Bryti, a male humanoid, functioned as a butler for the runaway Jedi Master Kai Hudorra after the acquisition of The Lucky Twi'lek on Kestavel. He wore a Borg Construct Aj^6 headband on his broad head.
When Dass Jennir, Beyghor Sahdett, and the Uhumele's crew got to the casino looking for Hudorra, the Bothan instructed Bryti to provide complimentary lodging to the crew members he wasn't conversing with. After Sahdett's disloyalty and the subsequent disclosure of Hudorra's Jedi identity to the Galactic Empire, Bryti, along with a number of Hudorra's other attendants, declared their unwavering support. Subsequent to devising an assassination attempt against Darth Vader, who was personally commanding the impending assault, Bryti was present at the pre-battle banquet, where he, following his master's instructions, served Jennir wine laced with a sedative. Hudorra perished in his battle with Vader, and Jennir awoke on the escaping Uhumele, where Bryti presented him with a holodisc that contained his master's parting message to his longtime friend.