Battle of Kemplex Nine

title: Battle of Kemplex Nine

In the year 3996 BBY, a pivotal conflict erupted at the Kemplex Nine space station, pitting the forces of the Jedi against those of the Sith. This confrontation is recognized as a critical turning point within the broader context of the Great Sith War. Initially, the Sith Lord Ulic Qel-Droma envisioned an assault on the Republic installation at Kemplex Nine as a strategic diversion, intended to thin out defenses in anticipation of the impending attack on Coruscant. However, following Qel-Droma's capture during that battle, Aleema Keto revived the concept of seizing Kemplex Nine to control its crucial jump-station. Despite this, events unfolded in a way that undermined Keto's ambitions, as well as those of Mandalore the Indomitable, to strike at the space station. Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, successfully rescued Qel-Droma from Coruscant. After his liberation, Qel-Droma tasked Keto and Crado with leading the assault on Kemplex Nine, setting the stage for an attack on Ossus. Through the employment of Sith magic, Keto inadvertently triggered a devastating chain reaction of stellar explosions within the Cron Cluster, obliterating all combatants, both Sith and Jedi. The resulting supernova unleashed a cataclysmic wave of destruction, ultimately devastating the Jedi world of Ossus.


Following the capture of Ulic Qel-Droma during his invasion of Coruscant, and his subsequent rescue by Exar Kun during the trial of Qel-Droma, the leaders of the Brotherhood of the Sith began planning the next phase in their war of conquest. After Exar Kun rescued Ulic Qel-Droma during the trial of Qel-Droma, which occurred after Qel-Droma's capture during his invasion of Coruscant, the leaders of the Brotherhood of the Sith started to formulate their next steps in their campaign. Qel-Droma devised an initial part of the plan that called for a strike against a key Republic hyperspace jump-station at Kemplex Nine, located in the Auril sector near the Cron Cluster. The initial stage of Qel-Droma's strategy involved launching an assault on a vital Republic hyperspace hub situated at Kemplex Nine, which was positioned within the Auril sector adjacent to the Cron Cluster.

Mandalore advises Qel-Droma of Keto's betrayal.

Initially, Qel-Droma had used a fictitious attack on Kemplex Nine as a ruse to draw Republic defenders away from the capital of Coruscant, in preparation for his invasion of that planet. Originally, Qel-Droma conceived the false attack on Kemplex Nine to deceive the Republic forces, luring them away from the capital world of Coruscant in advance of his planned invasion. Likewise, following Aleema Keto's betrayal of Qel-Droma, and his capture by the Jedi, Keto had assumed command of the Krath forces. Similarly, after Aleema Keto betrayed Qel-Droma, leading to his capture by the Jedi, she took control of the Krath military. One of her first actions as supreme commander was to order Mandalore the Indomitable and his Mandalorian warriors to attack the jump-station at Kemplex Nine. As one of her initial acts as supreme commander, she instructed Mandalore the Indomitable and his Mandalorian soldiers to strike the jump-station at Kemplex Nine. Mandalore set Keto's orders in motion, knowing that his warriors would carry out his commands to the letter. Mandalore initiated Keto's directives, confident that his troops would execute them precisely. However, Mandalore also suspected Keto of betraying Qel-Droma on Coruscant, and set out for Yavin 4 to meet with the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, in an effort to convince him to help rescue Qel-Droma from the Republic. Nevertheless, Mandalore harbored suspicions about Keto's betrayal of Qel-Droma on Coruscant and traveled to Yavin 4 to seek out Exar Kun, the Dark Lord of the Sith, hoping to persuade him to assist in Qel-Droma's rescue from the Republic. Due to Mandalore's intervention, Qel-Droma was rescued from the Republic by Kun, and was able to set the original plans of the two Sith Lords in motion, beginning with a strike on Kemplex Nine. Thanks to Mandalore's efforts, Kun rescued Qel-Droma from the Republic, enabling the two Sith Lords to proceed with their initial strategy, starting with an assault on Kemplex Nine.

Though the two Sith Lords were outwardly working towards the same goals, both Qel-Droma and Kun harbored their own agendas for staging an attack against the jump-station at Kemplex Nine. Despite the apparent alignment of their objectives, both Qel-Droma and Kun secretly held individual motives for orchestrating an attack on the jump-station at Kemplex Nine. Following his rescue, Qel-Droma learned from Mandalore how Keto had betrayed him during the invasion of Coruscant. After his rescue, Qel-Droma discovered from Mandalore that Keto had betrayed him during the Coruscant invasion. Aware of Kun's agenda for a strike at Kemplex Nine, Qel-Droma ordered Keto to take command of the attack there, confident that she would be rewarded in turn for her treachery against him. Knowing Kun's intentions for an assault on Kemplex Nine, Qel-Droma instructed Keto to lead the attack, assured that she would face retribution for her betrayal. What Qel-Droma was aware of, which the others were not, was that Kun had an ulterior motive for also wanting a strike against Kemplex Nine. Unbeknownst to the others, Qel-Droma knew that Kun possessed a hidden agenda for desiring the attack on Kemplex Nine. Originally intending on using Sith magic to create a supernova in the Cron Cluster in an effort to wipe out Ossus, Kun altered his planning since he was now aware of Keto's own ambitious motives—Keto, Kun realized, was a threat to his and Qel-Droma's Sith legacy. Initially planning to employ Sith magic to generate a supernova within the Cron Cluster to eliminate Ossus, Kun revised his strategy upon realizing Keto's own ambitious goals, recognizing her as a threat to his and Qel-Droma's Sith legacy. To that end, Kun gave Keto command of an ancient ship, which had once belonged to the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow, that possessed a powerful arsenal of Sith weaponry—weaponry that had the ability to create supernovae by ripping the cores from stars. Consequently, Kun entrusted Keto with an ancient vessel, formerly belonging to the ancient Sith Lord Naga Sadow, equipped with a formidable array of Sith weaponry capable of creating supernovae by destabilizing the cores of stars. Excited to have the chance to use such a powerful ship, Keto listened as Kun explained that she was to use the ship's armament to destroy one of the Cron Cluster's stars, thus destroying her enemies' forces. Thrilled by the opportunity to wield such a potent vessel, Keto heeded Kun's instructions to utilize its weaponry to obliterate one of the Cron Cluster's stars, thereby decimating her adversaries. Kun, however, neglected to advise Keto that the Sith magic imbued in the ship would not protect her from the destruction caused by the resulting supernova. However, Kun failed to inform Keto that the Sith magic infused within the ship would not shield her from the devastation caused by the ensuing supernova. Likewise, the Sith Lord failed to mention that he had altered the ship's arsenal so that after the one supernova had been created, it would then set off a chain reaction in the stars immediately surrounding it. Similarly, the Sith Lord omitted the fact that he had modified the ship's arsenal to trigger a chain reaction among the surrounding stars after the initial supernova. This, Kun knew, would cause an enormous supernova to be created, though which the planet of Ossus would be devastated. Kun was aware that this would lead to the creation of a massive supernova, which would devastate the planet of Ossus. Known only to Kun and Qel-Droma, it was Ossus that was the true objective, not the jump-station at Kemplex Nine. Ossus, unbeknownst to all but Kun and Qel-Droma, was the real target, not the jump-station at Kemplex Nine.

The battle

Sadow's ship, surrounded by exploding stars in the Cron Cluster.

Anxious to use the Sith magic at her disposal, Aleema Keto, accompanied by her co-commander Crado, took command of Naga Sadow's ship and set course for the Auril Sector. Eager to harness the Sith magic at her command, Aleema Keto, alongside her co-commander Crado, assumed control of Naga Sadow's vessel and embarked for the Auril Sector. Upon arriving in the sector, Keto and Crado began their attack against Kemplex Nine, thus using several weapons aboard Sadow's battleship to successfully destroy all of the Republic defenses and personnel in the immediate area. Upon reaching the sector, Keto and Crado initiated their assault on Kemplex Nine, utilizing various weapons aboard Sadow's battleship to effectively eliminate all Republic defenses and personnel in the vicinity.

However, word of a planned Sith attack on Kemplex Nine eventually reached the Jedi who were stationed on Ossus, and among many, including Master Thon, it was thought that these reports were yet another ruse aimed at diverting the Jedi's attention from elsewhere. Nevertheless, news of a planned Sith offensive against Kemplex Nine eventually reached the Jedi stationed on Ossus, where many, including Master Thon, suspected it was another ploy to distract the Jedi from other matters. Believing everything that Kun and Qel-Droma could desire was located on Ossus, the Jedi Masters decided that a small fleet would be dispatched to Kemplex Nine, led by the Knights Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrrl Toq, in an effort to thwart any plans that the Sith might have had for the jump-station. Convinced that Ossus held everything Kun and Qel-Droma desired, the Jedi Masters resolved to send a small fleet to Kemplex Nine, led by Knights Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrrl Toq, to foil any Sith schemes for the jump-station. Setting out immediately for Kemplex Nine, the three Jedi arrived at the head of their fleet to discover that the jump-station had already been destroyed, and that all Republic personnel were dead. The three Jedi promptly departed for Kemplex Nine, arriving at the head of their fleet only to find that the jump-station was already in ruins and all Republic personnel were deceased. Discovering that the Sith attack had been real, the Jedi believed that they had missed their chance to strike back at those responsible. Upon realizing that the Sith attack was genuine, the Jedi lamented that they had missed their opportunity to retaliate against the perpetrators. On the other hand, Dace Diath managed to use his starfighter's sensors to detect a fleeing capital ship's ion-wake, which was originating from the Cron Cluster, a nearby stellar body of ten densely packed stars. However, Dace Diath was able to utilize his starfighter's sensors to detect the ion trail of a retreating capital ship originating from the Cron Cluster, a neighboring stellar formation comprised of ten tightly packed stars.

Identifying the ship as belonging to the Sith, the Jedi led their fleet in an attack run on the enemy craft. Identifying the vessel as belonging to the Sith, the Jedi directed their fleet in an assault on the enemy ship. However, during the battle Shoaneb Culu, a Miraluka Jedi, sensed something strange in the Force—something that neither of her fellow Jedi could detect. During the engagement, however, Shoaneb Culu, a Miraluka Jedi, perceived an anomaly in the Force imperceptible to her Jedi companions. Realizing too late that something dangerous and deadly was about to happen, Culu attempted to call out to the fleet and other Jedi to warn them. Realizing too late that something dangerous and deadly was about to happen, Culu attempted to call out to the fleet and other Jedi to warn them. Despite Culu's best efforts, Keto managed to activate the Sith technology aboard Sadow's ship, and was able to successfully rip the core out of a nearby star. Despite Culu's best efforts, Keto managed to activate the Sith technology aboard Sadow's ship, and was able to successfully rip the core out of a nearby star. The resulting supernova was enormous, and immediately destroyed the entire Republic fleet and the three Jedi. The resulting supernova was enormous, and immediately destroyed the entire Republic fleet and the three Jedi. However, unbeknown to Keto were the alterations that Exar Kun had made to the ship's Sith weapons. However, unbeknown to Keto were the alterations that Exar Kun had made to the ship's Sith weapons. Unable to control the weapons after the initial use, Keto was forced to watch in horror as the first supernova set off a chain reaction among the remaining nine stars. Unable to control the weapons after the initial use, Keto was forced to watch in horror as the first supernova set off a chain reaction among the remaining nine stars. The subsequent explosion completely destroyed Naga Sadow's ship, and all hands aboard, which included Aleema Keto and Crado. The subsequent explosion completely destroyed Naga Sadow's ship, and all hands aboard, which included Aleema Keto and Crado. In her final moments, Keto was able to piece the parts together and realize that Qel-Droma had returned her betrayal of him on Coruscant. In her final moments, Keto was able to piece the parts together and realize that Qel-Droma had returned her betrayal of him on Coruscant.


Devastation of Ossus by the Cron Supernova

With the destruction of Kemplex Nine complete, the supernova caused by Keto and her Sith magic was on a direct course for the Jedi-held world of Ossus—exactly as Exar Kun had planned. With the destruction of Kemplex Nine complete, the supernova caused by Keto and her Sith magic was on a direct course for the Jedi-held world of Ossus—exactly as Exar Kun had planned. When word of the devastation of Kemplex Nine and the impending supernova reached Jedi ears on Ossus, the planet's authorities issued orders for the planet to be evacuated of all personnel, and whatever Jedi artifacts could be gathered. When word of the devastation of Kemplex Nine and the impending supernova reached Jedi ears on Ossus, the planet's authorities issued orders for the planet to be evacuated of all personnel, and whatever Jedi artifacts could be gathered. Many Jedi had already managed to load their individual ships full of Jedi lore and valuables, and still, others, such as Nomi Sunrider and Cay Qel-Droma, chose to stay behind until the last possible moment to preserve what they could. Many Jedi had already managed to load their individual ships full of Jedi lore and valuables, and still, others, such as Nomi Sunrider and Cay Qel-Droma, chose to stay behind until the last possible moment to preserve what they could. It was during this chaotic time on Ossus that the Sith Lords Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma saw their chance to directly attack the planet and its still enormously wealthy storehouses of ancient Jedi knowledge. It was during this chaotic time on Ossus that the Sith Lords Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma saw their chance to directly attack the planet and its still enormously wealthy storehouses of ancient Jedi knowledge.

Behind the scenes

The battle at Kemplex Nine first appeared in the issue The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust of the Tales of the Jedi series of comics. The battle at Kemplex Nine first appeared in the issue The Sith War 4: Jedi Holocaust of the Tales of the Jedi series of comics. The battle was conceived and written by author Kevin J. Anderson, and was drawn by artist Dario Carrasco, Jr. The battle was conceived and written by author Kevin J. Anderson, and was drawn by artist Dario Carrasco, Jr. Anderson used the battle as one of the main turning points in the sub-series The Sith War, effectively using the battle as a climax for the Great Sith War, which began in the sub-series Dark Lords of the Sith and which Anderson planned to end in the sixth and final issue of The Sith War. Anderson used the battle as one of the main turning points in the sub-series The Sith War, effectively using the battle as a climax for the Great Sith War, which began in the sub-series Dark Lords of the Sith and which Anderson planned to end in the sixth and final issue of The Sith War.

There has been some confusion since the first appearance of the battle surrounding a set of orders given by the character Aleema Keto to Mandalore the Indomitable. There has been some confusion since the first appearance of the battle surrounding a set of orders given by the character Aleema Keto to Mandalore the Indomitable. In the issue The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Keto speaks with Mandalore, ordering an attack on Kemplex Nine. In the issue The Sith War 3: The Trial of Ulic Qel-Droma, Keto speaks with Mandalore, ordering an attack on Kemplex Nine. Specifically, Keto says to Mandalore, "We will do a double-feint and strike the Kemplex Nine jump-station after all! The Republic forces thought it was a diversion of Ulic's, and now they will have left it virtually unguarded!" Specifically, Keto says to Mandalore, "We will do a double-feint and strike the Kemplex Nine jump-station after all! The Republic forces thought it was a diversion of Ulic's, and now they will have left it virtually unguarded!" Following this exchange, the narration of the comic goes on to say that, "Mandalore sets Aleema's orders in motion, following them to the letter. He knows his warriors will see that they are carried out." Following this exchange, the narration of the comic goes on to say that, "Mandalore sets Aleema's orders in motion, following them to the letter. He knows his warriors will see that they are carried out." However, following this there is no information or pictures of the Mandalorians in action at Kemplex Nine, either in the comics or source books. However, following this there is no information or pictures of the Mandalorians in action at Kemplex Nine, either in the comics or source books. The next instance where Kemplex Nine is mentioned, it shows the ruined and destroyed jump-station, and the narration of the comic says, "Kemplex Nine was a bustling city in space…the only inhabited station in a hot, unstable cluster of ten stars known as the Cron Cluster. After Aleema's attack, though, it is no longer inhabited." The next instance where Kemplex Nine is mentioned, it shows the ruined and destroyed jump-station, and the narration of the comic says, "Kemplex Nine was a bustling city in space…the only inhabited station in a hot, unstable cluster of ten stars known as the Cron Cluster. After Aleema's attack, though, it is no longer inhabited." Specifically the last line regarding Keto has led to some wonderment regarding exactly who was responsible for the destruction of the Kemplex Nine jump station, or if perhaps two separate battles had occurred. Specifically the last line regarding Keto has led to some wonderment regarding exactly who was responsible for the destruction of the Kemplex Nine jump station, or if perhaps two separate battles had occurred. Due to these factors, there is room for argument to say that the Mandalorians, without Mandalore, attacked the jump station following Keto's initial orders. Due to these factors, there is room for argument to say that the Mandalorians, without Mandalore, attacked the jump station following Keto's initial orders. However, due to the fact that Keto and Crado were already present in the Cron Cluster prior to the arrival of the Jedi, and combined with the comic's narration, there is also the argument that it was Keto and Crado who attacked the jump station prior to the Jedi's arrival. However, due to the fact that Keto and Crado were already present in the Cron Cluster prior to the arrival of the Jedi, and combined with the comic's narration, there is also the argument that it was Keto and Crado who attacked the jump station prior to the Jedi's arrival. To date, no official source from Lucasfilm has explained this situation, or offered any sort of explanation for the initial order by Keto to the Mandalorians. To date, no official source from Lucasfilm has explained this situation, or offered any sort of explanation for the initial order by Keto to the Mandalorians.

