Mira (Near-Human)

Mira, a Jedi Knight of the female persuasion and near-Human species, dedicated herself to the service of the Jedi Order during the closing years of the Galactic Republic. When the Clone Wars began, pitting the Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Mira exercised her Right of Denial, choosing not to accept the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. As a representative of Jedi with similar beliefs, Mira met her end at the hands of the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress during a conference held on Ruul.


Mira witnessing the mock battle between her master and Asajj Ventress just before her death.

Early in her life, Mira's Force-sensitive nature was discovered, leading her to be brought to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training in the ways of the Force. Upon graduating from the Temple's academy, the esteemed Jedi Master Sora Bulq selected Mira to be his Padawan, and together they journeyed across the galaxy for a number of years. While Bulq was renowned as a lightsaber duelist, Mira did not show particular skill with the lightsaber, instead focusing her efforts on maintaining her Jedi composure and honing her peacekeeping abilities. In time, Mira successfully completed her Trials of Knighthood and was elevated to the rank of Jedi Knight by the Jedi High Council.

As the Separatist Crisis escalated into the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Jedi Knight Mira invoked her Right of Denial and declined to return to Coruscant in order to be appointed to the rank of General within the newly established Grand Army of the Republic. Shortly following the Battle of Geonosis, Mira convened with Jedi who shared her views and was chosen to represent them at a conference that was to be held on Ruul. This meeting, which was called by both Master Bulq and Master Mace Windu, was intended to begin discussions between the High Council and the dissenting Jedi in the hopes of preventing another schism within the Order. Upon arriving at the estate of her former master, Mira joined fellow dissenters Master K'Kruhk, Sian Jeisel, and Jedi Rhad Tarn while Masters Windu and Bulq were preparing for the meeting.

While walking through the gardens of the moon, Mira sensed a disturbance in the Force and quickly went to the side of a cliff, where she saw her former master being attacked by the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress. Unaware that her master had actually joined forces with Ventress, having fallen to the dark side of the Force in the weeks leading up to the meeting, Mira jumped down to assist her former mentor. Although Ventress and Bulq were working together, the Dathomirian did not take orders from the Weequay and easily defeated Mira before killing her. Shocked by her sudden demise, Bulq carried the body of his former Padawan back up to his estate and grieved over her. While there, Master Windu confronted Bulq regarding his betrayal and revealed that the Weequay was allied with Ventress and the Confederacy.

Personality and traits

Mira possessed a gentle nature and detested conflict, striving to resolve matters through peaceful means. She remained loyal to her former Master Sora Bulq and launched an attack on Asajj Ventress in an attempt to defend him, unaware that Bulq was, in fact, working with Ventress. Despite his fall to the dark side, Bulq genuinely cared for Mira and was saddened by her death.

Powers and abilities

In contrast to her Master, Mira was not a proficient lightsaber combatant and was easily defeated by Asajj Ventress. Despite her lack of combat skills, Mira demonstrated skill in telekinesis by flinging pieces of debris at Ventress in an effort to protect Sora Bulq. She also seemed to share a strong connection with her former mentor, being able to sense that something was amiss when her former Master was attacked, even though she did not realize that the duel between Bulq and Ventress was staged.

Behind the scenes

Mira's quote, "This war represents a failure to listen," is exactly the same as Padmé Amidala's statement in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

