Kal was a powerfully built Human male who worked as a protector for Jedi Master Kai Hudorra after Hudorra took ownership of The Lucky Twi'lek located on Kestavel.
When Dass Jennir, Beyghor Sahdett, together with the crew of the Uhumele, made their way to the casino to find Hudorra, Kal and his compatriot, Urtsk, reinforced the already intimidating Bothan, which served to greatly frighten Meekerdin-maa. When Sahdett betrayed both Hudorra and Jennir, Kal was among the group of guards that surrounded the Dark Jedi. After Urtsk and Makall, a guardswoman, were bisected, Bomo Greenbark used his special Nosaurian flash ability to blind the Verpine. Kal made a lunge toward the former Jedi Master, but his attack failed, and he lost his vibro-ax to Sahdett's lightsaber. However, before he could be killed, the Nosaurian seized Kal's hip-holstered blaster, which distracted him just long enough for the Jedi to defeat him.
Afterward, he and Greenbark made an attempt to get information from a restrained Sahdett, but the Verpine wouldn't speak to them because they lacked Force-sensitivity. It wasn't until Hudorra and Jennir showed up that Sahdett gave an explanation as to how he fell to the dark side after being seduced by Emperor Palpatine.
At a later time, when Hudorra attempted to compel the remaining members of his staff to escape before the impending Imperial assault, Kal, along with Bryti, Shaylai Veila, Dayn, and Nira, reaffirmed their dedication to the Jedi Master, making it clear that they would not abandon him. As a result, Kal was involved in the planning of the ambush that was to be sprung on Darth Vader, whom they believed was coming to personally deal with the Jedi. Later, Kal and Veila assisted in sealing off the casino's entryway using concrete. During a final meal, Kal was seated on Hudorra's left side, where the Bothan told everyone that only he and Jennir would remain behind.
Later on, as Vader and his stormtroopers advanced across the bridge leading to the casino, Kal was already on board the Uhumele and managed to catch Greenbark, who was ziplining, as he was the last crewmember to evacuate. Kal later witnessed Hudorra's parting message, which was recorded on a holodisc that Bryti had given to Jennir, in which he expressed his hope that the Force be with him.