The Praetorian-class frigate, a capital ship, was constructed by Rendili Hyperworks specifically for use by the Republic Navy during the period of conflict known as the Great Sith War.
This Praetorian-class frigate, a capital ship measuring 180 meters, possessed significant resilience and firepower for its size. Its armament was primarily focused on defensive capabilities, leading to its widespread employment as an escort vessel. It had the capacity to carry a complement of 12 starfighters and was equipped with a standard class two hyperdrive system.

The initial deployment of the Praetorian-class occurred during the Great Sith War, with notable service at the Battle of Koros Major. Following the war, during the reconstruction of the galaxy, the Republic Senate authorized the sale of these vessels to private entities and planetary governments. Consequently, they were largely utilized in escort roles, providing protection for convoys and humanitarian missions against pirate incursions.
The Praetorian-class served as the basis for the development of the larger Hammerhead-class cruiser. Later, Rendili Hyperworks sold the original design to the Corellian Engineering Corporation, who adapted the hull to create the Class VI bulk freighter, which remained in service even as late as the Galactic Civil War. A design with similarities, known as the Thranta-class corvette, also served within the Republic Navy during the Great Galactic War.
The visual design of the Class VI freighter first appeared in the French publication Casus Belli 89, with illustrations by Fred Blanchard, who later worked on the comic adaptation of Heir to the Empire. Blanchard included a ship with the same visual characteristics in one of the scenes. This illustration was subsequently used as the foundation for the capital ships depicted at the Battle of Koros Major, illustrated by Tommy Lee Edwards. This resulted in inconsistencies regarding the perceived function of the design.
This discrepancy was addressed in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, which clarified that the warship was the Praetorian-class frigate, which was further developed into the subsequent Class VI freighter.
A vessel with a similar appearance later made a brief appearance in the Star Wars: Rebellion comics, although it is now uncertain whether it was intended to be the warship or the freighter variant.