Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War #2 represents the second installment in the Star Wars Legends comic book limited series titled Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Sith War. This issue was penned by Kevin J. Anderson, with artwork by Dario Carrasco, Jr., and initially saw publication on September 19, 1995 through Dark Horse Comics. The narrative of this issue revolves around "The Battle of Coruscant," where Ulic Qel-Droma's assembled forces launch an invasion of the Republic capital world.
For years, Ulic Qel-Droma dedicated himself to mastering the Force, aspiring to join the ranks of the Jedi Order and champion the light side. However, true mastery lies not merely in controlling the Force itself, but in achieving self-control. Having tasted the intoxicating allure of power, Ulic Qel-Droma now finds himself unable to resist the insatiable darkness that consumes him…
On the planet Coruscant, Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas convenes with a group of Jedi, including Cay Qel-Droma, Nomi Sunrider, Tott Doneeta, Sylvar, Dace Diath, Shoaneb Culu, and Qrrrl Toq, to meet with the tentacled Supreme Chancellor and Defence Minister Netus. Netus informs them that Ulic Qel-Droma was identified as the leader responsible for the assault on the Foerost Shipyards. In response, the Republic Navy has been deployed to confront Ulic at Kemplex Nine.
Cay and Nomi express their shock and dismay upon hearing this news. Master Vodo expresses his belief that the Sith prophecies are unfolding and holds himself accountable for failing to detect his apprentice Exar Kun's yearning for knowledge of the dark side. Simultaneously, Shoaneb senses a significant disturbance in the Force as the combined fleet of the Krath and Mandalorian forces launches an assault on Coruscant.
In a parallel narrative, Exar Kun, accompanied by his newly recruited Jedi followers, journeys to Yavin 4 aboard his starship named Starstorm One. Upon arrival, Kun guides them toward his Great Temple. However, Oss Wilum detects a strong presence of the dark side within the temple and attempts to return to the ship, only to be confronted by Kun's Massassi warriors.
Kun intervenes to de-escalate the situation, but Wilum remains apprehensive about Kun's apparent obliviousness to the dark side's influence. Nevertheless, Kun manages to persuade the Jedi that his intention is to cleanse Yavin 4 of the dark side's taint. Leading them to the temple's entrance, he reveals that Odan-Urr's holocron is, in reality, a Sith holocron.
Asserting his desire to destroy the holocron, he coaxes the Jedi into raising their hands and arms to shield against the anticipated blast. However, Kun's true motive is to corrupt the Jedi, transforming them into Sith acolytes. Only Crado, who has willingly aligned himself with Kun, remains unaffected by the corruption.
Concurrently, the Jedi and the vastly outnumbered Republic forces engage in combat against the invading Krath and Mandalorian forces. In collaboration with Mandalore the Indomitable and Aleema Keto, Ulic's strategy involves seizing control of the Republic War Room to cripple the Republic's military command. While Mandalore dispatches strike teams, Aleema pledges to employ her Sith illusions and deploy a contingent of Tetan ground troops.
Working alongside Netus, Cay succeeds in reactivating an antiquated laser cannon, while Nomi, Dace, Sylvar, Tott, and Master Vodo fend off an armored Mandalorian landing party, neutralizing two Basilisk war droids. However, Ulic and Aleema's Tetan forces manage to breach the Republic defenses and reach the War Room. Additionally, Mandalore secures a new ion-flow cannon gun.
Through the Force, Nomi senses Ulic and Aleema's presence within the Republic War Room. There, Ulic attempts to coerce a Republic officer into instructing each Admiral to redeploy their squadron to the Vento system shipyards in an effort to trigger a hyperspace catastrophe. As Jedi forces approach the War Room, Aleema betrays Ulic by issuing orders for the Krath and Mandalorian forces to retreat. Mandalore receives these orders as well and is surprised to learn that Aleema has promoted him to warlord.
As the Krath and Mandalorians withdraw, the Jedi storm the War Room. Ulic ignites his lightsaber, but the Jedi disarm him and his soldiers using the Force. Master Vodo and Nomi neutralize Ulic's Jedi abilities, while the other Jedi confine him within a wall of light. The tentacled Supreme Chancellor expresses gratitude to the Jedi and announces that Ulic will face trial and be sentenced to death.
Returning to Yavin 4, Kun converses with his new disciple Crado, informing him that the unsuspecting Jedi have absorbed the residual energy of the Sith exiles and will serve a different purpose. Kun confides in Crado that he desires him to remain by his side and that he has numerous important tasks for him. Kun dispatches his newly enslaved Jedi on a mission to demonstrate to the Republic and Jedi the folly of underestimating Sith power.
- (No UPC) ; September 19 , 1995 ; Dark Horse Comics ; Initial print run [1]
- (No UPC) ; November 10 , 2015 ; Marvel Comics ; Digital version [3]