Purge (comic book)

Purge is a comic book released in December of 2005 by Dark Horse Comics. John Ostrander penned the story, while Douglas Wheatley provided the illustrations. It marks the beginning of a series of standalone comic issues that take place following the collapse of the Galactic Republic.

Publisher's Synopsis

In the aftermath of Order 66, very few Jedi are bold enough to emerge from hiding, with whispers of the fearsome Darth Vader haunting their every thought. However, some Jedi find this fearful existence unbearable. A small group of Jedi has now convened to discuss potential actions against the Empire and its Sith Lords. Unbeknownst to them, the Empire is constantly vigilant, and Vader is eager to confront any Jedi who might lead him to the whereabouts of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the one who betrayed him. Get ready for Jedi versus Sith combat unlike anything witnessed since the Old Republic in this special one-shot sequel to Revenge of the Sith!

Synopsis of the Plot

An early concept of the cover by Adam Hughes

On Eriadu, a planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories, Imperial stormtroopers are actively searching for Jedi Master Tsui Choi. After Choi ambushes and defeats them, he is taken by surprise by another Jedi survivor named Bultar Swan. Swan informs Choi about an upcoming meeting of various Jedi who survived Order 66. Under Bultar's guidance, the two make their way to the infamous planet of Kessel.

Simultaneously on Coruscant, Darth Vader concludes his torture of the Jedi Dama Montalvo by ending his life, due to Dama's refusal to disclose the location of Obi-Wan Kenobi. At that moment, his master Darth Sidious appears, scolding him for his impatience in the pursuit of surviving Jedi, especially his former master. Subsequently, a trooper informs Lord Vader that Imperial spies have acquired intelligence regarding the Jedi gathering.

The individual who organized this gathering is Shadday Potkin. Bultar and Tsui arrive, increasing the total number of Jedi present to eight. The Jedi then engage in a discussion about how to respond to the Empire and the ongoing purge of their order, with Koffi Arana suggesting that they embrace the dark side to stop Vader. As the Jedi contemplate this option, they sense the arrival of a dark presence: Lord Vader himself. Shadday had secretly "invited" the Sith Lord by spreading false rumors that Obi-Wan would be present, hoping that the Jedi group could trap and overwhelm Vader. To aid in this endeavor, she also utilizes a blade woven with cortosis.

Darth Vader following the battle

Vader swiftly eliminates one of the Jedi, Sia-Lan Wezz, and while battling the remaining Jedi, promptly takes down another, Ma'kis'shaalas. Shadday manages to corner Vader and disable his lightsaber blade using the cortosis weapon. However, Vader then uses the Force to seize Shadday, take control of her weapon, and break her neck. Employing the cortosis blade, Vader disables the lightsabers of Roblio Darté and Arana. The Aleena Choi severs Vader's hand and, with assistance from the others, forces him into "surrender." Arana doubts Vader's sincerity, and when Bultar objects, reminding him that the Jedi do not kill unarmed opponents, Arana seizes Bultar's saber, kills her, and pursues Vader. However, he underestimates Vader, who uses the Force to send the cortosis blade still held by his severed hand through Arana, and grabs a spare lightsaber dropped by one of the fallen Jedi. The remaining three Jedi unite and use the Force to hurl debris at Vader. Nearly incapacitated, Tsui Choi finally decides that it is necessary to eliminate Vader, but a contingent of stormtroopers arrives and begins firing. Jastus Farr is struck by blaster fire and falls to his death, while Choi distracts the troopers to allow Darté to escape. However, due to unexpected interference from Vader, it is futile, and the two remaining Jedi succumb to the barrage of blaster fire. Vader returns to Coruscant, where his purge of the Jedi conclave has been transformed into a widespread rumor stating that Vader tracked down a group of fifty Jedi and annihilated them all.

Canon Details

There are some inconsistencies in the colors of lightsabers. For example, Sia-Lan Wezz is shown wielding a green lightsaber when she initially attacks Vader, but the blade changes from green to pink in the panel where Vader is seen slicing off her hand.

