Republic command ship

This specific type of Republic command ship saw action with the Republic Navy back in 3997 BBY.


The command ship Reliance I leads a Republic fleet above Empress Teta.

During the era of the Great Sith War, command ships featured a design incorporating multiple vertically aligned engine banks at the rear, complemented by smaller banks along the sides. Their design bore similarities to the Republic battleships of that time, with which they operated in conjunction.

This vessel's defensive capabilities included shields that were compartmentalized into distinct zones, notably a forward shield intended for direct engagements. Furthermore, the command ship housed a medical facility equipped with Bacta tanks, facilitating swift medical attention for injured crew members.

These ships were capable of carrying snubfighters, which could be deployed rapidly in response to threats from enemy fighters.

Positioned centrally along the hull's centerline, about halfway along its length, was a prominent, towering command structure. Based on observations of the Reliance I's bridge, Republic command ships of this class possessed multi-tiered bridge layouts with expansive panoramic viewing areas, and at least one defensive gun emplacement. The bridge also incorporated atmospheric containment shields to be used in emergency situations, such as structural breaches.


During the Great Sith War, a vessel of this class, named Reliance, spearheaded a Republic warship fleet during the Battle of Koros Major. It suffered damage inflicted by Chaos fighters during the conflict.

By the time the Mandalorian Wars occurred, many Republic warships had been superseded by enhanced and more effective models. The Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship, along with the smaller Centurion-class battlecruiser, were the command ships most favored by leading Naval officers of that time.

Known ships

The Reliance I about to be hit by Chaos fighters.
  • Reliance I

