Tsui Choi was an Aleena male who achieved the rank of Jedi Master during the Galactic Republic's decline in its final years. He participated in a number of Jedi operations during this period, including the Yinchorri conflict in 33 BBY when they suddenly turned aggressive and battled the Republic. When the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and a separatist faction, he accepted the role of Jedi General within the Grand Army of the Republic, fighting for the entire duration.
Despite the execution of Order 66 in 19 BBY—an order given to the Grand Army's clone trooper forces to eliminate their Jedi superiors—Choi managed to survive. However, about a month after the war concluded, he met his death during a confrontation on Kessel with Darth Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith, along with other Jedi who had also lived through Order 66.

In the time leading up to the conflict between the Jedi Order and the reptilian species called the Yinchorri, Jedi Master Tsui Choi took on an Anx, Theen Fida, as his Padawan. In the year 33 BBY, Choi volunteered to be part of one of three Jedi teams sent to investigate the Yinchorri's aggressive actions in star systems near their homeworld of Yinchorr. Choi's team, consisting of himself, Fida, Tholothian Adi Gallia, and Zabrak Eeth Koth, was dispatched to the oceanic world of Yitheeth to locate a Yinchorri base. While traveling on a Consular-class cruiser, the four Jedi crash-landed on the planet, only to discover that no base existed. Instead, they were met by a force of Yinchorri warriors lying in wait.
Choi and the other Jedi fought through the Yinchorri to find transport off the planet. The Jedi then traveled to a nearby planet, Yibikkoror, where another of the task forces was carrying out a similar mission. The two groups of Jedi met and set a course to Yinchorr, where Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Qui-Gon Jinn, and Saesee Tiin, along with Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, were engaged in holding off a massive Yinchorri attack. Choi and the other Jedi joined the fight and, during the ensuing multi-planetary battle, Theen Fida was killed. Choi was deeply saddened by the death of his Padawan. Consequently, when he caught a Devaronian associate of the Yinchorri army, smuggler Holmar Grahrk, attempting to steal a Consular-class cruiser to escape Yinchorr, Choi confronted him with anger and took him into custody. Choi later attended his Padawan's funeral on Coruscant, where Fida was cremated alongside Micah Giiett and Lilit Twoseas, other Jedi who perished during the mission.
Soon after, Choi was considered for a position on the Jedi High Council due to his actions during the Yinchorri Uprising; however, he was never given the opportunity to accept or decline, allowing him to maintain a lower profile during the initial weeks of the Great Jedi Purge.

As the Clone Wars broke out between the Republic and a group of planets seeking secession from the galactic government, Choi became a Jedi General in the newly established Grand Army of the Republic. He commanded a group of clone trooper pilots known as Red Squadron alongside Aayla Secura at the start of the war. Red Squadron participated in the First Battle of Kamino, where separatist forces attacked the Kaminoan cloning facility on Kamino that produced troops for the Republic's army. The Jedi's strategy assigned Choi's squadron the task of engaging the attacking Separatist starfighters in Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors, while Blue Squadron, under the command of now-Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, targeted the incoming troop transports. During the battle, Jedi Master Kossex, a member of Choi's squadron, was shot down and killed by the enemy before the Republic forces could drive back the invaders.
Later in the conflict, Master Choi was among the Jedi who undertook a mission to the planet Drongar aboard the Republic Troopship VCD987. En route, VCD987 was attacked by a large Separatist force, resulting in severe damage to its engines. With the engines disabled, Separatist troops under the command of Count Dooku, a Sith Lord, boarded the ship and cornered Choi along with Knights Sian Jeisel and Kai Justiss. Dooku, in an attempt to appear merciful and sway the Jedi to the Separatist cause, allowed the Jedi to go free, choosing to kill only the clone troopers accompanying them.

Three years later, during the fight to repel Separatist invaders on Kashyyyk, Tsui Choi and a team of Aleena scouts conducted reconnaissance missions for the Republic, riding can-cells through the planet's forests. However, his time on Kashyyyk was cut short, likely due to being summoned to Eriadu.
Tsui Choi survived the activation of Order 66, which ordered the clones to eliminate their Jedi commanders, by feigning death after being shot down over Eriadu. He then evaded and killed his former clone trooper subordinate—who, along with the rest of the squad that had served under Choi, now fought as a clone stormtrooper to kill Jedi—on the planet during the first month of the Great Jedi Purge. Soon after, he reunited with fellow Jedi survivor Bultar Swan, who informed Choi of the upcoming rendezvous on Kessel with six other surviving Jedi. Some of the Jedi, particularly Koffi Arana, sought to retaliate against Darths Sidious and Vader, who were responsible for the Purge, Order 66, and the deaths of almost every Jedi at the Jedi Temple. Choi disagreed, refusing to seek revenge, believing it would be futile and lead them to the dark side.

Choi was shocked to discover that Shadday Potkin, who attended the meeting, had informed Vader about the secret conference, believing that the Jedi could defeat him if they worked together. The Sith Lord attacked the group shortly after the meeting began. Although Choi initially opposed fighting Vader, he changed his mind after the Sith killed Knight Sia-Lan Wezz. Choi joined the battle, severing Vader's robotic hand with his lightsaber, but Vader continued fighting, killing several more Jedi, including Potkin. Choi, along with Masters Roblio Darté and Jastus Farr, then used the Force to launch a barrage of boulders at the Dark Lord, incapacitating him.
With Vader defeated, Choi believed he had no choice but to kill the Dark Lord. However, Imperial stormtroopers arrived. While the three Jedi held off their blaster fire, Farr was killed. Choi then jumped to the balcony where the troopers were positioned to give Darté, the only other survivor, a chance to escape. Vader used the Force to hold him in place so the troopers could shoot him. Knowing he was about to die, Choi threw his lightsaber at Vader, cutting a hole in his helmet. Tsui Choi was then gunned down by the stormtroopers, and Darté was killed while calling out Choi's name.
After the Galactic Empire replaced the Galactic Republic, the government's official records of the Jedi Purge, compiled by Moff Marcellin Wessel and Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, falsely claimed that many Jedi killed during the initial stages of the Purge were executed for crimes ranging from kidnapping children to plotting to poison the water supply of a planet. Choi's file stated he was executed for illegal spice trafficking. The approved sections of these documents were broadcast to the public via Imperial HoloVision by the new Galactic Emperor, Sidious.

Tsui Choi was a peaceful Jedi Master who disliked conflict, though he used his blue, later green, lightsaber when necessary, as he considered unprovoked or vengeful violence pointless. He adhered to this philosophy so strongly that he refused to strike Darth Vader, the one who killed many of his comrades during the attack on the Jedi Temple, until Vader had killed one of the Jedi at the Conclave on Kessel. Choi was brave and noble, willing to sacrifice himself to save others. He was well-regarded within the Order for his diplomacy, wisdom, and insight.
As a Jedi Master, Choi was highly proficient in using the Force and in lightsaber combat. Choi often used his small size to his advantage in battle, incorporating many acrobatic maneuvers and swift attacks. Before his death, he was capable of holding his own against a Sith Lord in a lightsaber duel.
Choi was also skilled at piloting and swimming, abilities that proved useful during his adventures.

Tsui Choi, a character from the Expanded Universe, was almost included as a member of the Jedi Council in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. However, this appearance was cut when it was decided that Shaak Ti would not be killed as originally planned. Choi can still be seen riding a can-cell during the Battle of Kashyyyk. Besides his cameo in the film, Choi has only appeared in various comic series from Dark Horse Comics that covered the final years of the Galactic Republic until his death in Star Wars: Purge, which primarily took place a month after the Republic's fall. All of his dialogue in the comics was written in sentence case, unlike all other speech, which was written in all capital letters.
Randy Stradley, the Vice President of Publishing for Dark Horse, initially intended for the character to be a Vulptereen, the species of the podracer Dud Bolt from Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. However, Lucasfilm informed him that Vulptereens were too unintelligent to become Jedi, so he chose the species of another podracer, Ratts Tyerell, instead.
A Tsui Choi action figure was released by Hasbro in April 2008. It was packaged with a BARC Trooper wearing a yellow-accented suit as part of the second series of "Order 66." This set, a subset of the main Star Wars action figure line, was exclusively sold at Target stores that year.