Knights of the Old Republic 9

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 9: Flashpoint Interlude: Homecoming, the ninth installment in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic book saga, marks a departure as the first issue that stands alone.

Summary from the Publisher

Within this self-contained tale set during the Old Republic era, deeply concealed motivations and a history marred by trouble come to light, exploring themes of fear, neglect, and betrayal! Following the conclusion of the great Sith War, one Jedi devoted herself entirely to training only those with exceptional precognitive abilities, hoping to foresee and prevent the resurgence of the Sith. However, her singular focus on this mission resulted in negligence in other areas, allowing sinister influences to infiltrate the Jedi Order. Now, events have been set in motion that cannot be reversed, and their consequences will irrevocably alter the destiny of the entire galaxy!

Synopsis of the Plot

A flashback unveils Krynda, Lucien Draay's mother, visiting her young son, who is under the supervision of a nursing droid identified as Ninebeedee.

Presently, Lucien, accompanied by the other four Tarisian Jedi Masters Xamar, Raana Tey, Q'Anilia, and Feln, arrive on Coruscant only to discover the gates of the Draay Estate are locked. Xamar informs Lucien that the Jedi High Council harbors concerns that the Jedi Order lacks adequate resources to locate the fugitive Zayne Carrick. Draay reminds the Administrator of his duties and dispatches one of his associates to keep an eye on their advancement. Draay is hesitant to send Tey. Ninebeedee instructs Lucien to await contact from his mother. Q'Anilia expresses puzzlement at Krynda's reluctance to meet with them.

A flashback, set thirty years prior, depicts Lucien secretly listening as Haazen introduces a Force-sensitive child named Q'anilia. Back at the Jedi High Council, Master Vrook Lamar reprimands the Revanchist for involving the Jedi Order in the Mandalorian Wars. He is instructed to retrieve Jedi Knights and Padawans who were captured on Suurja. As the Revanchist departs, Lucien engages in conversation with him, affirming that he was correct.

A flashback, set twenty-five years in the past, shows a teenage Lucien expressing dissatisfaction with his mother's decision to prevent him from training alongside the other Padawans. Krynda diminishes her son, citing his lack of her power of second sight, comparing him unfavorably to his late father. When Lucien defends his father, Krynda abruptly leaves. Haazen assures Lucien that he is not a deficient Padawan, explaining that his mother blames herself for failing to foresee the emergence of the Sith Lord Exar Kun.

Returning to the present, Master Lamar scolds Lucien and his fellow Masters for their failure to safeguard their Padawans. Vandar Tokare, communicating via hologram, accepts responsibility for assigning the Padawans to the Masters when they were unprepared. Lucien also acknowledges responsibility for the Padawan's deaths but disputes the claim that it incited the recent Mandalorian incursions. Despite the Mandalorian threat, Lucien urges the Jedi to prioritize preventing the re-emergence of the Sith. He requests the Council to permit him and his Jedi Masters to spearhead the search for Zayne. Master Lamar rejects Lucien's request and reassigns the Jedi Covenant members to different postings.

Xamar questions his fellow Masters as to why they withheld the full extent of their visions concerning Zayne. Feln expresses indignation, while Raana voices frustration that the Council is disregarding their prophecies regarding the Sith invasion. Q'anilia cautions that she foresees further obstacles ahead and that the Mandalorian invasion could divert the Jedi's attention. Despite the Council's directives, Lucien is determined to continue their pursuit of Zayne.

In a flashback set two decades ago, Lucien engages in a lightsaber training session with his younger Covenant colleagues, defeating them. His mother halts the training session, informing Haazen that she will not permit her son to harm her students. Haazen defends Lucien, asserting that he possesses the warrior spirit of his father. Krynda defends her Padawans' foresight abilities, but Hazen remains skeptical. Haazen consents to utilize the Draay family's wealth and connections to aid Krynda's seers but seeks Lucien's assistance in addressing the "higher issues."

Returning to the present, Lucien visits his family estate. Haazen angrily confronts Lucien, stating that he was supposed to bring the Padawans to Coruscant for evaluation instead of killing them. Lucien counters that he assessed the situation and acted in accordance with what Haazen would have expected. Haazen reproaches Lucien for nearly exposing the Jedi Covenant's activities. When Lucien inquires about his mother's whereabouts, Haazen shifts the focus to Lucien's failure to mention Zayne's unique connection to the Force in his earlier reports.

Haazen belittles Lucien's capabilities as a Jedi Master, leading Haazen to describe him as a failed Padawan. Haazen reiterates his instructions to bring Zayne back alive, but Lucien contends that killing him will prevent the nightmare he foresaw. Haazen then removes his cloak, revealing his scarred body and mechanical limbs. Haazen retorts that he is a veteran of the Great Sith War and possesses a superior understanding of how to address the Sith threat than Lucien or his mother.

When Lucien demands to know his mother's location, Haazen ignores him and repeats his orders. Lucien angrily accuses Haazen of withholding information from him. Lucien departs the Draay estate with his dark secret.

Continuity Notes

Originally slated as Issue #10 of the Knights of the Old Republic Comic series, Issue 10 was moved up to issue 9 to allow Dustin Weaver additional time to finalize Flashpoint. The original order was reinstated for the English trade paperback edition, but not for the German version.

According to John Jackson Miller, the events of this issue coincide with those of issue #10.

