The Cleansing of New Plympto commenced directly following the conclusion of the Clone Wars.

The seeds of conflict on New Plympto were sown when Nosaurians allied themselves with the Separatists during the Clone Wars. Consequently, the Galactic Republic launched an invasion of the planet, clashing with both Nosaurians and battle droids. Despite the deactivation of the Separatist droid armies at the war's end, the Nosaurian Separatists successfully evaded capture and regrouped their forces.
With the implementation of Order 66, Dass Jennir, the Jedi General commanding the clone forces, suffered betrayal at the hands of his own troops and narrowly escaped death. Upon discovering the destruction of the Jedi Order by the newly formed Galactic Empire during a quick visit to Coruscant, Dass Jennir journeyed back to New Plympto. His mission: to spearhead the Nosaurian Separatists against the Imperial forces that threatened them with punitive action.
The fighting stretched for a month, marked by ambushes against Imperial armored vehicles and intense guerrilla tactics. Ultimately, Palpatine dispatched the 501st Legion to bolster the existing forces on New Plympto. Collaborating closely with light tank units, they aimed to suppress the uprising.

The final stand of the Nosaurians occurred at the Battle of Half-Axe Pass. The remaining Nosaurian soldiers attempted to provide cover for their families, who were in the process of being evacuated from the planet. They aimed to delay the advancing stormtroopers at Half-Axe Pass. Having fortified the hillside, the Nosaurians resisted the troops, employing frequent hit-and-run tactics, until the arrival of TX-130T fighter tanks.
As the tanks unleashed fire on the defenders and advanced toward the fortifications, Dass Jennir and Bomo Greenbark approached a tree situated near the lead tank. Jennir, utilizing his lightsaber, felled the tree, successfully destroying the foremost tank and subsequently instructing his troops to retreat to the hill's crest.
Clone Commander Vill, the commanding officer of the 501st on the planet, did not repeat the same mistake. He directed fire toward Jennir's location. Both Jennir and Greenbark plummeted into a hole created by the blast, losing consciousness for several hours following the battle's conclusion.

Above ground, the remaining Nosaurian combatants attempted to surrender to the Imperial forces. However, the stormtroopers of the 501st summarily executed them. Their families were captured before they could reach the primary spaceport and were scheduled for transportation to Orvax IV to be enslaved. This decision caused Darth Vader discomfort; after all, Anakin Skywalker had once been a slave himself.