Kai Hudorra, a Bothan from the male gender, achieved the rank of Jedi Master. He dedicated his service to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic, holding the position of General within the Grand Army of the Republic during the tumultuous era of the Clone Wars. He managed to survive the infamous Order 66, a treacherous Contingency that led to the Jedi Order's downfall. Master Hudorra, in response, relinquished his lightsaber and sought refuge. On Kestavel, he acquired ownership of a casino known as The Lucky Twi'lek, successfully evading detection by the Empire for a number of months, until betrayed by the fallen Jedi, Beyghor Sahdett. Together with his staff, fellow Jedi Dass Jennir, and the crew of the Uhumele, he made an attempt to assassinate Darth Vader. However, Vader prevailed, resulting in the death of the Bothan Jedi Master.
Kai Hudorra, a Bothan who was Force-sensitive, underwent training in the ways of the Force under the guidance of the Jedi Order. He was familiar with the teachings of Master Micah Giiett, a member of the Jedi High Council during his early years.
After constructing a green-bladed lightsaber, Hudorra eventually achieved the rank of Jedi Master. At the time the Republic became embroiled in war against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Hudorra was serving the Order. Following the directives of the High Council, Hudorra assumed the rank of General within the Grand Army of the Republic and commanded clone troopers throughout the Clone Wars.

Master Hudorra remained among the living until the war's conclusion, finding himself stationed on the icy planet of Toola under the command of Master Simms. Together with Simms' Padawan, Noirah Na, the trio rode motmots as they spearheaded the assault against the Separatist Droid Army. During the fighting, the Republic's Supreme Chancellor, Palpatine, betrayed the Jedi Order and issued Order 66, a Contingency that targeted loyal clone commanders. In the aftermath of the battle, the clone troopers turned against their generals and attacked the Jedi. Master Simms gave her life so that Hudorra and Padawan Na could escape. Riding stolen STAPs, the two Jedi fled until their fuel ran out, then traveled on foot to Ithaqua Station. Hudorra left Na in a little-used harborside warehouse and went to the central market to find out why the clone forces had turned on them so suddenly. Before he could learn more than that the war was over, Clone Commander Keller showed up looking for Hudorra, forcing the Bothan to run away again.
Hudorra and Na managed to get away from the clones and get to Coruscant. Once on the capital world, they made their way to the Jedi Temple, where a lone Jedi tried to take on a whole clone squad by himself on the steps of the public entrance. Hudorra realized that the Jedi's time was over and watched as the man was killed. Right after that, he threw away his and Na's lightsabers. At that moment, Hudorra coldly abandoned Na, telling her to start a new life away from the Jedi, urging her to find a life of value and maybe even a family.
Dass Jennir, another Jedi Master who had also gone to Coruscant, saw what happened. Unlike Hudorra, he thought the Jedi way could still stand up to the Galactic Empire and went back to New Plympto to fight the Imperial occupiers there. When asked what he was going to do with his life, Hudorra said he planned to follow Master Giiett's advice, saying that someone who used the Force could make a good living as a gambler.
Hudorra's hopes came true, and he eventually became the owner of The Lucky Twi'lek casino on Kestavel. He had many employees, including Kal, Urtsk, Makall, Shaylai Veila, Dayn, Nira, and a butler, Bryti, and most, if not all, of them thought very highly of him. He lived in luxury because of the money from his casino, and he had a big wine collection and a suit of golden battle armor that looked like the ones worn during the New Sith Wars.
A few months after they last met, Jennir came to Kestavel with Beyghor Sahdett and the crew of the Uhumele, wanting to talk to Hudorra about their plan to kill Darth Vader. The big Bothan, with his bodyguards Kal and Urtsk, was not happy to see them, but he still let them into his casino and told them they could use its services for free. He, Jennir, Sahdett, Bomo Greenbark, and H2 met in his office to talk about their plan in private. But, like Jennir, the Bothan Jedi Master knew what Sahdett was really up to. He pulled a new lightsaber from H2 that Jennir had made for him, and the two of them attacked the Verpine Jedi.
Sahdett jumped out of the office windows, pushing Hudorra into some gaming consoles, which stunned him for a moment. Sahdett killed Urtsk, Makall, and Jennir's friend Ko Vakier and almost killed Jennir himself. But before he could land the final blow, Hudorra managed to slice Sahdett's lightsaber in half and then slammed him into the wall with the Force, tearing off his last wings and knocking him out.
Hudorra said he was sad that his good fortune had ended, but he still focused on what he had to do. After Bryti told him about the casualties, he and Jennir questioned a tied-up Sahdett, who told them that Palpatine's power had tempted him and that he had betrayed a fellow Jedi to serve him. Sahdett kept making fun of them as Hudorra turned on his lightsaber, telling them that the Empire had been told they were there. But instead of killing the fallen Jedi, the Bothan just cut off his antennae before gagging him.

Hudorra knew that Darth Vader was coming for them and tried to get his staff and the crew of the Uhumele to run away to safety. But Hudorra's employees thought it was an honor to serve him and were too loyal to leave him. Also, the crew of the Uhumele had come to Kestavel to face Vader, and Vakier's death meant they could not turn back now.
The group made a plan to blow up the bridges to the casino with fuel from the Uhumele and trap Vader in the casino alone, where the two Jedi would take care of him. Hudorra was more worried that the ship would not have enough fuel to escape, and both Jedi agreed that their people would not be involved in the fight, whether they were under the influence of a mind trick or not. Jennir apologized to Hudorra for bringing this problem to him, especially since he had done so well for himself, but Hudorra had talked to Ember Chankeli before, who had told him about all of Jennir's selfless actions and sacrifices for his friends. The old Bothan praised him for continuing to honor the Jedi Way.
After finalizing reinforcements, the two went upstairs, where a big feast had been prepared, since the food would probably not be used the next day anyway. After everyone had gathered, Hudorra made an inspiring toast to the coming attack, their fallen friends, and Jennir, for never giving up his Jedi past and continuing to live it during the dark times. Hudorra then revealed that only he and Jennir would face Vader, and the rest would escape on the Uhumele and live. Greenbark tried to protest, but was mind tricked into obedience again. However, Jennir did not know that Hudorra did not want him to participate either and had Bryti drug his wine. After the feast, Hudorra put on his battle armor and waited for the Imperial attack.

Hudorra started the ambush as the Imperials crossed the bridge. The former Anakin Skywalker, who had survived the explosion that killed his platoon, entered the Lucky Twi'lek. Hudorra came out of the shadows to meet him. They clashed blades, and Hudorra led him further into the casino, throwing game machines at him and taunting him about the injuries he had received on Mustafar, having sensed them. Hudorra tried to press a thermal detonator that would trap them both under the rubble, if not kill them outright. But Vader used the Force to stop the button from being pressed, catching the Jedi Master off guard. Vader used this chance to throw his lightsaber at Hudorra, severing his weapon hand. Vader asked him about Dass Jennir, but Hudorra refused to say where Jennir was. Vader then killed him by stabbing him through the chest.
Before he died, Hudorra gave Bryti a holodisc with his last words. Jennir, who was drugged, woke up on the Uhumele, which had already left the battle, and the butler gave it to him. Jennir played the message in front of the whole crew. In it, Hudorra told them that he was dead, but had died hoping that the Jedi Order would survive because of small sparks like Jennir, which had to be protected. He ended by wishing that the Force be with them all.