Lumbra, a Gotal male, was a criminal operative in the employ of the Ishi Tib named Haka Hai, until he committed an act of treachery against him.
While in Hai's service, as Hai conducted a transaction involving a crate acquired from the Uhumele's crew, Lumbra made the decision to double-cross his superior and steal the aforementioned crate. Sadly for him, the crate turned out to be a concealed explosive device. Upon one of his subordinates opening the crate, it detonated, resulting in his ship's forced landing on an inhabitable moon. Spotting another vessel, which belonged to Jedi Master K'Kruhk and a group of Jedi younglings, he led an expedition to seize their ship. Discovering the younglings' Jedi affiliations, he shot Chase Piru when she attempted to shield her comrades, leaving her presumed dead as he hauled the younglings back to his own ship.
Nevertheless, Piru was resuscitated by K'Kruhk, and together they formulated a plan to liberate the younglings. One after another, Piru dispatched Lumbra's henchmen with her arrows. Lumbra then seized Piru, holding her as a hostage and demanding K'Kruhk's capitulation. However, the Jedi Master executed a swift lunge, bisecting Lumbra with his lightsaber. Subsequently, the Jedi utilized Lumbra's ship to continue their journey.