Micah Giiett

Micah Giiett was a male Human who dedicated himself to the Jedi Order during the Galactic Republic's closing years, prior to the resurgence of the Sith Lords. Giiett, a highly esteemed member of the Jedi High Council, served in that role for a substantial period leading up to the Yinchorri Uprising in 33 BBY.

A skilled master of lightsaber combat, Master Giiett trained in the disciplines of the Jedi Sentinel, holding the conviction that Jedi should not depend exclusively on the Force for success. Giiett, a contemporary of Master of the Order Mace Windu and fellow Councilor Plo Koon, embarked on his final mission to the planet of Yinchorr. There, he fought with great courage, ultimately giving his life so his companions could escape.


Giiett educates K'Kruhk about cortosis with a lightsaber-resistant vambrace.

Assuming Micah Giiett followed the typical Jedi path, it's likely that medical professionals on his home planet identified him as Force-sensitive. These doctors would have then informed the Jedi Temple of their finding. After being recruited by a member of the Acquisition Division, Giiett would have been welcomed into the Temple's academy on Coruscant and commenced training within a clan of younglings. Upon graduating from the academy, Giiett was selected by a Jedi Master to continue his education in practical settings. Following years of dedicated study, Giiett successfully completed the Trials of Knighthood and achieved the rank of a full Knight within the Order.

Choosing the way of the Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Giiett eventually attained the rank of Master. Highly regarded within the Order and wielding dual lightsabers with yellow blades, Giiett's distinctive teaching style marked him as a Sentinel. He frequently emphasized to his students that they should not solely depend on the Force to resolve challenges. One of his more memorable teaching methods involved four cups and four stones. He would explain to his students that three of the stones were white, and one was black. After concealing each stone under a cup, he would shuffle them and ask where the black stone was. By using the Force to track the cup they believed to contain the black stone, most students would accurately point to the cup where Master Giiett claimed to have placed it. However, through a sleight of hand, there was no black stone involved; all cups contained a white stone. The lesson conveyed was that while the Force could simplify matters, a Jedi should not become so overconfident as to disregard the unexpected or blindly trust everything they perceived. This trick originated from the Master's belief that any trained Force-user could become a skilled gambler, but the Force does not surpass the capabilities of a logical and attentive mind.

Giiett being reported about the mission to Telos by Qui-Gon Jinn.

In 53 BBY, Giiett and Yoda summoned Jedi Masters Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl, along with Jinn's Padawan Xanatos and masterless Orykan Tamarik. The two Jedi sent the team to Telos to resolve a civil conflict on the planet. Following Xanatos' challenge to Yoda and the conclusion of the briefing, Giiett thoughtfully inquired whether Xanatos was prepared to become a Jedi Knight. Yoda responded that if he was not ready, he would never become a Jedi. This mission led to Xanatos embracing the dark side and abandoning the Jedi Order.

During his time on the Jedi High Council, Giiett undertook various missions in service to the Order. During his extended absences, the Jedi Knight Ki-Adi-Mundi would fill in for Giiett. At one point, Qui-Gon Jinn's Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi briefly left the Jedi to assist The Young on Melida/Daan in 44 BBY. Upon his return and appeal to rejoin the Order, Mundi filled in for Giiett at this time. A few years later, Jinn was abducted by the scientist Jenna Zan Arbor. Giiett had returned from a mission and resumed his duties on the council. Jinn was eventually rescued on Simpla-12.

At some point, Masters Giiett and Koon were assigned a mission to Ord Mantell. The renowned chef, Slabba Drewl, had been captured by the notorious Corpo the Hutt, and the Jedi were requested to send a rescue team. Negotiating with the Hutt, Master Giiett entered a cooking competition against the Hutt's personal kitchen droid, MREM-02. If Giiett won, Drewl would be released from captivity. As Giiett prepared two small servings of Squirmer Stew, the portly Jedi instructed Master Koon to sabotage the droid's ingredients. The Kel Dor covertly replaced the droid's seebo sauce with droid oil and added gundark droppings, Rakririan Burnout Sauce, and Bothan foot powder to the competition's pot. While Master Giiett's dishes did not overwhelm the judges, the droid's ruined meals were no match, and the Jedi was declared the victor. Honoring his word, Corpo released the imprisoned chef, and the Jedi returned him to Coruscant.

Master Giiett was at the Temple when he chose a young woman to train as a Padawan; this Kuati native would become his final apprentice, named Bultar Swan.

In 33 BBY, the Council assigned Master Giiett to a mission that would mark the end of the Yinchorri Uprising. As one of several Masters assigned to the mission, Master Giiett left young Swan at the Temple and boarded one of three Consular-class cruisers along with Master Koon, Jedi Lilit Twoseas, and her Padawan K'Kruhk. Heading for Yibikkoror, Giiett demonstrated the lightsaber-resistant properties of cortosis vambraces to Twoseas' Padawan. Upon their ships arrival in orbit over Yibikkoror Giiett's cruiser was attacked by Yinchorri attack ships and they were forced to take extreme measures. Baiting their attackers with the launch of an empty escape pod, the Jedi managed to crash land their damaged ship on a floating residence platform, the Jedi fought their way through swarms of flutter-pack equipped Yinchorri. While Master Koon used the planet's gases to blind their assailants, Master Giiett contacted Master Adi Gallia's cruiser for immediate rescue.

Giiett's sacrifice.

After escaping the planet with Masters Gallia, Eeth Koth, and Tsui Choi, the Yibikkoror group traveled to Yinchorr to assist Master Mace Windu's team on the ground. Under Master Koth's leadership, Masters Giiett, Koon, and Twoseas joined Windu after battling through the Yinchorri warriors. Covering their comrades' retreat, Masters Giiett and Koon teamed up with Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi to fend off the savage warriors. As the fighting briefly subsided, the Jedi gathered to strategize when a lone warrior ambushed the group, mortally wounding Giiett. Bleeding heavily, Giiett instructed his comrades to drag him near a downed tank and leave him there. Warning Jinn against seeking revenge, Giiett gave his life-long friend Plo Koon one of his lightsabers to be memorialized in the Temple. Holding onto the other, he sent his friends away and awaited the approach of the Yinchorri. As the brutal species surrounded the tank, Giiett lured them closer with promises of revealing the secrets of his Order. As they approached, Giiett told them that Jedi knew the meaning of sacrifice and activated his lightsaber against the tank's fuel cells, destroying the tank, the Yinchorri, and himself.


Upon Giiett's death, the remaining members of the High Council sensed his death and quietly mourned him. On Coruscant, the enigmatic Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, also felt his passing, informing his apprentice, Darth Maul, of his plan's success.

When the surviving Jedi teams returned to Coruscant, Master Koon placed Giiett's remaining lightsaber on the Master's former seat in honor of his fallen friend. Master of the Order Mace Windu led the vote to determine Giiett's replacement on the Council. While many Masters suggested Master Jinn, Windu believed Jedi Ki-Adi-Mundi would be a more suitable candidate. Having previously served as a substitute Councilor for Giiett, the Council agreed to promote Mundi to the rank of Master and appoint him to the Council. Additionally, the process of reassigning Padawan Swan to a new master began, leading to Giiett's friend, Master Koon, taking on the Kuati woman's training to Knighthood.

Many years later, following the Republic's downfall and the near-extermination of the Jedi Order, numerous surviving Jedi went into hiding. When Master Dass Jennir encountered Master Kai Hudorra in front of the burning Jedi Temple, he inquired about Hudorra's plans if he wasn't going to fight. Hudorra replied that Giiett had once said that a person skilled with the Force could make a successful living as a gambler.

Personality and traits

Giiett was proficient in wielding dual lightsabers

Master Giiett was a stout man, distinguished by three thick rows of hair on his otherwise clean-shaven head. As a wise Jedi Master with a unique teaching approach, Master Giiett's methods were unconventional yet aligned with the Jedi teachings. While he adhered to the will of the Force, Giiett did not dismiss other paths to success, believing that many solutions could be found through common sense or skill, rather than solely relying on the Force's power.

Sharing a close friendship with fellow Councilor Master Plo Koon, Giiett and the Kel Dor had a bond that puzzled many of their colleagues. Often engaging in peculiar banter, they would exchange insults or appear to one-up each other. However, the Masters explained that this communication style lightened the mood during their numerous dangerous missions and helped them overcome the terrors they faced.

Powers and abilities

A master of lightsaber combat, Master Giiett was an expert in the art of Jar'Kai, an accelerated form of the traditional Form VI of lightsaber combat that involved the use of two sabers. Wielding dual blades with yellow lightsaber crystals at their core, Master Giiett had chosen the path of the Sentinel, which aligned with his belief that Jedi should not exclusively depend on their Force abilities.

Behind the scenes

Throughout several of Giiett's appearances, his name is frequently misspelled, with the errors including both "Giett" and "Giiet."

In the 44 BBY novel Jedi Apprentice: The Captive Temple, Ki-Adi-Mundi is depicted as a member of the Jedi High Council. This contradicts Jedi Council: Acts of War in 33 BBY, where Mundi is not a member of the Council and succeeds Giiett. This was later corrected in Jedi Apprentice: The Evil Experiment, which confirmed that Mundi was filling in for Giiett when he was on missions.

