Orley Vanicus

A celebrated figure from the Great Sith War, Admiral Orley Vanicus served with distinction. This Republic Navy officer, who held the rank of captain aboard the command ship Reliance, lived four millennia prior to the Battle of Yavin. A straightforward individual, he avoided political maneuvering and bureaucratic complexities, focusing instead on his area of expertise: the command of starships. During the Krath conflict, he led a mission to the Empress Teta system alongside the Jedi Knights Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider, aiming to defend Koros Major against the Krath faction. However, Vanicus and his crew arrived too late, their mission ending in failure; they were deceived by dark side illusions created by the Sith sorceress Aleema Keto, and the Reliance and other vessels suffered heavy damage from suicide attacks by Krath Chaos fighters, prompting Vanicus to order a withdrawal.

Subsequently, during the Great Sith War, he received orders to proceed to the shipyards of Foerost to engage a pirate group that had been plaguing the Republic for several weeks. Arriving too late, he discovered that most of the ships under construction had been seized, and the defending fleet had been defeated. Working with his staff, he managed to recover some resources. A security recording found in one of the shipyard's control centers revealed that the pirate leader was Ulic Qel-Droma, who had defected from the Republic to join the Sith. Acting on false intelligence, which Qel-Droma intended to draw the Republic away from Coruscant, its capital, Vanicus dispatched the majority of the Republic Navy to Kemplex Nine, believing Qel-Droma's forces were gathering there. Consequently, Qel-Droma and his Mandalorian allies launched an assault on the undefended Coruscant, during which Qel-Droma's fellow Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun killed the Supreme Chancellor and Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Later in the conflict, Vanicus commanded a joint Republic/Onderonian force in battle against Mandalore the Indomitable, forcing them back to the untamed jungle moon of Dxun, where many Mandalorians fell victim to the native predators. Following the Sith War, Vanicus was celebrated as a war hero and continued his service in the Republic Navy for some time.


A Military Professional

Orley Vanicus, a Human male, hailed from the Vanicus family, a family famous for its powerful political influence during the early years of the Galactic Republic. Around four millennia before the Battle of Yavin, he held the rank of admiral in the Republic Navy, and he served as the captain of the Republic command ship Reliance. During that era, admirals were also known as "fleet captains," and Vanicus was often referred to as "captain," despite his higher rank. His early career unfolded during a period of relative tranquility, where the Republic Navy, which many viewed as obsolete and pointless, had little to do besides basic peacekeeping, and had a limited fleet.

Krath Conflict

The Reliance enters the Empress Teta system.

In 3997 BBY, the Krath faction of the Empress Teta system initiated a violent political coup against the Tetan government. Satal and Aleema Keto, the Krath leaders, installed themselves as the new leaders of the system. They managed to conquer all the planets in the system except for the capital, Koros Major, which offered stiff resistance. The Republic and the Jedi Order were both concerned about the Krath's actions, and they organized a joint Republic/Jedi peacekeeping fleet, under Vanicus's command, to strike back at the Krath and prevent the Ketos from seizing Koros Major. In addition to many Jedi serving in the fleet, Jedi Knights Ulic Qel-Droma and Nomi Sunrider accompanied Vanicus on his flagship in an advisory role. Vanicus was eager for combat, ready to inflict damage on the Krath.

The fleet, comprising numerous Praetorian-class frigates, escort destroyers, heavy cruisers, and a host of other vessels, exited hyperspace and arrived in the system shortly after Koros Major fell. Vanicus commented to his Jedi advisors that they had arrived too late to accomplish their mission. However, Qel-Droma instructed him to issue a cease-fire order regardless, hoping to test the Krath's resolve when confronted with orders from the Galactic Republic. While awaiting a response, Vanicus positioned the Republic fleet to surround the Krath command station. Instead of a response, enormous, long-thought-extinct creatures known as space grazers suddenly appeared and began attacking Vanicus's vulnerable fleet. The Republic fleet was puzzled by the creatures' sudden appearance, as space grazers were considered legendary. However, Nomi Sunrider quickly realized that they were just illusions created through Sith magic. Recognizing that the Krath forces were augmented by these dark side illusions, Vanicus and the fleet stormed the Krath command station, inflicting significant damage.

The Krath quickly launched a counterattack, sending waves of CX-133 Chaos fighters at the Reliance. Vanicus began to issue the order to return fire, but Nomi Sunrider interrupted him, believing it was another illusion. She used the Force to stop Aleema Keto, who was conjuring the illusions, but she miscalculated. Although most of the Chaos fighters were fake, many were real, hidden among the illusory vessels. The suicide fighters rammed the Reliance and several other ships, causing extensive casualties for the Republic. The canopy of Vanicus's flagship was breached, and the bridge suffered damage, with Ulic Qel-Droma sustaining an injury during the attack. Nevertheless, the Reliance remained intact, and Vanicus, believing that the entire operation needed to be re-planned, ordered an immediate retreat.

Deception at Kemplex Nine

Vanicus discovers that Ulic Qel-Droma was the leader of the attack on Foerost.

In 3996 BBY, a few months after the fleet's failed attempt to defend Koros Major, Admiral Vanicus was dispatched to the shipyards on the planet Foerost, located in the Deep Core. Foerost, one of the oldest and most successful starship construction facilities in the galaxy, had been the latest target in a series of raids perpetrated by what the Republic thought was a highly organized group of pirates, though rumors suggested Jedi involvement in the attacks. Due to Foerost's importance, Vanicus led the main Republic fleet there as quickly as possible, hoping to catch the marauders in the act, determine their identities, and eliminate them with the Republic's superior firepower. However, once again, Vanicus found that he was too late.

The fleet arrived to find the remains of Foerost's defensive fleet, which had been decisively defeated by the raiders. The shipyards had been looted, with few ships remaining intact. Vanicus's fleet was completely unprepared for the aftermath of such a defeat, and the admiral realized that whoever was behind the attacks had far greater firepower than the Republic had believed. Although his fleet was not ideally suited for it, Vanicus ordered his forces to sift through the wreckage to salvage what they could and rescue any survivors. Meanwhile, Vanicus personally inspected the shipyards' various control centers with his staff, hoping to find any survivors who had witnessed the attack and could identify the pirates. However, few escape pods had been launched from the command center, and even fewer survivors were conscious. Growing desperate, Vanicus ordered his men to search through the station's logs and security records, but they reported that most computer systems had been sabotaged by the attackers.

Eventually, one man discovered an intact recording that had escaped the pirates' purge. It was a hologram depicting a young man speaking to a subordinate. Vanicus quickly recognized the speaker as Ulic Qel-Droma, whom he had fought alongside at the Battle of Koros. The young Jedi had turned to the dark side and become a Sith, building an armada in partnership with Aleema Keto and the Krath. Qel-Droma ordered his subordinate to take his fleet to the rendezvous point for an impending attack on Kemplex Nine, a strategically located and completely undefended space station. Shocked to learn that the Republic's enemy was a Jedi, Vanicus ordered the majority of the Republic Navy to travel immediately to Kemplex Nine, hoping to finally capture Qel-Droma and end his piracy. Vanicus immediately sent a message to Minister of Defense Netus on Coruscant, who relayed it to Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. Vanicus's fleet went directly to Kemplex Nine and was soon joined by additional Republic forces. They waited for the Sith attack, but it never came. It had been a ruse. Qel-Droma had intentionally allowed Vanicus to find the recording to draw Republic forces away from Coruscant, where he launched his real attack.

Defeating the Mandalorians

Vanicus's fleet departed Kemplex Nine but arrived too late to help Coruscant. Qel-Droma's Sith ally, Exar Kun, had murdered Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas and the Supreme Chancellor in the Senate Hall. However, in the following weeks, the Republic managed to turn the tide against Kun and Qel-Droma in what later became known as the Great Sith War. Ulic Qel-Droma was defeated and stripped of the Force on Ossus, and he gave the Republic the coordinates of Kun's secret base on Yavin 4. Meanwhile, Vanicus and the remainder of the Navy were sent to Onderon, where the Mandalorian Crusaders, Kun's allies, were in battle with the local Onderonian Beast Riders, led by Oron Kira.

Vanicus' fleet arrives at Onderon.

Vanicus and his forces arrived in-system to find Onderon overrun with Mandalorians, led by Mandalore the Indomitable, over the planet's capital city, Iziz. Vanicus issued the Mandalorians an ultimatum, informing them that their leader, Qel-Droma, had been defeated and that they had no chance of winning against the Republic's superior force. He ordered them to surrender immediately, but Mandalore the Indomitable refused, declaring that the Mandalorians would fight to the death. Vanicus's and Oron Kira's forces decimated their enemies' warships and began to push them back, reducing their numbers significantly. However, due to the Mandalorians' advanced deflector shields, eliminating them completely without excessive firepower was nearly impossible. Vanicus authorized the use of extreme force against Mandalore. Before long, the enemy battleships were all destroyed and their Basilisk war droids were decimated.

Onderon's atmosphere periodically merged with that of its jungle moon, Dxun, and at the time of the battle, the two worlds were linked in this way. The remaining Mandalorians on war droids were able to exploit this, retreating toward the moon without entering space. Vanicus and the beast riders pursued them, picking off the Mandalorians one by one. Many of the Mandalorians' mounts, including that of Mandalore the Indomitable, managed to put a sizable distance between them and the Republic/Onderonian force, and Vanicus reluctantly called off the Republic attack. He and his staff hoped that Dxun's fauna, considered among the most fierce in the galaxy, would finish off the surviving Mandalorians. This proved to be the case, with many Crusaders, including Mandalore the Indomitable, perishing. However, some survived, and the Mandalore tradition lived on. The Republic was successful against Kun on Yavin 4, and the Dark Lord of the Sith was defeated. The Great Sith War was over.

A Celebrated Veteran

Following the Great Sith War, Orley Vanicus was regarded as a war hero for his contributions in defeating the Krath, the Sith, and the Mandalorians. He continued to serve for several years after the conflict ended, witnessing significant reforms in the Republic and its Navy. The Navy was restructured, becoming a stronger and less tradition-bound organization, while several Commercial Protectorate Acts were passed, mandating that the Navy receive more resources in exchange for protecting lucrative Republic trade routes. Vanicus openly criticized the Acts, comparing the Republic's actions to illegal protection rackets.

Some years after the Sith War, Vanicus noticed a young Corellian named Saul Karath, who was trying to join the Navy but lacked the necessary connections or experience to secure a position. Vanicus allowed Karath to join his crew as a cabin steward, and after an act of heroism, he recommended him to another captain, leading to Karath's first commission. This marked the beginning of a career that spanned over three decades and earned him admiralty. Vanicus's concerns about the Commercial Protectorate Acts proved justified, as they contributed to the Navy's downfall in the early stages of the Mandalorian Wars. Saul Karath became a prominent Republic figure in that conflict, but he ultimately betrayed the Republic and sided with the Sith during the Jedi Civil War.

Personality and Traits

Vanicus commanding his fleet during the Great Sith War.

Vanicus was a man who enjoyed battle and served the Republic with great loyalty. He had no interest in politics or money and openly criticized aspects of the Navy's operations after the Sith War. A proud citizen of the Galactic Republic, he had no criticisms of the Jedi, serving alongside them on occasion during his career. When he learned that Ulic Qel-Droma was behind the raid on Foerost, he openly expressed his shock to his crew, stating that it was a dark day for the Republic. Vanicus was eager to support the Republic's war effort during the Sith War, but this was sometimes exploited. Without the Jedi's advice, he would have committed his forces to attacking Aleema Keto's Force apparitions. Later, Qel-Droma tricked him into going to Kemplex Nine.

Vanicus was decisive and acted quickly when making orders. After discovering Qel-Droma's planted evidence at Foerost, he immediately sent most of the Republic Navy to intercept the Sith and Mandalorians at Kemplex Nine. He was also a merciful man, offering the Mandalorians the option to surrender during the Battle of Onderon. He displayed great perseverance, refusing to give up his efforts to discover who was leading the attacks on the Republic after Foerost, and meticulousness, ordering his men to search every inch of the space station for security records. In his later years, Vanicus became a famous veteran of the Sith War and often voiced his opinions on the changing Republic. He was unhappy with the influence of commerce over the Republic and made no attempt to hide his contempt for the Commercial Protectorate Acts. He also had a talent for spotting young talent during this time, noticing Saul Karath, who eventually became a respected Republic admiral.

Behind the Scenes

Vanicus was created by Kevin J. Anderson and Tom Veitch for the Tales of the Jedi comic series. His first appearance was in the second issue of the Dark Lords of the Sith story arc, and he later reappeared in the second and final issues of the Dark Lords of the Sith arc. Vanicus is also featured in the Dark Lords of the Sith audio dramatization.

He received a brief entry in Stephen J. Sansweet's Star Wars Encyclopedia in 1999, but he was not used again in canon for several years, until John Jackson Miller mentioned him in the Knights of the Old Republic Handbook, connecting Tales of the Jedi to the Knights of the Old Republic comic series. He was reused again almost a year later in August 2008 in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, which gave him the first name "Orley." The Campaign Guide also introduced a retcon that "fleet captain," Vanicus's stated rank in Tales of the Jedi, was an informal nickname for the rank of admiral, and that Vanicus had actually been an admiral during the events of Tales of the Jedi. In 2009, a Vanicus family was mentioned in the Hyperspace article Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji, and Nathan O'Keefe, the author of the article, stated that he intended the family to be a reference to Orley Vanicus. He was later given an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia.

