Ambush on Suurja

In the year 3964 BBY, a group known as the RevanchistsJedi crusaders who went against the Jedi High Council's commands and departed to fight alongside the Galactic Republic in their war against the invading Mandalorian warrior clans—were caught in an ambush. This occurred on the Outer Rim planet of Suurja, where they were conducting a scouting mission. Suurja, situated at the forefront of the Mandalorian invasion, had recently been the site of several intense, inconclusive battles between the Mandalorians and the Republic Navy. Upon the Revanchists' arrival on Suurja, their leader, the Jedi Knight only known as Revan, left them to pursue his own investigations on other planets. Shortly thereafter, they were attacked by a Mandalorian shock troopers team led by Commander Rohlan Dyre. The Revanchists were subsequently captured and imprisoned at the Mandalorian-controlled Flashpoint Station.


Back in 3976 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, a military force composed of the ancient Mandalorian warrior clans, initiated the carving out of an empire through military conquests in the distant regions of the Outer Rim. After conquering numerous independent worlds, Mandalorian chieftain Mandalore the Ultimate began his true plan, targeting the Galactic Republic by contesting resource-rich planets near the Outer Rim ecumenopolis of Taris. To defend Taris, the Republic Navy established a defensive line in the area called the Jebble-Vanquo-Tarnith line. Among the worlds along this line was the agriworld of Suurja. In the early days of the conflict that became known as the Mandalorian Wars, Suurja was the location of four consecutive stalemated battles between the Republic and the Mandalorians in 3964 BBY.

During the Outer Rim conflict, the Jedi Order urged caution and decided against direct involvement in the war. However, a group of Jedi, led by a charismatic young Jedi Knight known only as Revan, defied the Jedi High Council's instructions and pledged to fight the Mandalorians. These Revanchists visited Suurja on a scouting mission, accompanied by Revan himself.

The ambush

After a brief time on Suurja, Revan departed to investigate Mandalorian activities on Onderon and its moon Dxun. However, after his departure, several of the Revanchist Knights and Padawans who had joined him on Suurja began to vanish. Soon afterward, with their leader absent, the remaining Revanchists were ambushed by Mandalorian shock troopers under the command of Commander Rohlan Dyre. The Cathar Jedi Ferroh noted that it appeared the Mandalorians knew of their impending arrival. The Mandalorians captured and took several Revanchists prisoner, including Revan's apprentice and close friend, Alek, along with Jedi Knight Ferroh.


Following the ambush, the captured Jedi were transported to Flashpoint Station, a remote space station seized by the Mandalorians early in the war. There, they were subjected to experiments by the Mandalorian doctor Demagol, who sought to uncover the source of their Force abilities to find the best way to nullify or replicate them. On Coruscant, the galactic capital, the Jedi Council reprimanded Revan upon his return from Onderon and Dxun. The Masters were outraged by his decision to include other Knights and Padawans on his scouting missions, which the Council did not endorse. Despite being ordered to locate and retrieve the missing Jedi, the Revanchists were soon rescued by former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and his companions.

Behind the scenes

The Suurja ambush was initially depicted in a flashback within Knights of the Old Republic 6, a comic released on June 28, 2006. It was written by John Jackson Miller and illustrated by Brian Ching.

