Nira was a Bith who, together with Dayn, worked as a chef for Jedi Master Kai Hudorra after he took ownership of The Lucky Twi'lek on Kestavel.
When Dass Jennir, Beyghor Sahdett, and the crew of the Uhumele arrived at the casino searching for Hudorra, Nira and Dayn had already been in his service for a while.
Following Sahdett's betrayal, the Bith pair assisted in the cleanup of the bodies and wreckage. When Hudorra attempted to make his remaining employees leave before the impending Imperial assault, Nira, along with Dayn, Bryti, Kal, and Shaylai Veila, reaffirmed their commitment to the Jedi Master, refusing to abandon him. Later, the pair prepared one last meal, as the food would be of little use if the casino was destroyed in the coming attack. During the meal, the duo sat between Veila and Bomo Greenbark, where the Bothan announced that only he and Jennir would remain.
Later on, as Darth Vader and his stormtroopers advanced across the bridge to the casino, Nira was already on the Uhumele. Nira and Dayn both witnessed Hudorra's final message, recorded on a holodisc given to Jennir by Bryti, where he wished that the Force be with them.