
Kharr was a Cathar spiritual leader and male figure on the planet of Cathar, the homeworld of his species. He resided in a city-tree and acted as a guide for Sylvar, who would later achieve renown as a Jedi. Kharr felt great pride in Sylvar's accomplishments and organized a large celebratory procession upon her return in 3986 BBY. However, Sylvar's homecoming was not for celebration; she sought Kharr out later that evening to discuss her struggle to regain the inner peace she had lost after the death of her partner, Crado. Kharr suggested she actively confront the anger he sensed within her, leading Sylvar to embark on a ritualistic blood hunt as a means of achieving resolution.


Kharr, a male Cathar, served as a spiritual guide and prominent figure amongst the inhabitants of his city-tree on Cathar, the homeworld of his species. Despite his high standing, Kharr lived simply in a tent located on one of the tree's large limbs. Earlier in his life, Kharr mentored Sylvar, a Force-sensitive Cathar who rose to fame as a Jedi and became the most esteemed member of their city-tree; their connection endured for years.

In 3986 BBY, Sylvar returned to her home, seeking to quell the anger that had been simmering within her since the death of her mate, Crado, ten years prior. She was greeted as a hero, with Kharr being the first to welcome her back to their city-tree. Despite her reservations, Kharr joined her and her traveling companion, the Twi'lek Jedi Knight Tott Doneeta, in a parade held in her honor. That night, Kharr and Sylvar met at his tent, where he sensed her inner turmoil and lack of peace. He advised her to find a way to release the anger consuming her. Taking his advice to heart, Sylvar resolved to undertake a ritual blood hunt, hoping to eliminate her unwanted rage. However, the blood hunt did not restore Sylvar to a place of inner peace.

Personality and traits

Kharr took great pride in Sylvar's accomplishments as a renowned Jedi, and he was overjoyed by her return home in 3986 BBY. He possessed the ability to sense her distress, and Sylvar often noted his deep understanding of her. Kharr cared deeply for Sylvar and was always ready to assist her during difficult times. The Cathar spiritual leader had brown [fur](/article/hair-legends] covering his entire body and often wore a red robe and hat.

Behind the scenes

Kharr's sole appearance in Star Wars canon occurred in the third issue of Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Redemption, which was the concluding story arc of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic book series. This series was written by Kevin J. Anderson and released in 1998. Chris Gossett provided the illustration for Kharr in this appearance.

