecting Force shields for protection, but they felt the dark side presence intensify its shadow against them. This dark energy drained Kith Kark's shield, leaving him vulnerable to attack. At the same moment his shield collapsed, a Naddist cannon fired on Kark, mortally wounding him. Despite his extensive training, Kark's first mission was also his last. The wound extinguished his life force, and Kith Kark became one with the Force.

Personality and traits

Kith Kark harbored a dislike for technology. While some Gotals could adapt to constant electromagnetic emissions, Kark could not. His sensitivity caused him great discomfort within twelve meters of technology emitting such waves, particularly computers and droids. However, upon becoming a Jedi, Kark learned to control his sensitivities, mitigating the discomfort he experienced around technology.

Kith Kark possessed brown hair, grey eyes, and wielded a green lightsaber. He was proud and displayed considerable self-esteem in all his endeavors, especially his accomplishments as a Jedi Knight. However, his path to Jedi knighthood was fraught with difficulties stemming from his pride. His self-worth led him to believe he was ready to become a Jedi, despite Master Jassa's contrary advice. Although initially angered and embarrassed by Master Jassa's rejection, Kark overcame the negative aspects of his pride and realized that he had blinded himself. He understood that he had to suppress the need to impress others and that the Force was calling him to be a Jedi. Until he fully surrendered to its designs, he would continue to fail. With this new perspective, Kark excelled in his training and eventually fought during the Naddist Uprising.

Powers and abilities

Kark was a Force-sensitive member of the Jedi Order. Early in life, he could communicate with and even tame various wild animals. Unbeknownst to him at the time, he possessed a natural affinity for a Force power known as Beast Control. During the Freedon Nadd Uprising, Kark could erect a Force shield, but he could not maintain it under the onslaught of an intense dark side presence.

Behind the scenes

Kith Kark's sole appearance was in the The Freedon Nadd Uprising sub-series of the comic series Tales of the Jedi. The Freedon Nadd Uprising was penned by Tom Veitch and illustrated by Tony Akins and Denis Rodier. Kark's character was later significantly expanded in the sourcebook Tales of the Jedi Companion, authored by George R. Strayton.

