A male Anx Jedi Padawan named Theen Fida served the Jedi Order during the concluding years of the Galactic Republic. This apprentice, who was under the tutelage of Jedi Master Tsui Choi, met his end during the Yinchorri Uprising in 33 BBY.
Being a Force-sensitive Anx, Theen Fida joined the ranks of the Jedi Order and underwent training in the ways of the Force at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. Chosen by the small-statured Jedi Master Tsui Choi to be his Padawan, Theen Fida, guided by his master, constructed a lightsaber with an orange blade and gained profound understanding of the Force. When unusual events unfolded in the Yinchorri system, the Master-Padawan pair volunteered to journey to the planet Yitheeth with the intention of locating the rumored Yinchorri command center.

Fida, together with his master and Jedi High Council members Adi Gallia and Eeth Koth, survived the crash of their diplomatic cruiser after it was shot down above the aquatic world of Yitheeth. After swimming ashore, the Jedi seized a wavespeeder to enter the capital city in pursuit of the command center. Upon determining that it was not located on the world, the group met with Master of the Order Mace Windu on the planet Yinchorr and spearheaded an extraction mission to save the other Jedi who were trapped there. While defending their transport, Padawan Fida, in conjunction with Jedi Knight Lilit Twoseas, was struck down by the Yinchorri and succumbed to an injury to his abdomen. After the surviving Jedi reached the cruiser, Fida's master carried his body aboard, and it was transported back to the Coruscant Temple where it was cremated in accordance with Jedi tradition.