Jastus Farr

Jastus Farr, a Jedi Master of the male persuasion and of alien origin, held the rank of Jedi General during the Clone Wars. He managed to survive the initial purge of Order 66, the infamous order issued by Galactic Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine commanding all clone troopers to kill their commanding Jedi Generals. In the year 19 BBY, Farr convened with fellow Jedi Masters Koffi Arana, Tsui Choi, Roblio Darté, Ma'kis'shaalas, and Shadday Potkin, alongside Jedi Knights Bultar Swan and Sia-Lan Wezz, within an abandoned spice mine situated on the planet of Kessel. However, the Dark Lord Darth Vader made an appearance, leading to Farr and his Jedi compatriots engaging the Sith in lightsaber combat. Following the deaths of Wezz, Ma'kis'shaalas, Potkin, Swan, and Arana, Farr joined forces with Choi and Darté in a combined effort to defeat Vader. Yet, as they were on the verge of ending the Sith Lord's existence, stormtroopers belonging to the 501st Legion stormed into the mine and unleashed a barrage of blaster fire, resulting in Farr's demise. Shortly after Farr's passing, Vader and the stormtroopers eliminated Choi and Darté.


Order 66

During the Clone Wars, Jastus Farr, an alien male Jedi Master, rendered service to the Galactic Republic in the capacity of a Jedi General. In the year 19 BBY, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine gave Order 66, an instruction compelling the clone troopers of the Republic Army to eradicate the Jedi Knights. Farr was able to survive the initial stages of the Great Jedi Purge, which occurred as Palpatine, now the Emperor, transformed the Republic into the nascent Galactic Empire.

Ambush on Kessel

Jastus Farr uses his lightsaber to injure Darth Vader during the Ambush on Kessel.

One month following the implementation of Order 66, Farr journeyed to the mining planet of Kessel. It was there that he met with Jedi Masters Koffi Arana, Tsui Choi, Roblio Darté, Ma'kis'shaalas, and Shadday Potkin, along with Jedi Knights Bultar Swan and Sia-Lan Wezz, inside an abandoned spice mine. Following the Jedi's discussion of the Empire's rise and the Sith's treachery, Potkin revealed that she had disseminated false information, suggesting that Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi would be present at the meeting, and that Dark Lord Darth Vader was coming in anticipation of finding Kenobi. As Farr and the Jedi readied themselves for battle, Vader barged into the room, demanding Kenobi's whereabouts. Farr and the Jedi then engaged Vader in combat. During the conflict, Farr managed to wound Vader by slashing the back of the Sith's armor with his double-bladed lightsaber.

Vader then retreated and eliminated Potkin, seizing her cortosis blade. After Vader used the blade to disable the lightsabers of Farr, Darté, and Arana, Choi severed Vader's sword arm, while Swan slashed his left leg. As Vader pretended to surrender, Swan and Arana debated whether to kill the Sith. Arana killed Swan in order to use her lightsaber to execute Vader, but the Sith Lord subsequently killed Arana. Vader offered Farr, Choi, and Darté one last opportunity to disclose Kenobi's location. Upon their refusal, Farr combined his Force powers with those of Choi and Darté, hurling debris at Vader. After severely injuring the Dark Lord, Choi prepared to kill Vader. However, before he could act, stormtroopers of the 501st Legion entered the mine via the catwalks and unleashed a volley of fire upon the three Jedi. Farr was killed by their blaster fire, and Vader and the stormtroopers proceeded to eliminate Choi and Darté.

Personality and traits

Farr is cut down by stormtrooper fire.

Jastus Farr was a large male characterized by blue fur and skin. He possessed and wielded a double-bladed lightsaber, which housed a green crystal. During the Clone Wars, Farr served as a Jedi General, defending the Republic. Following Chancellor Palpatine's issuance of Order 66, Farr successfully evaded the clone troopers and subsequently avoided the forces of the Galactic Empire. During his meeting with the other Jedi on Kessel, Farr reminded them of the Jedi Masters' assertion that the dark side invariably corrupted the good that an individual sought to achieve, openly questioning the validity of this belief. After Vader had defeated five of the Jedi, Farr—along with Masters Choi and Darté—refused to disclose Obi-Wan Kenobi's location to the Dark Lord, despite knowing that this would lead to Vader attempting to kill him.

Powers and abilities

Farr demonstrated proficiency in lightsaber combat. During the battle against Vader alongside his fellow Jedi, Farr managed to injure the Dark Lord with his lightsaber. Furthermore, he was skilled in telekinetic Force abilities, combining his efforts with Tsui Choi and Roblio Darté to hurl debris at Vader.

Behind the scenes

Jastus Farr was first seen in the 2005 standalone comic Star Wars: Purge, penned by John Ostrander and illustrated by Douglas Wheatley. Farr bears a resemblance to the Jedi brutes featured in the video game adaptation of the film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

Star Wars: Purge sets its events, including Farr's demise, one month after the events of Revenge of the Sith, which takes place midway through 19 BBY, as established in 2005's The New Essential Chronology. Despite this, Keeper of the Holocron continuity database Leland Chee stated in a 2006 blog entry that the comic's events take place in 18 BBY. Given that several other dates provided in the blog entry are inaccurate, this article recognizes the 19 BBY date as canonical.

