Koffi Arana

Koffi Arana, originating from the planet of Turkana, was a Jedi Master and male Human. During the era of the Clone Wars, he held the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic. In the crisis's final year, Arana participated in the Battle of Boz Pity, fighting against Separatist forces. He later attended a meeting held at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which concerned the Galactic Republic's sieges of the Outer Rim. Not long after, Arana managed to survive the initial onslaught of Order 66, the command issued by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine ordering all clone troopers to execute all members of the Jedi Order. One month following the commencement of the Great Jedi Purge, Arana met up with fellow Jedi Masters Tsui Choi, Roblio Darté, Jastus Farr, Ma'kis'shaalas, and Shadday Potkin, in addition to Jedi Knights Bultar Swan and Sia-Lan Wezz, within an abandoned spice mine located on the planet Kessel.

However, the Sith Lord known as Darth Vader unexpectedly invaded the meeting, searching for the Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Arana and the other Jedi present launched an ambush against Vader, intending to eliminate the Sith Lord. After Vader defeated Wezz, Potkin, and Ma'kis'shaalas, he used Potkin's cortosis blade to deactivate Arana's lightsaber. Choi and Swan were able to injure Vader by severing his sword arm, leading the Sith Lord to attempt to deceive the Jedi by pretending to surrender. Arana, however, demanded that the Jedi immediately kill the Dark Lord. Following a disagreement with Swan, Arana murdered her to seize her still-functional lightsaber and use it in an attempt to kill Vader. Before the Jedi Master could act, Vader used the Force to hurl his severed arm—still clutching the cortosis blade—into Arana's chest, resulting in his death. Shortly after Arana's demise, Vader and the 501st Legion of Imperial stormtroopers killed Choi, Farr, and Darté.


Order 66

Koffi Arana, in front of the Jedi Temple after the initiation of the Great Jedi Purge

Born in the latter decades of the Galactic Republic, Koffi Arana originated from Turkana. He served both the Jedi Order and the Republic as a Jedi Master and as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. At some point during the conflict, he journeyed to the Outer Rim world of Tatooine. In 19 BBY, as the war neared its conclusion, Arana engaged Separatist forces in the Battle of Boz Pity. Subsequently, he participated in a meeting held in the briefing room of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the galactic capital. This assembly, presented by Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, addressed the Republic's sieges within the Outer Rim. Following the meeting's conclusion, Arana departed the briefing room alongside fellow Jedi Melik Galerha, Shadday Potkin, and Ma'kis'shaalas.

Arana survived the initial execution of Order 66, a contingency command given by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine instructing all clone troopers to eliminate their Jedi commanders. Shortly after this order, Darth Sidious, the Sith Lord and Palpatine's alter ego, proclaimed himself Emperor of the newly formed Galactic Empire. The Empire's military knew that Arana was alive after Order 66 and showed his image in the last edition of HoloNet News. Arana eventually returned to Coruscant and joined the crowds at the base of the Jedi Temple. He watched as Imperial stormtroopers burned the bodies of dead Jedi at the Temple entrance and saw a male Jedi attack the stormtroopers at the entrance. He and the other Jedi in the crowd—Shadday Potkin, Dass Jennir, Kai Hudorra, and the Padawan Noirah Na—did not join the Jedi in his attack on the stormtroopers and instead watched as the man was killed by their blaster fire.

Ambush on Kessel

Koffi Arana and seven other Jedi prepare to face Darth Vader on Kessel.

After hiding for a month, Arana went to the mining planet Kessel. There, he secretly met up with Jedi Masters Tsui Choi, Roblio Darté, Jastus Farr, Ma'kis'shaalas, Shadday Potkin, and Jedi Knights Bultar Swan and Sia-Lan Wezz in an abandoned spice mine. The Jedi talked about the Republic's fall and the Empire's rise. During the meeting, Arana said they should fight the Sith, even if it meant using the dark side. Potkin told Arana and the Jedi that she had spread false information that Obi-Wan Kenobi would be at the meeting and that Darth Vader was coming to find Kenobi. As Arana and the others prepared for battle, Vader came into the room and demanded to know where Kenobi was. Arana and the Jedi fought Vader in combat. When Vader defeated Wezz, Arana tried to attack Vader from behind but was Force-pushed away by the Sith Lord. After Vader killed Ma'kis'shaalas and was injured by Farr, Arana tried to attack him again, but the Sith avoided him.

Vader retreated and killed Potkin, taking her cortosis blade. The Sith Lord kept fighting the Jedi, using Potkin's blade to turn off Arana's, Farr's, and Darté's lightsabers. However, Choi was able to cut off Vader's cybernetic sword arm. The Dark Lord pretended to surrender, and Arana begged the Masters to kill him. Swan stopped Arana, reminding him that Jedi don't kill unarmed enemies who have surrendered. Arana said that Vader had to die and told Swan to give him her lightsaber. Swan asked him not to give in to his anger, but Arana took Swan's weapon, stabbing and killing her to take the lightsaber. Choi was shocked that Arana had killed Swan, and Arana said he would avenge Swan and the other Jedi. Arana then jumped at Vader with the lightsaber on, but the Dark Lord used the Force to throw his severed arm, still holding the cortosis blade, at the Jedi's chest, killing him. After Arana's death, Vader defeated Choi, Farr, and Darté with help from the 501st Legion of stormtroopers.

The details of Arana's death were written in a report by Clone Commander Bow, a stormtrooper of the 501st Legion. The official records—which were changed by Imperial Advisor Sate Pestage from a collection of reports made by Moff Marcellin Wessel—said that Arana was killed by his fellow Jedi in a fight for power.

Personality and traits

Koffi Arana is slain by Darth Vader.

During the Clone Wars, Koffi Arana was a Jedi General who defended the Republic. After Palpatine turned the clones against the Jedi and became Emperor of the Galactic Empire, Arana thought that the Jedi teachings were weak because only two Sith could destroy the Jedi Order. He wanted to kill the Sith Lords, believing that any weapon should be used—even the dark side of the Force—to save the galaxy from the Sith. During the Jedi's attack on Darth Vader on Kessel, the Sith Lord seemed to try to surrender to the Jedi, but Arana immediately demanded that the Jedi kill Vader, knowing it was a trick. When Bultar Swan disagreed and wouldn't give him her lightsaber so he could kill Vader, Arana killed Swan with her own lightsaber, saying he would take any weapon he needed to kill Vader. He wanted to avenge Swan and the other dead Jedi but was killed by the Dark Lord.

Arana was a dark-skinned Human male with brown eyes and long black hair who had a moustache and beard.


During the last year of the Clone Wars, Arana wore brown Jedi robes. After surviving Order 66, he wore black armor. When Arana and the seven other Jedi faced Vader on Kessel, he wore red armor. He also had a lightsaber with a blue crystal.

Powers and abilities

Arana escaped the Great Jedi Purge and lived in hiding for a month before meeting with the other Jedi on Kessel. As a Jedi Master, Arana used a lightsaber in combat. However, he couldn't defeat Darth Vader when he and the other Jedi fought the Dark Lord on Kessel. Arana could also use the Force to jump long distances; he did this when he tried to kill Vader.

Behind the scenes

Joe Corroney's depiction of Koffi Arana on Tatooine, which was originally intended to be a young Qu Rahn

Koffi Arana was first shown, without a name, as an illustration by Joe Corroney in the September 2005 Star Wars Insider 84 article Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241. Corroney wanted the illustration to be a younger version of the Jedi Master Qu Rahn, another survivor of Order 66, but Leland Chee said the character was Koffi Arana and changed the story to say he was a character played by Gervais Koffi in the May 2005 movie Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.

In 2007, Hasbro released a comic pack with an action figure of Arana and a reprint of Star Wars: Purge, where Arana dies. Star Wars: Purge says its events happen one month after Revenge of the Sith, which was said to take place in the middle of 19 BBY in the October 2005 book The New Essential Chronology. However, in 2006, Leland Chee said that Arana was killed in 18 BBY. Several other character death dates given in the blog entry are incorrect, and as such, this article treats the 19 BBY date as canonical.

