The Truuine Jedi Praxeum, a school established for training by the Jedi Order, was created on the planet Truuine prior to the Naddist Uprisings by Jedi Master Mroon Jassa. Before consenting to instruct the Gotal Jedi Initiate Kith Kark in the Jedi ways, Master Jassa initially turned him down on two separate occasions. Situated in the elevated mountainous areas of Truuine's polar zones, the praxeum offered a spectacular ocean vista, allowing students to observe icebergs breaking off from the icy cliffs.
- Tales of the Jedi Companion (First mentioned)
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (Mentioned in multiple entries, but without own entry) (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook (First identified as Truuine Jedi Praxeum)