Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2 marks the eighth installment within the comic book series titled Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
The summary provided by the publisher is as follows:
A rescue mission into the heart of enemy territory becomes essential when the Mandalorians seize one of Padawan Zayne Carrick's loyal allies! In the skies above Vanquo, a mining planet, Republic and Mandalorian starfighters clash in a fierce battle. Meanwhile, on the planet's surface, the diverse members of The Last Resort find themselves as hidden passengers aboard their very own vessel, now under the control of an unidentified thief. Even if they manage to reclaim their ship and pursue their captured friend, the question remains: how can they possibly navigate through the Republic and Mandalorian fleets, both of which are determined to eliminate them? Forget the Force; what this quartet truly requires is an extraordinary stroke of misfortune!
This is a continuation of the ongoing monthly series, which is set four millennia prior to the rise of the Empire and the downfall of Anakin Skywalker – specifically, eight years before the events depicted in the Knights of the Old Republic video game.
This comic serves as an excellent entry point for anyone keen on delving into the broader Star Wars saga beyond what is shown in the movies.
Following the theft of their starship, Zayne Carrick, along with Gryph, Camper, and Elbee, successfully manage to latch on and infiltrate the vessel before it ascends from Vanquo's atmosphere. Once inside, these four individuals, now fugitives, overpower the Mandalorian aboard and evade the pursuing Republic forces in orbit by initiating a jump to hyperspace.
Subsequently, during an attempt to interrogate their Mandalorian captive, Gryph informs Zayne that Camper has steered the ship into Mandalorian-controlled space, with the intention of rescuing Jarael. Upon hearing this revelation, the Mandalorian decides to offer his assistance in ensuring their survival. Despite their initial distrust, they permit him access to the cockpit, where he deduces that Jarael has been taken to Flashpoint, a research facility where captured Jedi are held and studied by the Mandalorian biologist, Demagol.
The Mandalorian advises against launching an assault on Flashpoint, asserting that Jarael's rescue is impossible and suggesting that they instead retreat and escape the war. Identifying himself as Rohlan Dyre, the Mandalorian elucidates his reasons for deserting, stating that he struggles to comprehend the war and is on a personal quest to uncover its underlying causes.
In a parallel scene on Flashpoint, Jarael is escorted to a chamber alongside other Jedi who are awaiting experimentation by Demagol. She initiates a conversation with a Jedi known as Squint. Recognizing that Jarael is not a Jedi, Squint volunteers to be Demagol's next test subject in order to protect her. As he is being forcibly removed, he imparts a telepathic message to her, indicating that the Mandalorians have yet to fully comprehend the extent of the Jedi's capabilities.