Flashpoint Stellar Research Station, a scientific installation of the Galactic Republic, existed on Flashpoint, a planet situated in the Outer Rim. In 3964 BBY, Mandalorian warrior clans seized this station. Its original purpose was to investigate stars and their associated phenomena. Flashpoint Station's location was within a robust magnetic shield, necessary due to Flashpoint's extreme proximity to its star, which rendered the planet's barren surface uninhabitable for most organic life. As the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders' war against the Republic began, the station was captured by the Mandalorian forces and transformed into the operational headquarters for Demagol, a notorious Mandalorian biologist. Demagol used Flashpoint Station to further his research into the origins of Jedi Knights' powers, conducting cruel experiments on living Jedi captured near the battle lines.
The collection of Demagol expanded to incorporate several Jedi crusaders captured on Suurja, under the leadership of Alek, a Human. After the Mandalorians mistakenly captured [Jarael](/article/jarael], a non-Jedi, and brought her to Flashpoint, the Arkanian Offshoot's companions, including Zayne Carrick, a fugitive former Jedi Padawan, and Rohlan Dyre, a Mandalorian warrior who had escaped, devised a scheme to rescue her. Carrick, disguised as a Jedi captured by Dyre, managed to subdue Demagol and stage a fake Republic assault to evacuate the other Mandalorians from the station. The captive Jedi were liberated, but Demagol escaped Republic custody by incapacitating Dyre and swapping armor with him. Following these events, the Jedi destroyed Flashpoint Station.

The Flashpoint Stellar Research Station, situated on the Outer Rim planet of Flashpoint, served as a scientific facility for the Galactic Republic. Its purpose was to study the life cycles of stars and other solar events. Given its location on a small, desert planet devoid of an atmosphere and extremely close to its star, the station required a powerful magnetic shield to protect it from the intense heat and radiation. Without this shield, survival on the planet's surface during its brief, hour-long days would have been impossible. This magnetic shield, generated by multiple towers, covered a roughly circular area of the planet's surface. Landing a starship necessitated lowering the magnetic field, a dangerous maneuver during the planet's days. During the Republic's control, scientists utilized heavily shielded Ministry-class orbital shuttles for their research activities.
Even with the magnetic field in place, the lack of an atmosphere meant that everyone on the station had to wear airtight suits when outside. The station's primary structure was a bunker situated near the center of the camp, surrounded by a large outdoor area capable of accommodating several starships. The station was equipped with guns for defense and a comm system for contacting nearby starships. The pressurized bunker featured a large entrance room leading into narrower corridors. The central research room, located deeper within the complex, was transformed into Demagol's office during the Mandalorian occupation, amidst their war with the Republic. His office was decorated with the bones and skulls of victims, as well as a collection of lightsabers, and the room was covered in bloodstains. A vertical board was also present, used to strap down Jedi test subjects for Demagol's experiments using his array of medical instruments.
The Galactic Republic originally built and staffed Flashpoint Station, diverting funds from a solar observatory on the moon of Metellos 3 to finance its construction. In 3964 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, who had established their own empire, began encroaching on Republic space in the name of the Mandalorian warrior clans. Flashpoint Station, located on the edge of Republic territory, was captured by the Mandalorians. Following its capture, the Mandalorians repurposed the station, assigning it to Demagol, their leading biologist, as a base to advance his research into the powers of the Jedi. As the first Jedi scouts were discovered investigating the frontier, the Mandalorians were instructed to deliver all captured Jedi alive to Demagol, who conducted experiments on his living prisoners, many of whom died under his care. During the early stages of the war, the Mandalorian Teroch-type gunship was the main vessel used to transport prisoners to Flashpoint.
During Demagol's control of Flashpoint, numerous Jedi attempted to escape, but all perished within minutes under the planet's harsh sun. As the Mandalorians continued their advance in the Outer Rim, a group of Jedi, led by the charismatic Revan, defied the Jedi High Council's wishes and engaged the Mandalorians in battle. However, many of these Jedi, including Revan's second-in-command, Alek, were captured on Suurja and brought to Flashpoint Station as new subjects for Demagol. These new arrivals were subjected to relentless torture, especially Alek, who willingly endured more suffering to protect his comrades. While Demagol focused on his experiments, the Mandalorians intensified their offensive against the Republic, launching a major attack to capture the valuable world of Taris. During a major battle at Vanquo, the Mandalorians mistook Jarael, an Arkanian Offshoot, for a Jedi, as she had previously posed as one. She was captured and taken to Flashpoint Station, where Alek, recognizing that she was not a Jedi, volunteered himself for "research" in her stead.

Unbeknownst to Demagol, Jarael's companions, including the fugitive former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick, had journeyed to Flashpoint to rescue her and the other trapped Jedi. With the assistance of Rohlan Dyre, an escaped Mandalorian warrior, Carrick devised a plan to sabotage Flashpoint Station from within. He would impersonate a Jedi captured by Dyre on Vanquo, gaining access to the heavily guarded station. After a safe landing within the magnetic shield, Dyre escorted Carrick to Demagol's office, demanding that he begin working on the young Padawan. Demagol agreed and led Carrick to his operating room, where Dyre knocked Demagol unconscious. Dyre locked Demagol in a storage closet, while Carrick donned the scientist's armor and, posing as Demagol, announced to the captive Jedi that Carrick had died during an experiment. Unaware of the deception, an enraged Jarael attacked the false Demagol, but stopped after Zayne whispered her name. "Demagol" and Dyre then initiated the next phase of their plan, staging a Republic attack on the station. Carrick's Snivvian friend, Marn Hierogryph, impersonated a Republic admiral and sent a holomessage to Flashpoint Station, warning of an imminent attack. Hierogryph's message coincided with the remote detonation of several mining charges previously discovered on Vanquo, which destroyed several captured Republic ships around the station and almost all of the towers generating the station's magnetic shield.
The explosions triggered panic among the Mandalorians on the station, and Dyre instructed them to evacuate on a Mandalorian-made shuttle. Dyre also instructed them to inform Mandalore about the Republic's new "tactic" of remotely detonating captured Republic ships, a fabrication by Hierogryph. Once all the other Mandalorians had departed, Carrick revealed himself as the false Demagol to the Jedi prisoners, delighting Jarael and the others. After their operation, Dyre returned to retrieve the fallen Demagol. However, he was caught off guard, and Demagol injected him with an incapacitating substance. Demagol swapped armors with Dyre, posing as him after returning to the others, while Dyre, in Demagol's armor, was taken into Republic custody. The Jedi prisoners and Carrick's group parted ways after the incident, using the remaining mining charges to completely destroy Flashpoint Station.

Originally manned by a team of Republic scientists, by 3964 BBY, Flashpoint Station had been completely overtaken by the Mandalorians. Subsequently, Flashpoint Station was staffed by a group of Mandalorian warriors, led by the infamous biologist Demagol. Demagol, whose real name was Antos Wyrick, had spent decades studying the powers of the Jedi, believing [the Force](/article/the_force-legends], as described by the Jedi, to be a myth concealing the true origin of their abilities. On Flashpoint Station, Demagol was assisted by Pulsipher, an ambitious Mandalorian who disagreed with Demagol's theory that the Force resulted from genetic modifications, instead believing that the Jedi's powers stemmed from artifacts and trinkets. The remaining Mandalorians at the station primarily served as guards and assistants, responsible for defending the isolated outpost and maintaining the magnetic shield. Most found it a desolate and miserable place, with some experiencing sleep deprivation due to Flashpoint's hour-long days.
Mandalorian crews transporting captive Jedi also visited Flashpoint Station on occasion. The Jedi were held in the installation's entrance room, which had been equipped with gurneys and benches. The Jedi on Flashpoint endured constant torture, with many being killed by Demagol or perishing in futile escape attempts. One Jedi in particular, Alek, whom Demagol referred to as "Squint," proved exceptionally resilient, withstanding Demagol's most painful procedures. As a prominent leader of the Revanchist movement within the Jedi Order, Alek assumed a leadership role among the captured Jedi. During Zayne Carrick and Rohlan Dyre's rescue operation, many of the Mandalorians at Flashpoint Station fled, while Demagol escaped in Dyre's armor. The Jedi were freed, detonating their former prison as they departed.
Flashpoint Stellar Research Station was initially referenced in The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, an in-universe news report featured at the end of Knights of the Old Republic 0, a comic authored by John Jackson Miller and published in 2006. The station made its first appearance in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Flashpoint, a story arc of the Knights of the Old Republic series, primarily set at Flashpoint Station. The station was later mentioned in several Knights of the Old Republic issues, including two brief flashbacks, as well as in reference books such as The Essential Atlas and the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide.