Bogden 3

Bogden Three, also known as Bogden 3, was one of the two dozen moons that orbited Bogden, a planet found within the Inner Rim region.


In the time leading up to the Clone Wars, the Jedi Order constructed a small chapter house on Bogden 3. This facility was intended to house Jedi younglings as they waited for their training to begin on Coruscant. Following the Siege of Saleucami, K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel made a stop there when their Theta-class T-2c shuttle sustained damage while they were traveling to Mygeeto. It was during this visit that Order 66 was issued to the clone troopers who accompanied them. Sian was killed as she created a diversion to allow K'Kruhk and a group of Jedi younglings from the Soaring Hawkbat Clan to flee.

