The conflict known as the Battle of Toprawa occurred during the era of the Great Sith War.
This particular battle was a brutal one, and the Jedi forces, led by Barrison Draay, emerged victorious. Nevertheless, shortly after the battle concluded, Barrison, along with numerous other Jedi, met their end in the ambush due to the treachery of Haazen and the machinations of the Sith follower, Dossa.
The demise of Barrison Draay is not directly stated, but rather implied within Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic #9. A calculation can be made using information from the comic: 3,963 (The events of this story take place approximately 3,963 BBY) + 30 (Coruscant, the Draay estate. Thirty years ago) + 4 (It's been four years since your loss)=3,997 BBY, giving us the year of his death.
However, in issue #33, Dossa says to Haazen that "Exar Kun's pulling back, maybe to Yavin," a statement that implies the battle occurred in 3,996 BBY.
When questioned regarding this dating inconsistency, John Jackson Miller stated that "Toprawa is one of the later acts in the war, but it could still be in 3997."