A clone stormtrooper functioned as a clone trooper commander within the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, serving under the Aleena Jedi General Tsui Choi. Following the implementation of Order 66—a directive commanding clone troopers to eliminate their Jedi superiors—this [clone](/article/cloning/legends], now a clone stormtrooper of the Galactic Empire, pursued Choi to the Outer Rim planet Eriadu, aided by three other stormtroopers. On Eriadu, Choi laid in wait for the soldiers, swiftly ending the lives of the stormtrooper's comrades before decapitating him.

Similar to all clone troopers, the clone commander was a clone derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett. During the period of the Clone Wars, he fought for the Grand Army of the Republic under the leadership of the Aleena Jedi General Tsui Choi. In the year 19 BBY, Order 66—a directive that ordered clone soldiers to assassinate their Jedi commanding officers—was put into effect, the Galactic Empire was established, and the clone soldier personnel who previously belonged to the Grand Army of the Republic were rebranded as Imperial clone stormtroopers.
Approximately a month after Order 66 was enacted, the clone stormtrooper located Choi, a survivor of the purge, on the Outer Rim Territories planet Eriadu. Spotting tracks on the ground in the lower regions of the planet, the stormtrooper, along with three other clones, pursued the Jedi until they reached a dead-end alley, finding no trace of their target. When one of his subordinates questioned the purpose of their mission, the stormtrooper asserted that Order 66 was still active. However, Choi suddenly attacked the clones from behind, swiftly killing the stormtrooper's three companions before decapitating the commander himself, resulting in his death.
As a stormtrooper, the clone demonstrated his loyalty to the Empire through his obedience, diligently pursuing Choi on Eriadu. The commander was outfitted with clone trooper armor, a kama pauldron, polarized macrobinoculars, a DC-15S, and a thermal detonator. Like all clones of Jango Fett, the stormtrooper's height was 1.83 meters.
This clone stormtrooper made an appearance in the one-shot comic Purge, penned by John Ostrander and colored by Ronda Pattison. Purge was released on December 28, 2005.