The Ambush on Yitheeth represents a conflict that occurred on the oceanic moon of Yitheeth, pitting the forces of the Jedi against the Yinchorri.
After successfully avoiding Yinchorri fighter pursuit, the Jedi's Consular-class cruiser touched down on the watery moon. While there, Tsui Choi, an Aleena, and Theen Fida, an Anx, took the opportunity to bathe in the surrounding ocean. Once finished, the four Jedi utilized a speeder provided by the cruiser to travel to a nearby settlement, continuing their mission to locate a clandestine Yinchorri command center.

Upon their arrival, the Jedi devised a plan to present themselves as merchants peddling components for the new T-21 hyper particle exchange chamber, a fabrication entirely conceived by Adi Gallia. Before long, they found themselves facing an assault from a group of Yinchorri led by the Devaronian Olmar Grahrk. The Jedi, however, mounted a strong defense and triumphed over their Yinchorri adversaries. Subsequently, they captured Grahrk, who revealed that the Yinchorri high command was not present on Yitheeth. Following this revelation, Gallia made the decision to depart for nearby Yibikkoror in order to assist fellow Masters Plo Koon and Micah Giiett, who were also under siege.