Dreypa's Oubliette

Dreypa's Oubliette, which later gained the moniker Jebble Box, functioned as a stasis casket engineered by the Sith Lord Remulus Dreypa. The purpose of the Oubliette, as envisioned by Dreypa, was to serve as a prison for Karness Muur, where he would be subjected to torture, and to simultaneously contain the mind-altering influence of the Muur Talisman. According to scientist Pulsipher, this casket possessed the theoretical capability to maintain a living being indefinitely—even outlasting the galaxy itself. The Oubliette's exterior was impenetrable, unaffected by both conventional sensor technology and the power of the Force.


In the year 3963 BBY, the Mandalorian researcher Pulsipher acquired the Oubliette, subsequently moving it to his research facilities located on the icy planet of Jebble. During the events of the Rakghoul plague, Pulsipher attempted to force Zayne Carrick into revealing the secrets of the Muur Talisman by threatening to confine him within the Oubliette. Following Pulsipher's demise, Zayne Carrick proposed that Celeste Morne be placed in the Oubliette until the Jedi Covenant could devise a method to neutralize the Talisman's effects on her mind. The act of sealing off the Talisman's connection to the outside world via the Oubliette's walls resulted in the rakghouls being released from Morne's domination, leading them to turn against each other.

As Carrick and his allies made their escape from Jebble aboard the Moomo Williwaw, Cassus Fett and a Mandalorian fleet arrived at Jebble. (Carrick had previously used a transmitter on Jebble to warn Fett about the Talisman's danger.) Despite Carrick's desperate warnings, Fett launched a nuclear missiles bombardment on Jebble. Presuming Celeste Morne had died, Carrick and his companions were forced to abandon her and head for Odryn. Unknown to the Jedi or the Mandalorians, the Oubliette remained undamaged. It sank to the bottom of the newly formed seas of Jebble.

Approximately fourteen hundred years before the Battle of Yavin—almost three millennia after it had sunk into Jebble's oceans—ice miners stumbled upon the Oubliette. The miners, unable to unlock the casket or determine what was inside, concluded that such a heavily protected object must hold immense value. One of the miners murdered his comrades and absconded with the artifact.

Over the centuries that followed, the Oubliette changed hands numerous times, eventually becoming known among Galactic antique collectors as the Jebble Box. Legend held that the Box contained a hidden treasure belonging to the Jedi Order. Consequently, the Oubliette was usually sold quickly and discreetly, to avoid the Jedi intervening and attempting to reclaim their property. The mystery surrounding the Box's contents caused its price to increase with each transaction. Several years prior to Palpatine's declaration of the Galactic Empire, the Chubbits of Aridus engaged in a war to gain control of the Jebble Box.

Lord Vader attempting to take the Muur Talisman.

In 19 BBY, the crew of the Uhumele discovered the Jebble Box on a battlefield located on Aridus. Haka Hai, an Ishi Tib crime lord, agreed to the price requested by Captain Schurk-Heren for the Jebble Box. Before setting off for Mimban to complete the sale, Heren took the precaution of hiding the Box within the ice rings of a gas giant. As Heren anticipated, Hai attempted to steal the Box without paying. This led to a three-way conflict involving Hai's enforcers, the crew of the Uhumele, and Lumbra, a traitor within Hai's organization. Lumbra ultimately seized the Jebble Box, only to realize that it was a fake containing a concealed bomb. The resulting explosion killed Lumbra's ally Gamy and severely damaged his ship.

After escaping from Haka Hai's prisons, Schurk-Heren found another, more trustworthy buyer: the historian Fane Peturri. Despite Heren's belief that Peturri had no criminal connections, the scholar betrayed the Uhumele's crew to Darth Vader.

Peturri conducted an analysis of the Jebble Box, uncovering a recording made by Marn Hierogryph approximately four millennia earlier. Unable to verify Hierogryph's mention of "Lord Dreypa's Oubliette" using any contemporary archaeological evidence, Peturri came to the conclusion that the Box was an artifact from the pre-Republic era.

Peturri remained doubtful about the Oubliette's ability to preserve life for millennia, but despite his plea to further examine the casket, Vader opened it—revealing Celeste Morne in perfect health. Upon Celeste's awakening, she and Vader engaged in a duel, during which Celeste gained the advantage by succumbing to the power of the Muur Talisman and transforming the surrounding Humans into Rakghouls. After Vader retreated, she commanded the Rakghouls to destroy the Oubliette.

