Unidentified jungle moon

This unnamed satellite was known as a planetoid located in a remote sector of space.


Within the system, this moon stood out as the sole world capable of supporting life. Its surface was dominated by dense rainforests and sprawling jungles, complemented by an atmosphere suitable for breathing. While the moon teemed with a variety of animal life, it lacked any indigenous intelligent species.


In the year 19 BBY, following the devastating massacre that occurred on Bogden 3 as a result of Order 66, Jedi Master K'Kruhk, his Padawan Chase Piru, and the younglings belonging to the Soaring Hawkbat Clan sought refuge on this moon. Their arrival was marked by a crash landing in their Theta-class shuttle.

The Jedi camp on the moon.

Two months later, the pirate captain Lumbra and his band of spacefarers experienced their own misfortune, crash landing on the same world. Their starship had sustained significant damage, including a malfunctioning hyperdrive. The pirates scavenged for replacement parts, ultimately targeting the wreckage of the Jedi's shuttle. Upon discovering the younglings' Jedi affiliation, Lumbra seized them, intending to claim the bounty offered by the newly established Galactic Empire. Piru, initially near death, was healed by K'Kruhk, and together they assaulted the pirates, liberating the younglings. However, K'Kruhk's actions were uncharacteristic of a Jedi, and plagued by guilt, he vowed to remove the younglings from the moon as soon as possible, fearing he would constantly remind them of his behavior.

