Bogden Jedi chapter house

A chapter house, a facility of the Jedi Order, was situated on the Inner Rim moon of Bogden 3. Its establishment predates the Clone Wars. In 19 BBY, Jedi Master Du Mahn held the position of administrator at this location.


During the Clone Wars, a clan of Jedi Initiates occupied this location. The Soaring Hawkbat Clan was stationed here around the time of the Siege of Saleucami. They were awaiting transport to the primary academy on Coruscant within the Jedi Temple, but their shuttle faced delays due to the battle occurring above the capital world. While patiently waiting, Master Du Mahn, the administrator and the clan's instructor, continued the Hawkbats' instruction, aided by Padawan Chase Piru. Their waiting period was disrupted by the arrival of Masters K'Kruhk and Sian Jeisel, whose damaged shuttle landed in the facility's courtyard. While their clone troopers undertook repairs, the two Masters recuperated within the facility, as the younglings prepared a substantial feast for the battle-worn generals.

After the feast concluded, the clone troopers were about to resume repairs when they received Contingency Order 66 from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor on Coruscant. The troopers, turning traitorous, raised their rifles and commenced firing upon the younglings. In response, the Masters activated their lightsabers and began eliminating the clones. Jeisel and Piru deflected blaster fire, while the immense Whiphid Master aggressively cut down troopers. As Master Mahn guided her students towards the facility's main entrance, she was struck down by the troopers' gunfire. In a final act, Master Jeisel employed the Force to detonate a trooper's thermal detonator, and K'Kruhk escorted the remaining students to the shuttle. Jeisel and the remaining troopers perished in the subsequent explosion, and the facility's main building was engulfed in flames. Master K'Kruhk departed with the survivors, bewildered by the troopers' treachery.

Despite sustaining damage during the implementation of Order 66, the Galactic Empire managed to recover the property. They later reached an agreement with the Bounty Hunters' Guild, permitting guild members to utilize the facilities for training.


Master Sian Jeisel destroys the facility's main entrance.

The training facility, comprised of four primary structures, was constructed using cream-colored stone and featured green-tinted windows. A stone landing platform was situated outside the main building, which was a two-story structure with a curved roof. The spacious main building housed a gathering hall that functioned as a dining area. Orange pillars extended downwards from the ceiling, and a spiraling staircase provided access to kitchens and storage areas. Colorful lanterns hung from the ceiling, illuminating the open space, and a broad, circular doorway led to the exterior. At the building's rear, another set of doors opened into a courtyard equipped with benches and lamp posts.

Single-story hallways connected the training facilities surrounding the main building. Domed structures accommodated training areas and dormitories, while an orange tower served as a sentinel over the academy grounds. Most of the facilities remained undamaged after Order 66, although the main building's entrance was destroyed during the assault. Bounty hunters later utilized the buildings for training exercises.

