Soaring Hawkbat Clan

The Soaring Hawkbat Clan, often referred to as simply the Hawkbats, represented one of the various clans into which budding young Initiates were sorted upon commencing their training in the ways of the Jedi Order. As members of this clan, the students would progress together through the academy located at the Jedi Temple until such time as they graduated.


Bogden 3

The Hawkbats at the Bogden Jedi chapter house

This clan, drawing its name from the hawk-bats native to Coruscant, found its base of operations at the Jedi Temple in the aftermath of the Ruusan Reformation within the Galactic Republic. During the period of the Clone Wars, specifically around the time of the Siege of Saleucami, the clan had been relocated to the chapter house situated on Bogden 3 and was under the guidance of Jedi Master Du Mahn. He, along with Padawan Chase Piru, were responsible for the care of the Jedi younglings. The clan was awaiting their return to Coruscant, a transfer that was delayed due to the battle unfolding in the capital world's orbit.

The clan was placed on high alert with the arrival of Masters K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel, who landed in a damaged Theta-class T-2c shuttle accompanied by their clone troopers. After welcoming these war heroes, the clan began preparations for a celebratory feast. However, the clone troopers then received Contingency Order 66 directly from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor. Following the order, the troopers opened fire upon the Jedi, resulting in the slaughter of several younglings before the older Jedi could react. Master K'Kruhk and Mahn retaliated, eliminating numerous troopers as they attempted to flee the carnage with the younglings they could protect. Meanwhile, Master Jeisel detonated a thermal detonator at the facility's main entrance, killing herself and a significant number of clones as the younglings escaped. With Master Mahn's death in the battle, K'Kruhk assumed leadership of the clan, aided by Padawan Piru.

Unidentified jungle moon

Padawan Chase Piru protecting the remaining Hawkbats

Using the damaged shuttle, the Jedi sought refuge on a bountiful moon to replenish their supplies from the natural resources available. They established a camp along the tree line, where Master K'Kruhk went hunting while Piru stood guard over the younglings. The apparent tranquility was shattered when the group was ambushed by Gotal pirate Lumbra and his crew. After salvaging the Jedi's ship for valuable components, the pirates realized the children were Jedi and planned to sell them to the Galactic Empire in exchange for a substantial bounty. Piru, who had been left for dead after trying to defend the younglings, assisted Master K'Kruhk in devising an attack on the pirate encampment to rescue the children. The Whiphid Jedi, using a bow and arrows, picked off the pirates one by one, his aim enhanced by Piru's Force use. K'Kruhk then engaged the remaining pirates with his lightsaber, culminating in the savage defeat of Lumbra.

Repulsed by his own uncharacteristic behavior, K'Kruhk apologized to Piru and declared his intention to separate from the group, fearing his presence would serve as a constant reminder of his violence to the younglings. He resolved to find a secure location for the clan to resettle.


Jedi Master Zao giving a lesson to the Hawkbats

Subsequently, they found themselves aboard Lumbra's ship, which crash-landed on the planet Arkinnea. The Arkinnea Militia captured the clan and placed them in a refugee camp. They were assigned a tent in Section Two-One-Four and informed that they would soon be relocated to the Open Lands. Upon arriving at their designated tent, K'Kruhk intervened in a fight that had broken out nearby, concerned that the violence might escalate and jeopardize the safety of the younglings. After K'Kruhk departed in search of food, another refugee approached their tent. Upon seeing the younglings, she inquired of Piru whether she was their mother. Piru explained that the clan was a group of orphans. When K'Kruhk returned, he discovered that Zao had found the clan and was preparing dinner for them. After they finished eating, Kennan Taanzer asked if Master Zao would teach them their daily lesson. He agreed and tossed three spice berries into the air. Zao caught two of them and ate the third. The younglings used the Force to observe and accurately described where each berry landed. However, the Master instead asked them which one was the sweetest. They protested, stating the Force could not provide that information. Zao revealed his lesson: one should listen to the Force and follow its guidance without presuming to know its ultimate destination. The younglings then went to bed.

Zao concluded that the younglings were in danger and assisted them in escaping from the refugee camp. After traveling fifteen kilometers from the camp, they stopped to gather fruits while K'Kruhk stole a hover wagon and a animal to pull it. As they continued their journey, they encountered a pair of Arkinnea Militia soldiers. They managed to pass by them when Zao and K'Kruhk used the Force to convince the soldiers that the wagon was merely filled with beelpop melons. They then proceeded into the hills of Arkinnea. The younglings took a nap while K'Krukh and Zao discussed the recent events. Upon waking up, they decided to race to the top of the hill. When they reached the summit, they discovered the bodies of a large group of refugees who had been killed and left for the native scavengers.

As the horrified clan and the Jedi Masters surveyed the field of remains, an ore carrier from the Arkinnea Militia arrived overhead and dropped its load of refugees. When the ship's crew spotted them, K'Kruhk ordered the younglings into the wagon and pushed them down the hill to escape. Zao managed to steer the wagon into the forest but crashed into a tree, causing the younglings to tumble out of the vehicle. Piru used the Force to cushion their landing, preventing any serious injuries. Sidirri was the first to recover and briefly succumbed to the dark side of the Force when she believed K'Kruhk had been killed. Zao calmed her down, and they rejoined the rest of the clan and fled deeper into the forest. They hid behind a rock when they heard blaster fire and were confronted by a group of Yunu. A group of the Arkinnea Militia then attacked them both.

Zao raised a large boulder for cover and ordered the clan to escape. They all ran off except for Sidirri, who used the Force to roll the boulder over the militia soldiers, killing them. The rest of the clan returned to find the Yunu bowing to the Jedi. They recognized them as Jedi and took them to a safe place further in the wilderness. K'Kruhk caught up with them at an old Jedi outpost. The clan settled down at the outpost.

