Meekerdin-maa, also known as Ratty, was a Tintinna of the male gender. He served as the engineer aboard the smuggler vessel known as the Uhumele. Janks was his assigned assistant.
When Dass Jennir and Bomo Greenbark secretly boarded the Uhumele, Meekerdin-maa was present with the other crew members. He was the one who informed them that they were the only survivors left from the Battle of Half-Axe Pass. Bomo demanded that they be transported to Sullust so he could reunite with his family, but Meekerdin-maa delivered the unfortunate news that all the refugees had been loaded onto a ship with the intention of being sold to slavers. During the chaotic escape from New Plympto, he was occupied in the engine room of the Uhumele.
While en route to Orvax IV, Meekerdin-maa offered comfort to Bomo after Mezgraf told him that it was a terrible place in the Galaxy. When the crew convened to decide their course of action upon arriving at Orvax IV, he pledged to do everything within his capabilities to assist Bomo in locating his family.
After landing on Orvax IV, Meekerdin-maa and Bomo disguised themselves as Jawas, utilizing lights beneath their hoods to simulate the characteristic glowing yellow eyes. Following Mezgraf's capture of an escaped pack animal and Dass Jennir's use of a Jedi Mind trick to deceive a pair of T'surr guards, Meekerdin-maa discovered a sizable group of Nosaurians being held in a pit on a lower level. As the crew of the Uhumele hurried towards the pit, they were spotted by several T'surr guards. After Mezgraf, Jennir, Ko Vakier, and Bomo dealt with them, the majority of the crew opted to return to the Uhumele. Before departing, Meekerdin-maa quietly said to Jennir, "May the Force be with you.."
Upon their return to the Uhumele, Bomo tried to leave the ship to continue his search for his family, despite Meekerdin-maa's attempts to restrain him. He was with Bomo when Jennir came back with the coordinates for the buyer of Bomo's daughter.
Following their arrival at Calamar, Meekerdin-maa joined the other crew members for a meal while Jennir continued his investigation into the location of the owner of Bomo's daughter. After Jennir's return, they piloted the Uhumele to Dezono Qua's villa to confront him. Meekerdin-maa, Bomo, and Janks went to disable the droid control center. They were successful in deactivating all the droids that were protecting Dezono. After Jennir killed Dezono upon learning that Dezono had killed and eaten Bomo's daughter, Meekerdin-maa went back to the Uhumele and tried to comfort Bomo.
While they were on Pizkoss, Meekerdin-maa and Bomo found themselves being pursued by stormtroopers. After taking cover beneath a market table, they encountered Janks, causing him to spill all of the food that he had just bought. Before they could gather the food and get away, they were discovered by even more stormtroopers. Bomo began shooting at them, but Meekerdin-maa grabbed his arm and urged him to run. They escaped, leaving Janks behind to be captured.
Before they reached the docking bay where the Uhumele was located, Meekerdin-maa used his comlink to call Crys Taanzer and warn her about the Imperial presence. Upon entering the docking bay, Meekerdin-maa and Bomo discovered three stormtroopers setting up an E-Web heavy repeating blaster. Crys took off, scattering the stormtroopers while lowering a rope ladder for her crewmembers. Schurk-Heren and Mezgraf hauled Meekerdin-maa and Bomo aboard. Once they were safely on board, Meekerdin-maa informed his captain that Janks had been captured.
The crew of the Uhumele made their way to Mimban to meet with a buyer for the mysterious artifact that they had in their possession. Before they landed, the crew paused in an asteroid field to conceal the artifact. Bomo volunteered to wear Meekerdin-maa's spacesuit and assist, and Meekerdin-maa quickly went off to replace the ship's transponder.
Once they were on Mimban, Meekerdin-maa and the rest of the crew had a meeting with Haka Hai at his base. When a firefight erupted after Lumbra betrayed Hara right after he attempted to steal the artifact from Schurk-Heren, Meekerdin-maa took cover with the rest of the Uhumele's crew. He was captured along with everyone else by Haka's gang after Lumbra fled with the artifact.
Meekerdin-maa was chained to a large ball and forced to work on Haka's equipment. After Bomo escaped, Meekerdin-maa saw Haka and his men heading into the swamp and assumed they were after Ko Vakier. He was freed by Bomo and Crys after they raided the armory. The engineer used his skills to rig up some grenades to explode remotely so Bomo could use them in an ambush. He then went to free Schurk-Heren, Ko Vakier and Mezgraf from their cell.
After Haka's gang was wiped out, Meekerdin-maa returned to the Uhumele with the rest of the surviving crew.
Eventually, the crew of the Uhumele decided to assassinate Darth Vader, the second in command of Emperor Palpatine. Dass Jennir also secretly tasked Meekerdin-maa with a project. When Bomo Greenbark inquired about the purchases, Meekerdin-maa dismissed them as merely things the Uhumele needed, although the subsequent discreet interactions with Jennir prompted suspicions.
As is typical of any excellent engineer, Meekerdin-Maa possessed exceptional observational skills and sensitivity, not only towards the machinery he maintained but also towards his companions. Despite being fifty-three standard years old, his personality and stature often gave others the impression that he was a youngling. Although the conclusion of the Clone Wars caused many individuals throughout the galaxy to look down on the Jedi and doubt the Force, Meekerdin-Maa remained true to his beliefs and maintained his faith in the Force, generally holding a positive view of its now-"extinct" followers.
He also possessed great compassion and cared deeply for his crewmates and passengers. It was this caring nature that fostered his close friendship with Bomo.