
A male Human individual named Gamy was a member of Haka Hai's gang, a group led by the crime lord. In 19 BBY, a year, Hai had established his base on the planet Mimban. There, he arranged a transaction with Schurk-Heren, an old associate, to acquire an artifact known as the Jebble Box. However, Gamy became involved in a scheme orchestrated by Lumbra, another of Hai's subordinates, to double-cross the crime boss and seize the box upon its arrival. When Schurk-Heren arrived with the box, Hai initially betrayed him by presenting an empty payment crate and revealing his armed men when Schurk-Heren requested to inspect the payment. Lumbra then exposed his own deception, and with Gamy and the other conspirators, successfully stole the box during a fight that erupted between the three factions. After leaving the planet, Gamy, Lumbra, and the others celebrated, but Lumbra forbade anyone from opening the box. Driven by curiosity, Gamy opened the box while the rest of the crew slept, resulting in an explosion that killed him, as Schurk-Heren had provided a booby-trapped replica.


Around 19 BBY, not long after the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Gamy began working for the Ishi Tib crime lord Haka Hai. He, along with the other members of Hai's gang, served the criminal at his base of operations located on the planet Mimban. During Gamy's employment, Hai negotiated a deal with Schurk-Heren, an old acquaintance, to purchase the Jebble Box from him. Unbeknownst to Hai, Lumbra, a Gotal among his ranks, was plotting to betray the crime lord and claim the box for himself upon its delivery. Gamy was among those who joined Lumba's rebellion against Hai. The Ishi Tibb himself was planning to deceive Schurk-Heren, offering a crate of empty credits and taking the Box by force if he didn't fall for the ruse.

When Schurk-Heren arrived in his starship, the Uhumele, and proceeded with his crew and the box to the compound, Gamy was the one who informed Hai of their arrival. Hai commanded Gamy to gather the rest of the gang in the courtyard, where he would meet Schurk-Heren and his crew, in preparation for an ambush. Once the gang was concealed in positions around the upper levels of the courtyard, Gamy descended and joined Hai and Lumbra as they greeted the Uhumele's crew. As Hai had the payment for the box brought out, Schurk-Heren requested to see inside, forcing Hai to reveal his hidden troops and his treachery. As the crew of the Uhumele found themselves surrounded, a ship belonging to Lumbra appeared above the compound and began to descend, surprising Hai. The Gotal revealed his treachery, and those loyal to him turned their weapons on those still loyal to Hai. A three-way fight quickly erupted between Hai, Lumbra, and Schurk-Heren's men, during which Lumbra, Gamy, and the rest of the Gotal's men successfully boarded the ship with the Jebble Box. Once aboard, they swiftly departed the planet, with Hai unable to pursue as Lumbra had ensured all remaining ships in the compound were grounded.

After safely escaping Mimban, Lumbra and his men celebrated around the box with drinks, reveling in the look on their previous boss's face when he learned of their betrayal. While they drank, Gamy inquired about the contents of the box, but Lumbra refused to disclose the information until after they had sold it, admitting he had not looked inside yet himself. Later that night, while the other crew members slept, Gamy stealthily left his bunk and approached the Jebble Box, hoping to discover its contents. Using a knife, he pried open the container's lid expectantly, hoping to see the treasure inside. Instead, he uncovered the final double-cross executed during the exchange on Mimban. Distrusting Hai, Shurck-Heren had not brought the real Jebble Box to the crime lord's compound, instead bringing a crate filled with explosives, set to trigger if the box was opened. Gamy was killed instantly in the explosion triggered by his curiosity, which also created a large breach in the hull of Lumbra's starship, forcing the crew to land on a nearby moon.

Personality and traits

Gamy was a male Human with fair skin, brown eyes, and brown hair, which he wore in a ponytail. He betrayed Hai while working for him, siding with Lumbra, but after successfully stealing the Jebble Box directly disobeyed Lumbra out of curiosity, which lead to his death. While serving Hai and Lumbra, Gamy wore an earring, a grey shirt, a belt, and grey pants.

Behind the scenes

Gamy made his initial appearance in 2007 within the Star Wars: Dark Times comic books series, specifically in the second issue of the Parallels story arc. The story was penned by Randy Stradley under the pseudonym Mike Harrison and featured artwork by Dave Ross and Lui Antonio. His demise occurred in the subsequent issue of the comic, released in the same year.

