A Binding Ceremony represented a traditional rite carried out by the Beast Riders residing on the planet of Onderon. It symbolized a man and a woman's mutual agreement to enter into a lifelong marital bond. Functioning as a wedding, this Ceremony of Binding united two Onderonians in wedlock, following the spoken promises of both the husband and wife to be.
Back in 4000 BBY, a binding ceremony occurred, celebrating the union of Beast-Lord Oron Kira and Galia, the Princess of Iziz. This specific ceremony faced disruption from three Jedi Knights, who were dispatched by Queen Amanoa, Galia's mother, with instructions to rescue her daughter from the Beast Riders' grasp. These Jedi Knights, namely Ulic Qel-Droma, Cay Qel-Droma, and the Twi'lek Tott Doneeta, were taken aback upon realizing that Galia was willingly marrying the Beast Lord. After a short skirmish between the Jedi and the Beast Riders, it was revealed that the princess had not been coerced into marrying Oron Kira, but was doing so by her own choice.