Battle of Flashpoint Station

In 3964 BBY, as an initial act in the Mandalorian Wars, the Mandalorian warrior clans launched an assault on Flashpoint Stellar Research Station. This station, a Galactic Republic scientific facility with minimal defenses, was situated in the Outer Rim. The Mandalorians easily overwhelmed Flashpoint Station, capturing it swiftly. Following the capture, the Mandalorians handed the station over to the notorious biologist Demagol, who then utilized it as his personal laboratory for researching Jedi powers.


In the decades following the conclusion of the Great Sith War, the Galactic Republic was confronted by a new adversary originating from beyond its established borders: the Mandalorian warrior clans. These clans had established their own dominion in the most remote areas of the Outer Rim. By 3964 BBY, the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader forces, commanded by chieftain Mandalore the Ultimate, had commenced a series of probing attacks along the Republic's borders. In preparation for a larger invasion targeting the ecumenopolis of Taris, the Mandalorians soon turned their attention to Flashpoint Stellar Research Station. This Republic scientific outpost was strategically located within striking distance of Taris and its associated worlds. Situated on the desolate planet of Flashpoint and in close proximity to its parent star, Flashpoint Station was protected by an artificial magnetic shield that shielded it from the extreme heat and radiation emitted by the nearby star.

The battle

Being a scientific research station, Flashpoint Station had meager defenses, making it an easy target for a Mandalorian assault. The station was quickly overrun by the attacking forces, who then hoisted their flags over the captured facility.


Due to its remote location near the front lines, Flashpoint Station was swiftly assigned to the infamous Mandalorian biologist, Demagol. He repurposed the installation as a laboratory for his research into the powers wielded by the Jedi. In the subsequent months, Flashpoint Station served as a prison for numerous captured Jedi, who were subjected to Demagol's cruel experiments, resulting in many deaths. Regarding the overall war effort, the Mandalorians paused for two and a half months before initiating their next offensive, which was an ultimately stalemated campaign aimed at seizing the planet Suurja.

Behind the scenes

The battle for Flashpoint Station was initially mentioned within The Taris Holofeed: Prime Edition, which is an in-universe news report featured at the end of the comic Knights of the Old Republic 0, written by John Jackson Miller and published in 2006. The event was further referenced in two other issues of Knights of the Old Republic, as well as in the reference books The Essential Atlas and The Essential Guide to Warfare.

