Pulsipher, a member of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders, developed a strong interest in Force artifacts, which ultimately led him to discover the potent Sith relic known as the Muur Talisman amidst the chaos of the Mandalorian Wars. Initially, he served as an assistant to the infamous Mandalorian scientist Demagol, reluctantly participating in Demagol's experiments on captured Jedi. Pulsipher considered the doctor's quest to uncover the source of Jedi abilities to be futile, as he dismissed the Force as a myth and believed Jedi powers stemmed from magical possessions. His focus became fixated on the Muur Talisman, which he was convinced resided on the Outer Rim world of Taris. Following the Mandalorian capture of Taris, Pulsipher assembled a survey team and ventured to the planet in search of the artifact, eventually unearthing the Talisman deep within the planet's Undercity. However, upon returning to the Mandalorian staging point of Jebble with the Muur Talisman, Pulsipher came to a stark realization of the situation he had stumbled into. The Talisman, acting with a mind of its own, established a bond with Pulsipher and transformed the Mandalorians surrounding him into mindless rakghoul creatures under his control. Embracing the Talisman's power as a means to gain respect and unite all under the Mandalorian banner, Pulsipher ultimately met his demise at the hands of the very mutants he once commanded when the Talisman abandoned him in favor of a more suitable host, the Jedi Shadow Celeste Morne.

Pulsipher, a Human male, participated in the violent campaigns of the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders during their war against the Galactic Republic millennia before the Battle of Yavin. After a protracted period of tense standoff, Mandalore the Ultimate initiated a full-scale assault on the Republic in 3963 BBY. As the Mandalorians advanced toward the Republic planet of Taris situated in the Outer Rim, the Mandalore assigned Pulsipher to assist the controversial scientist Demagol in his experiments conducted on captured Jedi within an outpost located on the desolate world of Flashpoint. The two frequently clashed in their endeavors to comprehend the origins of Jedi Force powers, as Pulsipher attributed their abilities to their possessions. Pulsipher was present when former Jedi Padawan Zayne Carrick and renegade Mandalorian warrior Rohlan Dyre successfully staged a fake Republic attack, captured Demagol, and persuaded the Mandalorians to evacuate their outpost. He was among those who escaped Flashpoint. Subsequently, Pulsipher was reassigned to the Mandalorian gathering point of Jebble, where he was granted his own laboratory atop the planet's Ice Citadel and strived unsuccessfully to earn the same level of respect from Mandalore the Ultimate that Demagol enjoyed. In his pursuit of recognition, Pulsipher deciphered a series of partially erased Jedi transmissions, leading him to believe that the rakghoul-infested wasteland known as the Undercity might harbor an ancient Sith artifact: the Muur Talisman. This revelation prompted Pulsipher to assemble a survey team and journey to Taris aboard the shuttle Mar'eyce.
Upon reaching Taris, and after extensive mining operations within the Undercity's depths, Pulsipher discovered his sought-after prize: the Muur Talisman, concealed beneath meters of rock resulting from a cave-in that occurred decades prior. Additionally, Pulsipher unearthed several other Sith artifacts, including the life-preserving Dreypa's Oubliette, which he added to his collection. Elated by his discovery, Pulsipher gathered his team and returned to Jebble, only to encounter disrespect from the "real" Mandalorian warriors who greeted him. Pulsipher suspected that the Muur Talisman possessed some form of power, but he was uncertain of its exact nature. He gained clarity when Jedi Shadow Celeste Morne, who had been tracking the Muur Talisman and had secretly boarded the Mar'eyce, attempted to use a mind trick on Pulsipher to compel him to discard the artifact through the ship's airlock. Pulsipher's resistance to Morne's Force suggestion and his determination to retain the Talisman for himself triggered a reaction within the ancient amulet. The previously inert medallion began to move and fuse itself to Pulsipher's arm. Briefly overwhelmed by the Talisman's power, Pulsipher inadvertently killed one of his crewmembers with a mere touch, realizing with dismay that he could no longer detach the Muur Talisman from his left hand. Subsequently, several members of his survey team assisted a weakened Pulsipher in reaching the Ice Citadel, which had become the Neo-Crusaders' headquarters on a world serving as a staging point for millions of newly recruited Mandalorian warriors.
Although Pulsipher initially hoped to quickly remove the Talisman and recover, he soon recognized that the Talisman's true power had already been unleashed. The Mandalorians who had accompanied him on the Mar'eyce began transforming into rakghouls, rapidly spreading their plague to those around them. The Mandalorian rakghouls, under Pulsipher's command as the holder of the Muur Talisman, swiftly decimated the uninfected Mandalorians on Jebble, converting them into mindless beasts. No longer fearing the Talisman's power, Pulsipher instead perceived a way to advance the Mandalorian crusade and incorporate every living being into his clan. However, he sensed that he had only scratched the surface of the Talisman's potential. A chance transmission led him to Zayne Carrick, who had stowed away with Morne on the Mar'eyce. Pulsipher had his rakghouls capture the former Padawan, hoping that Carrick could assist him in unlocking the artifact's true power. Carrick refused to cooperate, and as Pulsipher threatened to place him in suspended animation within Dreypa's Oubliette, the Talisman began to stir and detach itself from his body. No longer in possession of the Muur Talisman, which transferred to a more deserving host, Celeste Morne, Pulsipher was swiftly torn apart by the very rakghouls he had commanded moments before.
Haunted by the shadows of Demagol and master strategist Cassus Fett, Pulsipher was motivated by a deep-seated desire to prove his worth and gain the respect of Mandalore the Ultimate. He was primarily known among Mandalorian warriors as Demagol's assistant, a label he resented. Pulsipher believed his endeavors were equally important as military conquests, viewing the discovery of the Muur Talisman as a greater achievement than the capture of Taris itself. His relationship with Demagol was often contentious. While they shared an interest in the powers of the Jedi, Pulsipher attributed their abilities to magically imbued objects, an idea that Demagol dismissed. In turn, Pulsipher, who doubted the existence of the Force, ridiculed Demagol's experiments on Jedi, deeming them pointless. Pulsipher's fascination with Jedi possessions drove him to pursue the Muur Talisman, assuming that acquiring the Jedi's magical tools would ultimately secure victory for the Mandalorians. After acquiring and bonding with the Talisman, Pulsipher was initially frightened by its power but soon recognized its potential as a means to unify all beings under the Mandalorian banner and finally earn the trust and respect of the Mandalore. Despite this, Pulsipher never fully grasped the true power or properties of the Muur Talisman, and he died being ripped to shreds by a group of rakghouls he mistakenly believed he still controlled after the Talisman abandoned him. Pulsipher had thinning blond hair by 3963 BBY, along with gray eyes and light skin.
Pulsipher made his debut in Knights of the Old Republic 10, an issue of the Knights of the Old Republic comic book series, penned by John Jackson Miller and released in 2006. Miller created the name "Pulsipher" by combining "some creepy-sounding syllables." Following a brief appearance in Flashpoint, Pulsipher resurfaced as a significant supporting character in the later story arc Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Vector, which was published in 2008. During his appearances in Knights of the Old Republic, Pulsipher was illustrated by Dustin Weaver and Scott Hepburn.