
Wooly was a domesticated animal used for pulling heavy loads. Master K'Kruhk discovered him on Arkinnea during an escape from the Arkinnea Militia. K'Kruhk, along with Master Zao, Padawan Chase Piru, and a group of younglings from the Soaring Hawkbat Clan, were fleeing. They had left a refugee camp due to a danger sensed by Master Zao, and the Jedi were heading towards uninhabited areas. Since escaping on foot would have been too slow, K'Kruhk acquired a draught animal and wagon from a local farm. The younglings immediately took a liking to the animal and gave him the name Wooly.

Wooly2 K'Kruhk riding on Wooly's back escaping from the Arkinnea Militia The group traveled into the mountains using the wagon, with Piru acting as the driver, disguised as a local farmer, while the others remained hidden inside. They successfully navigated past a militia patrol. However, in the mountains, pilots of an ore carrier belonging to the Arkinnea Militia spotted them. K'Kruhk used his lightsaber to sever the yoke. He then rode Wooly to distract the pursuers and draw them away from the rest of the group. The ore carrier gave chase, with militia members firing at him from the hatch. K'Kruhk rode through the forest, dodging the shots by taking cover among the trees. He then stopped and used the Force to divert the carrier's trajectory, causing it to crash and explode. Noticing another militia ship approaching, K'Kruhk sent Wooly in one direction and proceeded on foot in another, in an attempt to mislead their trackers. Meanwhile, Zao, Piru, and the younglings encountered a group of Arkinnea natives known as the Yunu. The Yunu recognized them as Jedi and guided them to the ruins of an abandoned Jedi outpost.

After wandering through the forest for a time, Wooly eventually found his way back to his new companions, much to the delight of the younglings. A few days later, K'Kruhk rejoined them. They then established a concealed settlement within the old temple, with Wooly staying with them.

