Sian Jeisel

Sian Jeisel, a Devaronian Jedi Master of the female persuasion, dedicated her life to the service of the Jedi Order as the Galactic Republic neared its end during its final years. Ever the devoted Jedi, Jeisel held the firm belief that the Order's involvement in the Clone Wars, the significant clash between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, was a mistake. Initially, she enacted her Right of Denial, but Master Mace Windu eventually swayed her to journey back to Coruscant and accept the position of General within the Grand Army of the Republic.

After three years of valiant combat, Jeisel's initial concerns about the war proved accurate; the entire conflict was, in essence, a carefully laid trap for the Jedi, masterminded by the shadowy Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious. Sidious, who also operated as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, the leader of both factions, gave the order for the Republic Army to eliminate their Jedi commanders, falsely accusing them of treason against democracy. Caught off guard on Bogden 3, Jeisel made the ultimate sacrifice, giving her life to shield a multitude of Jedi Initiates as they fled the slaughter.


Early life

It is highly probable that Sian Jeisel was identified as Force-sensitive from birth on her native world of Devaron. Consequently, she was handed over to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to undergo training in the ways of the Force. After entering the academy there, Jeisel eventually graduated and became an apprentice to a Jedi Master. Having passed the Trials of Knighthood following years of dedicated study, the newly knighted Sian Jeisel continued her independent studies as a Guardian within the Order.


Jeisel during the attack of Bulq's estate.

After years of dedicated study and service to the Jedi High Council, Jeisel achieved the rank of Master. She was an active member of the Order when the dispute between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems escalated into full-scale war. Jeisel was away from Coruscant during the First Battle of Geonosis and became disillusioned with the Republic, considering it too corrupt and unworthy of the Jedi sacrificing their lives for it. She invoked her Right of Denial and refused to answer the High Council's call to arms, choosing instead to remain abroad, gathering with other Jedi who shared her views. Initially, the High Council reluctantly accepted this decision from some of its members. However, it soon became apparent that if these members succumbed to the dark side of the Force, the resulting schism would shatter the Order. Master Mace Windu summoned representatives from each breakaway group to the estate of Jedi Master Sora Bulq on the moon Ruul, hoping to initiate discussions with each leader and persuade them to join the war effort.

Sian Jeisel answered the call, meeting with other dissenting group leaders such as K'Kruhk, Rhad Tarn, and Mira. While some members of the group were cautious about Windu's impending visit, K'Kruhk allayed their fears as Bulq and Windu began discussing the terms of their return. However, unbeknownst to the dissident leaders, Sora Bulq had fallen to the dark side and was allied with Confederate leader Count Dooku. When the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress attacked Bulq's estate as part of the Weequay's plan, the dissident Jedi engaged her in combat. After killing Mira, Ventress seduced Tarn to the dark side. When Tarn turned his lightsaber on Jeisel, the Devaronian Jedi was compelled to kill him in self-defense. Convinced of Bulq's betrayal, both Jeisel and K'Kruhk agreed to return with Master Windu to Coruscant, where they assumed the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic.

Siege of Saleucami

Sian Jeisel during the Siege of Saleucami.

Master Jeisel participated in numerous battles. On her way en route to Drongar, her troopship was boarded by Dooku's forces. When the Count himself entered the bridge, Jeisel, along with Master Tsui Choi and Kai Justiss, refused to be swayed by his seemingly merciful act, even as they were spared the same fate as the troops under their command. As the war continued, Jeisel was assigned to the campaign on Saleucami. Under the command of Councilor Oppo Rancisis, Jeisel proudly fought Morgukai clones during the five-month engagement alongside fellow Jedi Knights Xiaan Amersu and Aayla Secura, as well as Masters K'Kruhk and A'Sharad Hett. However, she clashed with Master Quinlan Vos, a Jedi whom she and many others in the Order believed had defected to the Separatists. Wary of Vos, she suspected his involvement in the murder of Master Rancisis midway through the battle, although he proved his loyalty by leading the Republic to victory shortly thereafter.

Order 66

Jeisel fighting her troops during the Order 66.

As the battles on Saleucami subsided, Jeisel and K'Kruhk were reassigned to assist Master Ki-Adi-Mundi on Mygeeto. As they were leaving the planet, their shuttle was damaged in an encounter with a Separatist freighter, forcing them to make an emergency landing at the Jedi chapter house on Bogden 3 for repairs. While the clone troopers under their command refueled and repaired their shuttle, the two Jedi Masters were welcomed to the training facility by Master Du Mahn and the Jedi Initiates of the Soaring Hawkbat Clan. As the Jedi and their troops relaxed in the academy's dining hall after a substantial feast, the clones received Contingency Order 66 from the Office of the Supreme Chancellor, an order that mandated the extermination of all Jedi. When her troops opened fire on the younglings, Jeisel immediately sprang into action to defend them, assisting the other Masters in eliminating the clones. After Master Mahn was killed, K'Kruhk led a group of surviving students out of the main hall to their repaired shuttle. As K'Kruhk loaded the children onto the ship, Jeisel remained at the facility's main entrance, holding back the troopers' advance. Realizing that her only option to stop the clones was to destroy the building, Jeisel engaged one trooper in hand-to-hand combat, using the Force to detonate one of his thermal detonators and bring down the academy. Jeisel was killed by the explosion, however, her death was not in vain. Her good friend Master K'Kruhk led the surviving students to safety, shedding a tear over her passing.


The younglings Jeisel saved, along with Master K'Kruhk and Zao, later escaped, and most lived for many years hidden from the Empire, learning the ways of the Force in peace.

Reports of Master Jeisel's death eventually reached Emperor Palpatine on Coruscant, who kept a record of every Jedi who perished. Despite this, rumors circulated throughout the galaxy that she was still alive, working as a bounty hunter, traveling between star systems. This rumor found its way into Voren Na'al's work in 35 ABY and was treated as fact as he detailed some of the Jedi who survived the initial stages of the Great Jedi Purge.

Personality and traits

Jeisel's sacrifice

Sian Jeisel was a loyal Jedi, earning her the respect of Asajj Ventress. However, Jeisel was initially hesitant to participate in the Clone Wars, believing that the Republic was corrupt and that the Jedi would become corrupted if they fought for it. Despite this, she was a skilled and courageous warrior who was devoted to the Jedi Order. Jeisel seemed to have a close friendship with K'Kruhk and saved him from Asajj Ventress during their encounter. She also held Sora Bulq in high regard before discovering that he was a traitor to the Jedi Order, believing him to be as powerful as Mace Windu.

As a selfless Jedi, Jeisel sacrificed herself during the initial moments of Order 66 to allow K'Kruhk and a group of Jedi Initiates to escape from their treacherous clone troopers.

Powers and abilities

Sian Jeisel was a skilled warrior whose fighting abilities were respected by Mace Windu. She successfully defeated the corrupt Rhad Tarn in a lightsaber duel. However, she was no match for the powerful Dark Acolyte Asajj Ventress, who was able to defend against her, Tarn, and K'Kruhk simultaneously.

Behind the scenes

The "Sian Jeisel" picture.

Jeisel's first name came about due to a misunderstanding. Jan Duursema's daughter, Sian, dressed as Jeisel for Celebration III. A photograph from that event was captioned "Sian Jeisel." Fans mistakenly interpreted this as the character's full name, rather than the name of the person in the costume followed by the character being portrayed. This confusion apparently led to The New Essential Guide to Alien Species using this name in text, thereby making it official.

Jeisel was originally described as a Jedi Purge survivor in The New Essential Chronology, but according to Randy Stradley, that information was based on a discarded story idea. Jeisel's death in Star Wars: Dark Times is now intended to be the definitive end for the character.

